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Everything posted by Three

  1. I have the original RCT, but none of the expansions. I know of some other games where you can download expansion packs (legally) if you have the original game already. Is there any way to download the expansions for the original, since I doubt I could find them seperately in stores anymore? I'm talking legal downloads, not illegal ones; since I doubt Robb and Elissa want legal trouble, I suggest nobody else does either. Thanks.
  2. I've been to more national parks than you could probably name. Hell, I've probably been to more than I could name. You go to most of 'em, they have a movie showing off the sites. Most of the time, there's copter footage included. Yes, they monitor the skies. Yes, they won't just let anybody in with a helicopter. But there are special circumstances where helicopters can fly through and film. I'm sure Disney could pull off such a feat. Similarly, you're not allowed to take pictures of famous paintings in museums, but there are special photographers around who are allowed to under special circumstances (how do you think they get the pictures in their brochures?) Hell, you can take helicopter and plane tours of the Grand Canyon flying right over it! So, you can stress whatever you're trying to stress all you want. You're still wrong.
  3. 1) It's a joke. There used to be a disclaimer stating that it was, indeed, a joke, and only to donate if you enjoyed the site or wanted merchandise. 2) Rabbits aren't rodents. They're lagomorphs. Thus, being mean to rabbits is entirely fair around Elissa.
  4. So they're good? Maybe the shake factor from being a woodie and the shake factor from being a Vekoma cancel each other out and make for a good ride...?
  5. Out of curiosity, how long does anyone think it'll be until a decision is made on this? It's been almost a month since the announcement. Has the coaster even been dismantled yet? Should we expect the coaster to be up and running at one park or the other before the year is out? How long does this sort of thing usually take? And if they decide to go with Cypress Gardens, then will the delays be even longer since the park is already up to its ass in construction?
  6. Central Florida is great -- eight major theme parks. Variety is the spice of life. Viva Disney! Viva Universal! Viva Anheiser Busch! I'd be saddened by the loss of any of them.
  7. I think it'd be funny to buy that thing and wear it on rides that used to have horsecollars, but switched to lap bars. Like FoF or Poltergeist....
  8. I think somebody at the Busch Gardens advertising powerhouse has been doing a little too much LDS.... (that's a reference, not a typo. jeez.)
  9. Oh, and about those River Country photos -- that's really sad. I've seen pictures of abandoned parks before. But none I'd ever actually attended. Man, that really hits home....
  10. It really doesn't matter that a lot of theme park gurus online think Animal Kingdom is lame. It really doesn't matter that some people are really digging Cypress Gardens. Animal Kingdom is still, quite often, crowded as hell. Simply because it has the Disney label on it. Because Disney put it on the same pedestal as its other three parks. Because it's on the park hoppers just like the rest. Because little kids who go with their parents on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney World from wherever in the world they come from UNIVERSALLY love animals. And they love Disney. And a power combo of the two is not to be missed. It doesn't matter that the discerning few on theme park message boards don't really care for Disney's fourth park. We're not how Disney makes its money. Disney has boatloads of tourists from everywhere from Miami to Mozambique who absolutely must do everything there is to do at Disney. Very possibly Universal too. Sea World and Busch Gardens? If there's time. Little old Cypress Gardens has yet to register on 98.7% of the tourist hoard's minds. Perhaps it will in time. But the Central Florida theme park scene is quite hard to break into unless you've already established yourself. Cypress Gardens has already been muscled out once. And I'm not particularly optimistic that they'll be able to squeeze there way onto the scene simply because some guy with a small little park in Georgia had his credit limit expanded and was itching for a challenge.
  11. From my experience, Animal Kingdom is rarely a "ghost town". Many people I talk to hate the park because it's always so freaking crowded. The layout of the park is conducive to large amounts of people in small amounts of area, and I've found the crowds to be quite excruciating at times. Though they're rectifying the problem by making paths from region to region (Africa-Asia, Asia-Dinoland). Before, you had to go through Discovery Island to get anywhere. Anyway, my opinion: I sincerely doubt Cypress Gardens is pulling in attendance figures anywhere near Disney levels. Any Disney levels.
