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Everything posted by texasgiantrules

  1. phew...ok....i was like wow there arent any slides on the towers..but now i get it. great work! keep it up!
  2. ^^ same here but ill probably be rooting for them,the miners, and robb and amber
  3. I plummeted into a perilous abyss. On the other side of the world, Mark Shapiro was startled to find that all the Six Flags parks had secret vaults of.....
  4. morbosity was spelled with an 'M'! She had missed this on the Fakeland spelling bee...causing her to become fat...with her new self she decided she would...
  5. the wetness they all ran off to everyone's favorite Asian theme park. It could be none other than...
  6. ^Is lying since I haven't been to a Cedar Fair park(other than Bonfante Gardens) in over 5 years. VWould boycott McDonald's f the McRib never returned
  7. No. Have you eaten spaghetti in the last 6 months?
  8. Depends on if i'm in a spammy mood or not Do you own a roller coaster calendar?
  9. ^obviously you cause problems, since you just got out of detention. Vwould rather ride Dumbo the Flying Elephant for 4 hours strait than have detention
  10. I own a novel called "The Beast" about the ghost that lives on the Beast at PKI. It's pretty believable, but I've never been to PKI so I can't confirm this. I remember at SFOT seeing a ghostly figure on BTR as I was driving by on the highway.....it was pretty creepy.
  11. ^hurt my feelings Vhas never had asian salad anywhere
  12. Stomp the Yard was pretty much a piece of crap. It wasn't bad per se but it was VERY predictable and unoriginal. The only good part was the actual dancing(parts of it....some of it were really stupid)
  13. take vertigo@ walibi belgium off. its getting taken down(according to pictures).
  14. not sure of the percentages but: English Scottish Irish Welsh French Spanish Italian German Dutch Hungarian Czech Polish and probably some other things I don't know about
  15. ^lives in a town 5 minutes from the town i used to live in Venjoys where they live
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