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Everything posted by CoasterAuditor

  1. It actually went down as soon as I finally got to the loading platform (the entrance to it not the rows for the train) after around just over a 2 hour wait with a queue spilling out of the entrance. So my wait time was inflated around 30-40 minutes by that down time. The line is deceptive, they were moving trains so it felt like the line was moving at a steady pace but after a certain point I realized we were very SLOWLY moving up at a time.
  2. Went to member preview for DarKoaster last night. The rides theming elements exceed SEAS expectations. It's a fun ride for sure. The part that isn't great......as expected that capacity is ROUGH. I got in line around 6:35 yesterday and ended up not boarding until 9:45pm and I know people were still waiting long after me. If you plan to ride this attraction this year I'd prioritize it on your visit to avoid the line eating up a significant portion of your day. I cannot imagine for the life of me what the line will look like opening weekend. I would expect 4 hour waits next weekend on Saturday with what I experienced last night. The ride is cool they do switch up the themes between each of the laps, there are various props and projections utilized and you get to wait in DarKastles old queue. Remember waiting in that courtyard in the hot sun before? It's BACK baby and slower than ever! It's a solid add to the park and good reusing of the space but the capacity is..........concerning to say the least.
  3. Great addition to SeaWorld San Antonio honestly. The park really needs to fill out the large amount of space it has with more attractions and exhibits. Both this ride and Tidal Surge are excellent additions to the parks lineup. More water rides in Texas is always a good move.
  4. Yeah if you click on the link for any of the attractions it gives you a "page not found" error and then on the app the bubble on the map doesn't appear for anything in Coyote Creek or Whistlestop Park. It's very bizarre and I hear SFDK shut down a few rides as well.
  5. So it would appear that Whistlestop Park and Coyote Creek, the entire sections of attractions have been removed from Six Flags Americas website, and one of the facebook fansites is reporting that they are closed for the season just kind of out of absolutely nowhere. Not sure what this indicates but it's somewhat alarming to see two entire sections shut down for the season in August maybe something happened to the power grid they are on? Very odd.
  6. Riding this thing a week from tomorrow! As well as Iron Rattler and WW for the first time. Figure it's a strong addition to SFFT overall. I'm not like Dive Coaster super fan or anything but I always feel like they strongly improve a day at a theme park for most.
  7. Worlds of Fun is intriguing to me with all of its space serving the Kansas City metro area. There's no reason to think if CF invested a good amount of money into it (like a B&M giga for example and the usual CF treatment when they invest) it would become more successful. I feel like with recent developments it's definitely a "park to watch."
  8. Sorry for the double post, but man they are cutting hours at this park for the rest of the season. Going on a Saturday in mid-August and the park now closes at 6pm the day were going while SFFT closes at 9pm the same day? Genuinely curious what the parks angle is here. Screamscape noted that they want to actually "reduce" attendance? I don't really know quite how "reducing attendance" is beneficial to a theme park chain. I mean they're definitely succeeding with how easy it was to marathon rides at Great Adventure Saturday. I admit this route Six Flags is going is rather head-scratching from a business perspective.
  9. Was at the park Saturday. Saturday. I rode El Toro 10 times in a row to start the day then at 2pm I rode Jersey Devil Coaster 10 times in a row (and other rides less than 10 times in a row) It was absolutely mind boggling how dead the park was.
  10. Yeah sometimes one must yield to the older sibling unfortunately. I'll figure out a way to get back for SFFT soon. At least SFOT is a nice park even though I've ridden New Texas Giant. Though it was once in the cold and running slow so maybe it has more up its sleeve for me.
  11. Ah my sister is pushing SFOT over SFFT this year because she's "so over SA" right now. We haven't done SFFT since 2008 and the only new coaster at SFOT is Joker, granted I have not ridden Mr. Freeze.
  12. Considering making my first visit here for the first time since 2008 and to activate my pass. Does anybody know if Superman has been operating lately? It is listed as closed on the app so I want to see if that was just a temporary thing or if it's been closed for a few days. If so then well it should be a quick visit to grab Firebird and Cajun then jump on the wooden coasters, Joker, and Harley Quinn and head back south to KD.
