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Disney Offers Alternative To Junk Food in Parks

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Two links for your reading pleasure. The first is quite a bit more sensational than the second


I particularly love this line from the first link...


Under the proposals, the company’s theme parks, including Disneyland Paris, Disneyland and Disneyworld in Florida, will no longer sell burgers or chips. They will instead start to serve vegetables and fruit juice or low-fat milk, rather than soft drinks.


Yeah right It seems to only really deal with giving parents an alternative to fries and soft drinks, much like McDonalds and Wendy's do.



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This is actually a serious issue to me...I'm sorry, but if a park doesn't serve burgers, fries, and pop, I'm not gonna go there. That's about all I eat at parks. There's the occasional order of onion rings, and I usually pick up a box of fudge or taffy (or whatever kind of awesome sweet stuff they have), but that's about it.


I don't care how much of an experience I'm missing by not going to Disney parks, if they don't serve any food I like, I'm not gonna pay them money for me to walk around hungry all day.

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In Paris, the burgers and fries are crap anyway.

Besides, Colonel Hati (Adventureland) has pasta, there's barbecue stuff in Frontierland and there are great restaurants in Main Street and Fantasyland as well.


Also, I don't think they'll close the McDonald's at Disney Village, so you could always go there if you really want a plastic burger.

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In Paris, the burgers and fries are crap anyway.


In my experience, most theme park food is crap, overpriced and bad. I usually eat right before we go, which minimizes the amount of theme park food that I have to buy. Dippin' Dots and funnel cake just doesn't do it for me personally.

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It's all very well giving children the option to choose a healthy menu but it doesnt really work if the parents are eating burgers and fries...Most parents will tell you that they have to set the example to the kids.... there should be a healthy option for adults and children... so the burger eaters are happy and so are those wishing to eat healthy.....


I personally enjoy a burger and fries in the parks... I generally eat healthy in a normal day so when I visit a park its a treat and want to treat myself to some bad food.... but the choise would be nice

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^ Disney has already had an official press release about it, so they are in fact doing it.


Though I think there will be alternatives for every meal. They aren't just going to dump the junk food simply because they don't want you eating hamburgers are chicken strips. But besides having just junk food, they are giving thier customers alternatives, so that way they can choose between having different things. This is good, imo. I know when I was in Florida all we ate was junk food. And to be honest, I was getting very sick of it. You don't feel as good as what you do when your eating healthier, and then thiers those other things. This a great move, and I hope other parks follow this too.

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i think its a good thing to give the choices....normally Rachel got the kids meals with the carrots and milk (she is a HS senior now, and she still packs her lunch and takes carrots every day, so hopefully that means i did a good thing!)


now when we go to the parks, we have started ordering a salad (fruit or greens) and a burger platter, and sharing both....it works out well. we get our fix of the "good" food and the Good Food..... : )


as for the fudge, that is an EVERY DAY occurrence while at Disney....cant go without it! once i bought fudge in the little tin pan on the cruise ship, and it was NASTY....not doing that again...

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thanks wes. I think it is a good idea to offer alternatives, just don't completely whipe out all the unhealthy stuff for those of us who enjoy it. Whiping it out completely is like agreeing with those poeple who "just cant control themselves and blame everyone else for their unhealthy eating but themselves", like having ANY junk food in a park is a terrible thing anymore because of those who " just can't control" their eating habbits. I have to say now that Wendy's and such offer more options, I actually find myself taking advantage of them more often then I origionally thought, which is a step in the right direction.

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