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Everything posted by Three

  1. Yeah, I've sat in a row with my girlfriend and her little sister (third grade). They'll let adults with kids do it too (barring width restrictions )
  2. Dueling Dragons front row in the rain. And I think I've been on some at Busch Gardens while raining too. I have glasses and my girlfriend doesn't. So I enjoyed DD in the rain just a bit more than she did.
  3. Damnit! If only I posted at a forum that would actually let me use that as an avatar!
  4. The track is complete, but they weren't running any cars yet (as evidenced by the guys on the track). But I would think they'd start testing within the week, if they're going to make the projected May 1st opening.
  5. I am considering going to Uncle Bernie's some day in the future. Is this a warning sign of some mental illness? Should I check myself in somewhere?
  6. For some reason or another, I'm compelled to share some pictures taken yesterday at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay. SheiKra just can't open soon enough.... This is Duckity. We think he had a mental illness. If he were human, he'd be talking with invisible Lepurchans in a New York City subway station. Let's play a game -- which is SheiKra, which is Scorpion? (seriously -- who was the genius who picked such similar paint schemes?) I am not jealous of these dudes. Ouch. I am so jealous of these dudes. Yes, SheiKra is gonna be one bad motherf... ...but holy crap, so was Tiger! That's the first I've seen it running this year. Hooray! Lion was running, as usual....
  7. Great White is merely a mirror of the original Batman invert. So if you've been on a Batman, you've been on Great White
  8. Yeah, I know it's subtle. But I *was* at the park a lot -- I had annual passes just last year! And I *do* remember knowing that the two weren't the same. I just... um... forgot for some reason.
  9. Absolutely not! But it's not a usual coaster experience. Most inversions are taken at speeds such that you don't really *feel* upside down for more than a second or two. It looks like this will be different.
  10. I love that first corkscrew, but I dunno... will this be the first ride where the pre-lift hill portion is better than the post-lift hill part? By the way, does anybody know how fast the first inversion is taken? It looks almost so slow that you'd.. well, feel like you were upside down.
  11. Actually, you're right. How I was thinking otherwise is beyond me.
  12. Ah, okay. That explanation makes sense. Still it seems like a pedantic distinction, at best.
  13. But the stations are part of the same building. Just like Space Mountain. Why? WHY? :shock:
  14. Let's see here.... (pictures from rcdb.com) I guess this is cheating, huh? Kraken is my current favorite.
  15. I don't understand at all how rcdb decides what to call a single coaster and what to call two separate coasters. Most of the entries are listed as one entry with two "sub-entries", if you will, on each page. Dueling Dragons, Gwazi, Space Mountain, and Superman: The Escape are some examples of this. It doesn't seem to matter whether the coasters are two distinct designs, are identical, or mirror each other. Yet for some reason I can't figure out, Primeval Whirl has two separate entries. Why? They are exactly the same coaster, have the same station structure, and have separate loading platforms -- pretty much the same as Space Mountain, I would say. Yet one has two separate entries and one does not. Meanwhile, coasters like Gwazi and Dueling Dragons -- both featuring two distinctly different layouts -- are considered the same. Is there some reason for Primeval Whirl to get special treatment? (yeah, this topic doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. so what?)
  16. I read this yesterday. All I can say is WOO! I hope Cypress Gardens gets it -- it would be fitting. I'm amazed how few wooden coasters FL has these days, and we could certainly use another. Now then, if only Cypress Gardens can get the revenue to build some newer, more intense rides
  17. Scorpion, almost a month ago today. Next stop: Dania Beach 8)
  18. ...during an earthquake? I'm a Florida boy, so I have absolutely zero experiences with earthquakes, on the ground or otherwise. So I'm curious. For some reason.
  19. At least the cake was creative and temporary. What really pisses me off is that #%*@ing fantasia hat they put in the middle of MGM. It completely ruins the view of the Mann's Chinese Theatre (as well as a very cool hidden Mickey visable from above). It looks cheap and plasticy. And it doesn't fit the theme of the park (I liked the "streets of New York/LA" five it had going, only to mess it up with a friggin' sombrero). Some smart imagineer must've said "hey, this park isn't Disney enough -- let's make the connection way too obvious". I loved the park's laid back, more mature vibe. Ah well... nothing I can do about it. [/rant]
  20. The Orlando Science museum is pretty great. If you want Sushi or Sashimi, there are two awesome places at Disney. One is at the top floor of the Contemporary Resort (right on the monorail route). The other is smack dab in the middle of the World Showcase at EPCOT. Both are excellent. My highest praise to both of them. If you're not going to Disney more than a few days (and thus, might not have time to do much at EPCOT), you don't have to pay anything to get into the one at the Contemporary other than parking. Other than the food, naturally
  21. Well I doubt all the various VG competition would stop just so they could all get along in a theme park. I was trying to make this sort of realistic. Nintendo is the only VG producer I can think of that has enough material for an entire park. Since Sonic has moved to Nintendo's systems more or less though, I think a Sonic area might be feasible though.
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