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Everything posted by Rollerholden

  1. Yeah I really don't see how Magnum is #3 still. I wouldn't even consider it in my top 5 and I haven't been on many coasters! Who votes for this stuff, by the way?
  2. Nice pics Scott! What was in the SexMuseum?
  3. The ride was pretty smooth. If you want to improve the immelman and zero G roll, I would suggest using a lot more track segments. NL takes a lot of time and work.
  4. To be realistic, it goes way too slow through the inversions. I liked the layout though, for the most part.
  5. Tomorrow's the last day of summer...*sigh*
  6. ^ Would it work to have the track twist going up, going over the top right side up, and then twist going down again? That probably sounds confusing. ..I mean sort of like V2 at SFMW.
  7. I had a bad experience on Revolution at SFMM with the OTSRs on the loop. It was very uncomfortable, so now I push out on the bar. I rode Maliboomer at DCA with the bar up pretty high, but as soon as it launched up the bar tightened. I like having the bars looser.
  8. ^ That's a good way of putting it. I apologize if my comments earlier in this thread sounded harsh. The ride itself was decent...and the banging, from what I remember, was only on the 2 last loops.
  9. I've been on KFB Boomerang along with 2 others, and I agree about the restraints. They don't seem to stay down as far as I pull them...I never really had a problem with restraints though. I'm skinny too, but very tall.
  10. ^ But you like Panic! at the Disco lol.
  11. Oh my gosh that was SO funny! A couple of those pics made me laugh so hard I snorted!
  12. Good way to use your day off. That was a good TR. Their topple tower looks so...blah! Lol if I wanted to get wet, I'd ride the water ride. Maybe that's just me though. I like how it says Thunderhead is a wooden coaster in the sign.
  13. Oh, wow. This site is full of great people!
  14. I don't know what's more sad...going back to school or the end of the school year.
  15. Woo go punks haha! No my group wears whatever we want! My best friend is totally Abercrombie / Hollister stuff, but most of my friends are into the pegged pants and black. We are so cool.
  16. ^ You sure are sure of yourself! I hope it's not an AquaTrax. They just don't look all that great to me..
  17. The "scene" look is pretty popular at my school.
  18. • What did you think of the ride? It was a nice compact ride...but the best way to describe it is with • What did you hear the general public say about the ride? I don't know anyone of my friends who liked it. • Those of you that may have ridden it has Thriller, did the shoulder harnesses give you any grief? I rode it as Zonga, and yes the shoulder harness gave grief• Was the ride experience okay? No. • Has anyone here ridden the ride in all three of its’ incarnations? I’d be curious to hear what you have to say. n/a I mean it was an alright ride, but never worth any wait, and every time after we rode it we all had headaches.
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