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Everything posted by hyyyper

  1. Here's my entry: Official entry: What would cruises be like on the moon?
  2. Like said before, conservation of momentum applies on collisions, not coasters (if you're lucky)
  3. Did you guys see anything of the NoLimits simulator, I was told they would be at IAAPA Vegas this year.
  4. I've only seen 4, this I305, KrazyT's, some guy's name I forgot and mine. How can a coaster get old after only 4 rides?
  5. A program called Newton2 lets you create rides by forces, banking and duration. This way, you control the forces, and they are spot on (except for really long trains) http://nolimits-exchange.com/news/20/newton2
  6. strange indeed, but I worked around it now, I simply cut the track in 'bite-size' pieces. and now it's working fine.
  7. Because I am sick and at home with nothing to do, I figured out that if you were to build Kingda Ka on the moon, the launch speed would just be 50mph!
  8. My top ten: * Best steel coaster (Montu) 1. Boulder Dash 2. El Toro 3. Terminator Salvation 4. Troy 5. Lightning Racer (Both sides) 6. Tonnerre de Zeus 7. Phoenix 8. Roar (SFDK) 9. Giant Dipper (Santa Cruz) 10. Gwazi (Both sides)
  9. Hey Tony, I've been working on my own Intimidator-style intamin for a while now. Now I want to apply the backbone I created with object creator and the construction kit, but I ran into some problems. The nolimits program either crashes when I try import the 3ds I exported with the CK, or the 3ds put in, but invisible. Could you explain how you got yours to work?
  10. It's probably way to early for this, but if you are opening up some days for other TPR members, which day/parks would you open (on the euro trip) ?
  11. I'm not really into rct2 and dont now anything about the mods/trainers you are using, but isn't it possible to something like this: A 5 square wide path, where the middle square path is fenced off with invisible walls, so that you have a wide path, without any guests getting lost. The problem, however, would be that on a 5 wide path, there would be only guests in the middle square and sides would be dead empty
  12. Well, the color codes can be found in the helpfile too, but here they are: Pure white: Track will be banked by AHG Pure black: Track will keep banking set by user Pure red: Track will go from white (ahg) to black (user) Pure green: Track will go from black (user) to white (ahg)
  13. ^it is indeed season 6: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_House_episodes#Season_6:_2009.E2.80.932010
  14. Last summer was my first time travelling alone too. Busses aren't complicated, you can purchase your ticket online, from within the airport directions will guide you to the busses, you hop on the correct bus and done. But it's up you eventually, if you want a more expensive direct flight, go ahead.
  15. Why don't you fly into gatwick and then take a bus to heathrow?
  16. Well, I was bored this afternoon and burped up this: Do note that while the clips might be off-sync, the trains are not. I won't be uploading this ride, because when I do, I want the ride to be accurate.
  17. Then I suggest you start watching again, as Foreman, Chase and Cameron and on the team while 13, and Taub are gone!
  18. The train has exactly the same acceleration as a real coaster train: 32.2 feet/s^2. But, because the model is so tiny, the speed looks fast compared to real life coasters. If you were to build a Coasterdynamix of the same size of a real coaster, the speed would be almost the same as the real thing.
  19. Ouch! That ride is horrible. I'll just pretend I did not see it and wait for a decent recreation. I do wonder how somebody can put this together without knowing anything of the actual height of the track except for the lifthill.
  20. You can generate the handrails, catwalks and supports apart from each other in the wooden support generator menu. Just don't forget to tick out the box "remove previous structure"
  21. Bas does TPR West Coast Tour 2009 Day 11 & 12 The Voyage Home My flight today would leave at 2 PM. Because of the LA traffic and LAX security, I played safe and got on the group bus at 10am. Since Disney opens at 8, that means that TECHNICALLY, we could’ve done 1,5 hours of Disney before hopping on the bus. But since none of us are into technical stuff, we didn’t. My flight had some delay, but thankfully I stepped out of the plane in Minneapolis at the same time boarding started for my flight to London. In London, I took the bus from Heathrow to Stansted airport, where I found out that my luggage was 10 pounds over the weight limit. Now, you should note that I left with 28 pounds of luggage and returned with 50 pounds. I guess I should blame it on the souvenirs, the people I hung out with can confirm that. Anyways, after paying the fine, I got on the plane to Cologne-Bonn where my parents were almost waiting for me (they got lost somehow). Then, 31 hours after I left the hotel in LA, I arrived home from one of the best vacations ever. And once again I want to thank everybody who was involved in this trip. First of all Robb and Elissa, you are the greatest for taking such a bunch of lunatics with you on these more-than-awesome trips. Second, the parks, their employees and the people who even remotely involved in getting the events together. And of course everybody who was on the actual trip! THANK YOU ALL ! Now, this is the final day of the trip report, but as a bonus, I will post all the pictures I took that I needed to win the Elissa Bingo. Thank you for reading, thank you for all the lovely comments and stay tuned for the bonus. Also my first time exiting a plane via the strairs instead of the square-tube-thing. The 1st time I saw a 'real' Airbus A380. Quite an impressive sight. ..till dawn. From dusk... Goodbye LA!
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