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NEW TPR DVD!!! Coaster Expedition Volume 7 is NOW SHIPPING!

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Just got mine today and I just finished watching the first disk. ELL OH ELL TO THE DOG HUMPING RACE!!! Holy crap that was funny! Alright disk two is in my DVD player, Ill write a review when Im done.


Colin C

LOL! Awesome! Looking forward to reading it!



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Robb thanks for sending my backup copy, I got it today. But why did you have to put (Ben "Tampon Boy" Schmitt) on the cover

Because you told me not to!


--Robb "And because it was funny!" Alvey

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my mom was really pissed when she got it. I came home and forgot about the mail. Then my mom brought it in and she was like "Ben Tampon Boy Schmitt"? "Ben, why does this say tampon boy"?


"Umm because he is joking around"


"why would he do this, I though he was 35 and married"? "How come he did this"?


"I don't know...I think it was because of a video I posted"


"what video"


" A video I found on You Tube of someone putting a tampon in his mouth" ( I had to lie because I would never tell my mom about the video I posted)


"ummm i still don't see why he would do that"?




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Got the dvd in the post today thanks Robb, loved every minute of as did the kids.


The best part was watching my wife answer our 6yr olds question "Why is that doggie jumping on those men mommy"


Will put up a review on Ozcoaster over the weekend when I have watched all three.


Wayne "Paying for kids therapy for many years now" C.

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Yay! Our first review is in:




Thanks guys!!!


BTW, if you write a full DVD review either posted on your website or even posted here, we'll make sure we post the link on the Volume 7 and the DVDs page:




Looking foward to more reviews!



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My review:



Well, once again, there's a new Theme Park Review DVD out, and this time they are going all the way around the world! You won't need a passport to enjoy the DVD (insert joke about me) but you can accompany the Alvey's and friends as they travel throughout East Asia, the United Kingdom and, of course, the United States. They'll take you to the land of enclosed boat rides, the "Intamin Throne", Satan's Land, parks with see-through bathrooms, a HUGE New Year's party Disneyland Tokyo-style, snow-covered coasters, the graveyard encounter ride, beer vending machines, a SLC construction tour and much more! Let me talk about the DVD a bit...


The opening segment really sets the tone for the "Around the World with Theme Park Review" theme to the video. China, Portugal, England, Korea and Japan are all noted within minutes - a true indication of the wild year that these folks had. Our first segment comes from the brand-new Hong Kong Disneyland, still not even a year old, where you will be able to see where the park started from as it will grow over time, and get a great video of their Space Mountain with a nice surprise. In no time, we, the viewer, are taken back to the USA for an upper-Midwest journey that includes Six Flags Great America, Mt. Olympus and several parks in between. I'm still deciding what I like better -- the great on-ride footage of Hades with lights on, or Saddam Hussein in a Speedo. Yes, that's what the Theme Park Review DVD's are like, for those of you who may have never seen one.


Moving on, the DVD comes with a few clips of Japanese TV. I won't give it away, but let me just say that they are truly humorous surprises. After that jump back to Japan, Robb and Elissa take us on a ride that looks like a cross-breed of SF Great Adventure's Viper and New York New York's Manhattan Express - could this be the worst ride in the world? Not according to our tour guides, who seemed to really dig he ride! Oh, and you can even get a nice fashion tip from Hamanako Pal Pal


Heading off to Central Park, the TPR crew shares their third B&M Invert credit in Japan, a ride I am sure we are all familiar with but is still greatly overlooked - a Batman clone! It's a very weird little park - it doesn't seem too big, I don't know why they have a B&M, and they charge a ton to get in! Continuing on the world tour, the Alvey's now take us to Blackpool Pleasure Beach from their trip this past March and they include an on-ride race on Steeplechase, you know, like that ride that "stupid Knotts Berry Farm" took out!!


Not long in the UK, the video takes us BACK to Japan again, this time for segment which will perhaps be most memorable. Nasu Highland in the snow - yes, riding coasters in the snow. Just simply WILD!! This is one you HAVE to watch, and luckily for us all, its available as the preview segment here. Now at the midpoint, Robb throws in a segment from two separate trips to Thorpe Park in the past year or so - one from a summertime trip without the woman, and again this past March to film the park's newest ride, Stealth, testing in the late winter chill.


In no time, we are sent back to the US with TPR, this time they give us a taste of Christmas- South Florida Style! This is one of the rare chances for you to see some great video of the Dania Beach Hurricane, a young but high-ranking woodie. The video then kicks back to Japan, where we can have a second-hand experience of the rarely-visited Space World (home to a Schwarzkopf rip-off!), see Elissa's true credit-whoring persona come out as they walk miles upon miles for a single coaster, and take a ride on one of those weird Japanese shuttle loops! Let's not forget the attraction that one-ups the live paintball on the Jersey shore


Two more American segments follow, from that nice GCI in Mizzou to that not-so-nice one in Florida. The BGT segment also features some of the best SheiKra footage around, and one of my favorite closing-shots ever! The film begins to wrap-up, and we are sent back to Japan to pay our respects to BMRX, Countdown with 70,000 Japanese people on New Year's, take rides on Journey to the Center of the Earth and Raging Spirits, and in true TPR fashion, watch Mark urinate


In the end, this DVD will leave you with a smile on your face. The editing is professional-grade quality, the footage is well-captured and it has that fun vibe to it that makes it a Theme Park Review product. It's also very different from their other videos in the whole "Around the World" theme, which I think the pulled off very well and makes for an interesting watch. I can't help but recommend Coaster Expedition Volume 7. If you want to take a look for yourself, you can download the preview segment from Nasu Highland, or if you are convinced, you can order it online. It's $25, but this is the best line of coaster DVDs out there, and if you buy two, you can get a third free! That's three sets for $50!




- Joe

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Wow! What can I say.... I think this is best DVD yet! Stacey and I watched the whole thing in one sitting and loved it! You really capture the flavor of Japan so well.. it's great and very entertaining. Stacey enjoyed her cameo with Non-German Tom...and I enjoyed seeing her squirm with the dogs and random clown shots. Good show and great job!



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Got mine the other day! Man it's funny!!! My fav was the "numa numa" song! Quaker is a pretty funny guy, but nuthin' compares to sweet Elissa !


Thanks R & E! Can't wait to be in the next one!


G "ready for my close-up, Mr. Alvey" Money

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I got my copy a few days ago, and this is how I sum up a R&E DVD. I intended to only watch a couple segments at a time, but found myself having to watch more and more segments until it was finished. And the Japan TV was worked in so well that it made me watch more just to see how crazy it was gonna get, and that 3rd clip...OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. As for the "regular" videos, top notch job as always. You guys always seem to put a perfect mixture of people to coasters, something I'm gonna start striving for in future videos. Lastly I like these DVDs compared to ones with just the US parks on them, cause most of us will never have a chance to visit those parks in Japan and/or the UK, so it really gives us an idea whats out there beyond the States. Great job as always guys, and you even managed to squeeze me in to a few shots on the BGT segment


btw I hate you guys so much for using the Numa Numa song for BGT, that has got to be the most addicting song on the planet. I can't get it out of my head.


If you're looking to download it, the song is actually called "Dragostea Din Tei" though it also goes by "Mai Ya Hi" by Ozone, make sure you get the original Romanian version, the English one is crap

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