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Spam Threads - Respond to them and be BANNED!

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I figure this would be the best thread to ask this...is there a "Report Post" function on here? Maybe I'm blind and not seeing it, but I thought there was one...then again I frequent enough forums to get mixed up.

I have considered installing that, but I'm also worried about all us admin/mods getting like 100 emails for each spam post that might come up when I think we do a pretty good job of catching them and deleting them quickly anyway.


--Robb "I don't want the Report Spam button to create more spam for us!" Alvey

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Wow, and I thought the ad messages were low...


Now were getting desperate russian women looking for love .



Ok, dude. WTF? It's bad enough I've told people not to respond to spam, but now you've created a post LINKING TO IT!!!


Seriously....WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?!!?




Please STOP...STOP STOP STOP posting about it, linking to it, responding to it. It's F**KING PISSING ME OFF that people keep doing this.


Homer, you're getting a 24 hour ban for your amazing display of stupidity!!!


If you want to make us aware of a spam that we haven't noticed yet, please PM us about it.


--Robb "Please STOP making our jobs HARDER on the site....*PLEASE* I beg of you all!!!" Alvey

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As long as people respond to spam then it will never go away. Hence the problem.


Remdinds me of a quote:


"Life is a struggle; technology creates more idiot proof things, and the universe creates better idiots; so far the universe is winning"
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Wow, you guys do a great job dealing with all the spam.

But since you were saying about not having a "Report Post" thing, should we post links of SPAM to this thread, and then Robb, Elissa and the others can delete it. Or could you do a better job when just looking in the forum for SPAM?

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Wow, you guys do a great job dealing with all the spam.

But since you were saying about not having a "Report Post" thing, should we post links of SPAM to this thread, and then Robb, Elissa and the others can delete it. Or could you do a better job when just looking in the forum for SPAM?

NO! Please *READ* this thread!!!! That is what we have mods for, that is why Elissa and I read the forum all the time for.


If I told everyone to "post a link to the spam in this thread" do you realize how many people would all be posting links to the same spam.


Again, and I'm really not sure how many times I have to repeat this.




Don't Respond to it. Don't post about it. Don't like to it.




One of the mods or admins will come along and delete it.


--Robb "I don't know why this is so difficult for some people to understand!" Alvey

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I was a past offender of spam.

I'm sorry that i spammed(I linked to a forum and didin't read the rules, Did i forget my rules glasses)

However, i've learnt my lesson and now will follow rules 100%.

Or you can just give my a day ban, i don't mind if you do robbalvey, I'll just become rules tolerent some more.

So don't become like me or any other spammer, Follow rules and make this board easier for SharkTums and robbalvey to monitor.


Um... i am sorry for spamming, Seriousley(Not trying to get on anyones nerves)

(EDIT: i am ashamed of posting in this thread, I could've given Robb a heart attack[No hard feelings Robb, especially for my post] by my informative post)

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Come on people. Your about to give Robb a heart attack! Over SPAM! Am I the one one that sees the irony in this after he lost all that weight?


If someone is stupid enough to download a virus from a spam post, then they deserve the virus!


Virus? Whats a virus? Seriously, fi you get a virus your stupid for still running Windows.


<---Loves his Powermac G5


If you can't tell the difference between what is and isn't spam how do you know Theme Park Review isn't selling donkey porn?


Hey f**ko! We like to call it inter-species erotica.


-Chris "If you didn't get that last joke, you need to watch Clerks II" Higgins

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Wow... the entertainment value of this thread is much more than I had anticipated.


Seriously people... If you see spam, just let it sit on the board and die on it's own.


There are plenty of mods here that don't need PM's or e-mails from 50 people that will point out what they would have found when they get on here and do a two second scan of forum topics.

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Nah. I have enough responsibility in my life let alone watching over you guys too.


Actually I was just expandining on what Robb said because he had mentioned that you can PM him when you see a spam post.

If you want to make us aware of a spam that we haven't noticed yet, please PM us about it.

I feel that's unecessary cause the mods will find the spam post quickly with or without PM's to call attention to it.


I've yet to see spam last more than 5-10 minutes on the boards here under the current set-up for spam awareness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just had to give 24 hour bans to three people today for responding to Spam.....so once again....




Don't Respond to it. Don't post about it. Don't link to it.




One of the mods or admins will come along and delete it.


--Robb "I don't know why this is so difficult for some people to understand!" Alvey

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I figure this would be the best thread to ask this...is there a "Report Post" function on here? Maybe I'm blind and not seeing it, but I thought there was one...then again I frequent enough forums to get mixed up.

I have considered installing that, but I'm also worried about all us admin/mods getting like 100 emails for each spam post that might come up when I think we do a pretty good job of catching them and deleting them quickly anyway.


--Robb "I don't want the Report Spam button to create more spam for us!" Alvey


You could set it so only one report can be filed.

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Poor Robb. I learned about the spam thread thing the hard way. I come from Gaia, the world's biggest forum (with something like the entire population of New Zealand), where people who make spam threads are ridiculed and spam threads themselves blossom until mods move them. When I came here I assumed that the rules were basically the same as any other forum and didn't bother to read them.


This turned out to be a mistake when I spotted a spam thread and jumped on it and a grumpy Robb consequently jumped on me and I was banned for 24 hours and now I spread the gospel about reading and abiding by rules and whatnot.


So number one rule: read the effing rules. When you don't read the rules Robb gets angrier. And when Robb gets too angry he turns green and rampages around ACE conventions lopping heads.

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