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The Official NoLimits/NL2 Help Thread

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lol, thats a whole list of questions.


1. There is currently no way to have the track intersect with the station (meaning go under it) In the simulator, it will simply just go through the station walls. Unless you create your own 3Ds station, there is no way around this.


2. To connect the track, you hit "C" and the program will automatically connect the track for you. I think the issue you may be having is putting your last vertex too close to the beginning vertex. They should be spaced apart just like the rest of the track so when they connect, the track isn't smushed.


3. The Auto Support Generator (ASG) is primarily used on wooden coasters, or hybrid coasters and creates the support structure for a wood coaster. It will not create a support structure that most steel coasters use. So, to support a steel coaster, you can use either the pre-fab supports or you can use the free nodes and create your own supports. Take a look at some coasters that came with the game, like Kumba, that coaster uses both types of supports. (Most people prefer to build their own supports cause they look better)


4. When you use the ASG a window opens up. On the left, under global settings, there are 4 options. If you want the supports to show in the simulator, you need to select "Generate Final Quality". This will add thousands of nodes to your coaster in the editor creating the supports. Now, when you go into the simulator, the supports will show.


5. To change the coaster type: In the editor, go up to the top and under "coaster", then go down to "settings". The window that opens will have the coaster list for you to choose from. This is also the place you change the train and color settings.


I hope this helps you out.


If you have any more questions, posting screen shots of problems you're having such as connecting your coaster to the station really helps. The screenshots will be saved into the folder "screenshots" inside the NoLimits installation directory.

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This has been asked but the answer didn't work for me. Okay I'm in the simulator and I press 0 to record the nolimits.com link comes up in white at the top at the end of the ride I press 0 again and the text goes. Then I go to screenshots and it isn't thhere. HELP

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lol, thats a whole list of questions.


1. There is currently no way to have the track intersect with the station (meaning go under it) In the simulator, it will simply just go through the station walls. Unless you create your own 3Ds station, there is no way around this.


2. To connect the track, you hit "C" and the program will automatically connect the track for you. I think the issue you may be having is putting your last vertex too close to the beginning vertex. They should be spaced apart just like the rest of the track so when they connect, the track isn't smushed.


3. The Auto Support Generator (ASG) is primarily used on wooden coasters, or hybrid coasters and creates the support structure for a wood coaster. It will not create a support structure that most steel coasters use. So, to support a steel coaster, you can use either the pre-fab supports or you can use the free nodes and create your own supports. Take a look at some coasters that came with the game, like Kumba, that coaster uses both types of supports. (Most people prefer to build their own supports cause they look better)


4. When you use the ASG a window opens up. On the left, under global settings, there are 4 options. If you want the supports to show in the simulator, you need to select "Generate Final Quality". This will add thousands of nodes to your coaster in the editor creating the supports. Now, when you go into the simulator, the supports will show.


5. To change the coaster type: In the editor, go up to the top and under "coaster", then go down to "settings". The window that opens will have the coaster list for you to choose from. This is also the place you change the train and color settings.


I hope this helps you out.


If you have any more questions, posting screen shots of problems you're having such as connecting your coaster to the station really helps. The screenshots will be saved into the folder "screenshots" inside the NoLimits installation directory.


1.That's exactly what happens when riding the coaster in the simulator.


2.I already tried adjusting the distance between the first & last vertex & it still gets that smooshed together connection.


3.Thanks for the info on the supports but how do you even select the type of track (steel or wood) that you want to build? I looked all over the various menus in the editor & couldn't find anything so I just started building.


One final problem I'm having....and this is more internet related:Ever since I saved my track I get a link to it on my browser's page history for some reason & I can no longer have multiple links stored in the main browser bar.Is this due to the fact that NL is an online purchase? I'm using IE:7 but also have firefox as well & every time I log off I have to login to every forum online while I didn't have to in the past unless I rebooted my system.

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2. Screen shot please.



5. To change the coaster type: In the editor, go up to the top and under "coaster", then go down to "settings". The window that opens will have the coaster list for you to choose from. This is also the place you change the train and color settings.


4. I dont know whats wrong with the browser.

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2. Screen shot please.



5. To change the coaster type: In the editor, go up to the top and under "coaster", then go down to "settings". The window that opens will have the coaster list for you to choose from. This is also the place you change the train and color settings.


4. I dont know whats wrong with the browser.


I took your advice & adjusted the track so it seems to work & changed from steel to wood but still can't get the supports to appear in the simulator,just the track.

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2. Screen shot please.



5. To change the coaster type: In the editor, go up to the top and under "coaster", then go down to "settings". The window that opens will have the coaster list for you to choose from. This is also the place you change the train and color settings.


4. I dont know whats wrong with the browser.


I took your advice & adjusted the track so it seems to work & changed from steel to wood but still can't get the supports to appear in the simulator,just the track.


I sent you a PM. Find me on AIM and I can help you out.

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No problem I figured out that my support settings were set to "preview" in the editorby default.


Any easy ways to make a smooth lift crown? I tried using one of the prefab lift elements for a new coaster I was working on & the results were far from what I was after.

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No problem I figured out that my support settings were set to "preview" in the editorby default.


Any easy ways to make a smooth lift crown? I tried using one of the prefab lift elements for a new coaster I was working on & the results were far from what I was after.


Just practice, thats all I can offer, sorry.


Can u get the models from Google sketchup to NL tracks?


...Yes. To do it however, you need the Pro version. You CAN NOT do it with the free version.

...you need the pro version to do it. You would save it as a .3ds file...
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^Only if you don't forget to credit the original creator.


But seriously. The best thing is to design your own elements. It is the only way to improve your skills in NL. The easiest is to recreate one. For example, that Raging Bull's. There a lot of pictures from that Hammerhead and once you get how it works, you can modifiy it to fit your coaster. Trust me, building elements yourself is the best way to improve your skills in NL. Using other people's elements will only improve your copy/paste skills.

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The CK has nothing to do with 3ds that make your track smooth. It does have a built in smoother. It does export your track to a 3ds file. Its doesnt make a 3ds that smooths your track.


And no, you cant get a registered copy anymore.


I have a fully registered copy if anyone needs their track exported to 3ds.

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