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This kind of thing is so annoying, The park always gets blamed when there is nothing anyone at the park could have done to prevent it. How are they supposed to know who may have a medical condition, maybe they should just have a medical examiner at every ride. The press always make these events sound so dramatic. They can really damage a parks reputation. Sorry for the long post, but I just find it irritating.

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i think Cedar Point's ride policies are right for your decide to ride or not.

i guess it's telling us we should not get on some rides if you're not in good shape or not feeling good.

they're not gonna warn us, don't take it seriously. just they want us have a blast with no problems. people with a cast just get restricted from most rides. totally it's not kinda blast or fun. you dunno what brought you come there and play! let's go 'n play in a good shape so that you can chill out with fun! i hope SeaWorld has policies on the ride's entrance for guys in the queue like Cedar Point does! ( CP's real kind to hurt guys or guys with dissabilities; it says you try to visit there until the cast's removed or try to call operators for helping to get on rides. )

that's why CP's been voted as the best amusement park in the world!

i love CP, CP's staff, CP's fun rides!


i love SW too but it's tough to say good because they were not able to avoid the accident that a woman passed out on Kraken roller coaster.

wishing she'd not feel nasty on riding coasters. good thing she was saved

safe and sound. happy to know she's all right.

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When I was sitting in one of MF trains at 9.30am, I was getting nervous and was not looking forward to the Ops pushing the "lift-hill button".


When the train was at the top of the lift hill, I checked out the lovely view before I shut my eyes (never been on a coaster this high or fast before, highest was the Pepsi Max Big One at Blackpool) till 1/2 way down It was opened them for the rest of the ride.


I went slightly "dizzy" on MF 180ft 2nd hill after the tunnel.


I would ride it again, it is amazing, but I had to push myself to do it.


This can happen to anyone, no-one knows their limits until they have tried the coaster. You can't blame the parks for this type of incident, it's down to the people to judge for themselves if they want to ride the coasters.


I am not keen on riding coasters over 200ft.


I never ride Vertical Drops or Huss Frisbee's.


I always start shaking and have even bitten the OHR, I came off the ride "white" and shaking, I class them as mega

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^an anxiety attack is not good PR, imo.


Now it isn't really worth going on the ride because they have to check each seatbelt and lapbar individually... takes 7-10 minutes to load!


Silver Bullet is horrible at loading, too. I don't go on that either.

Thats why they replaced the boats.

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