  13. Visiting this park for the first time on a Sunday after starting the morning out at KK. How is this park on Sundays lines and crowds wise? I would like to get in the water park for the 2 older water coasters single rider lines. at some point during the day, my main focus will certainly be the 4 coasters. Thanks for any tips! All the weekdays of my trip are at CP and KI so I will be more leisurely at those.
  14. Making my first ever visit here unfortunately Saturday June 25th on my way back to Richmond from Cedar Point. How is this park on Saturdays? Is it manageable? I plan to go open to close that day. Thanks for any notes on KW!
  15. Hi all, I am making my first ever KK visit Saturday next weekend it's the first park of a weeklong midwest road trip with HW, KI, CP, and Kennywood (first time to all but Cedar Point), on the way back to Richmond, VA. Does anyone have experience with this park on Saturdays? Is KK pretty manageable on Saturdays lines wise? I bought a 2 day ticket to start the Sunday there the morning after and then roll out to HW but I'd like to clear as much of KK as possible to get out to HW Sunday as early as I can. Thank you for any notes!
  16. Pantheon is fantastic! Rode it Friday during the previews six times. It was cold but very worth it after all those years waiting and looking at that intamin beauty sitting in its field. The backwards section is not to be downplayed. I had never quite encountered "backwards launching ejector airtime" before until Pantheon and now it's all I want. But yeah the ride is great, the Zero G Winder has nice hangtime. The small outer banks transitioning to the launch track are pretty fun and funky, then when it gets to the swing launch it really picks up the pace and when you start going backwards from the top hat the ride just starts going bananas for a minute. The spike is really tall and you certainly realize that in the back car. The small airtime hill on the backwards pass and the final pass is FANTASTIC with ejector air time. Some minor air at the top of the top hat. The drop is great nothing too wild but still fun and steep enough. The large outer bank turn is very floaty and funky but not quite what I was expecting in terms of forces when I first saw it, I chalk that up to the fact it was in the 40s when I was there but I still found it really fun which is really all that matters. The stall is fun feels more extended and sustained than VelociCoasters and has head choppers but in terms of forces largely the same. Then the head chopper under the drop is a very cool visual and the small wave turn at the end is a great way to end the ride with a bang. I certainly enjoyed Pantheon, new BGW king for me for sure. The ride is rather bare bones in terms of theming/presentation and there is certainly a smell of cow poop as you cross the bridge but at the end of the day in the grand scheme of things I didn't consider it much different than Apollo's Chariots set up and just let it go. I prefer VelociCoaster personally but as an attraction that ride is tough to beat. You could make the argument if you stripped both coasters bare that Pantheon is better for sure but unfortunately for Pantheon, VelociCoaster is not stripped bare and covered with Comcast $s. Overall Pantheon is fantastic and worthy of a visit to BGW alone. I can't wait to ride many times this summer.
  17. I feel like KD can get away with FOF and I305 in the back corner of Jungle-X. They feel very isolated from the rest of the section honestly. Backlot definitely could use a retheme though. Luckily it is kinda also tucked in it's own corner from the rest of the area with trees obstructing its presence if you aren't right next to it. But I certainly think they could just retheme it to a temple of some kind and call it a day. Whether they do or not though I am skeptical, that would not be the cheapest retheme.
  18. Yeah unfortunately it’s a solo trip. I haven’t been walked from Apollo at all this season, if it’s not like significantly stricter I imagine I should be cautiously optimistic. I always go to parks in gym shorts and put everything in lockers. Hopefully another two weeks of meal prep and cardio will give me an extra centimeter to my advantage.
  19. So I am heading here in a couple weeks for the first time. I am slightly worried about fitting on Mako and Manta much more Mako than Manta. I can ride Apollo's Chariot but it always seems to be tricky to hit the sensor sometimes if I sit awkwardly. I've heard Mako is slightly stricter? Does anyone know from experience? I can ride basically everything in Virginia except Griffon because of like a tenth of an inch on the seatbelts and that includes Twisted Timbers. I am 6'3 314 46 inch waistline and might be slightly smaller when I finally go based on trends. B&Ms seem to be a little trickier for the big and tall it seems like especially with OTSRs.
  20. Love the name honestly. Never been on one of these things but I've always liked quirky rides.
  21. Dang! That's a shock. I expected one of those to pop up down the street at SeaWorld San Antonio!
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