  12. Dude, you seriously need to look around Florida a bit more. - The Everglades - Cape Canaveral - Key West and all the other keys - St. Augustine - The miles and miles of beaches. I'm sick and tired of people talking about how a Florida movie for Soarin' would suck. There's plenty of awesome places all over the state that would work perfectly for the format. I don't know where people get this stupid conception in their heads that Florida is full of old people and oranges; there's plenty of potential to show off in a Soarin' movie. Soarin' over Florida would rock. Soarin' over California at an attraction in Florida is lame, and a little bit insulting. The reason Disney didn't make a Florida version is because they're cheap and lazy. Period.
  13. Yeah, Kraken is my hero. No, seriously. It is. Best zero-G roll around, IMO
  14. Oh God. I FINALLY got that out of my head, and then somebody has to start a thread on it!
  15. Zero-G rolls are indeed great. For some reason, I like the one on Kraken the best.
  16. I'm not sure I agree. I think it might be a little too similar to the boat ride. Not in terms of ride experience -- yes, I realize that riding in a boat and driving around in a jeep are two entirely different scenarios. But wouldn't the plots/themes/etc. be a little too close to eachother? I mean, think about it: River Adventure: You're riding around in a boat exploring the park when catastrophe strikes -- oh noes! Jeep Adventure: You're riding around in a jeep exploring the park when catastrophe strikes -- oh noes! I dunno, I think they're a little too close thematically. Not that I have any suggestions of anything that wouldn't be. Just saying.
  17. I've heard this rumor has been debunked, FYI. Though seriously, with the rate they've been changing their minds on who to cast, I wouldn't believe anything until they've actually released production stills from the film.
  18. I know personally, I find parking lots quite scream worthy. And I, uh, didn't forget Medusa West. They're both listed.
  19. D'oh! Can't believe I forgot Knight Flight/Dominator Out of curiousity, why are Scream! and Medusa being rated so differently? I know Medusa is a bit better themed (I can't believe California parks can be that lazy...), but is it rougher? What's the deal, exactly?
  20. I think that is the wrongest thing I have ever read. "Who wants to be Ice tonight?" :shock:
  21. Let's make this really comprehensive, shall we? Which in each group is your favorite? Which is your least favorite? In order of appearance: Stand-up Iron Wolf Vortex (PGA) Vortex (PC) Mantis Chang Riddler's Revenge Georgia Scorcher Inverted Batman/Batman/etc. Top Gun Nemesis Raptor/Orochi Montu Alpengeist Pyrenees Great Bear Top Gun: The Jet Coaster Dueling Dragons (Fire) Dueling Dragons (Ice) Katun Talon Nemesis Inferno Silver Bullet Sit-down Kumba Dragon Kahn Incredible Hulk Wildfire Diving Machines Oblivion G5 Mega Coasters Apollo's Chariot Raging Bull Nitro Silver Star Floorless Coasters Medusa/Scream! Superman: Krypton Coaster Medusa (SFMW) Batman: Knight Flight/Dominator Kraken Crazy Flying Coaster Superman: La Atracción de Acero Batman: The Dark Knight Dæmon Flying Coasters Air Superman: Ultimate Flight/etc. ... I didn't include SheiKra or Hydra: The Revenge, because they are not open yet. Though I think in the case of one of them at least, it will probably be "no-contest" in its category come May.
  22. Awesome -- thanks for the tips! Now all I've gotta do is convince my girlfriend that not all wooden coasters are like Gwazi.
  23. Hmm, very good point. So, um... which coaster has the fastest jerk? (ahem)
  24. Rock 'n Roller Coaster is a Vekoma with a pretty good launch....
  25. I never thought SheiKra was going to be terrifically intense in the first place -- I'm surprised anyone did. It didn't seem like that was the concept they were going for anyway. Sure, it's got two rather intense drops. But from the promotional video, everything between and beyond seemed to be taken rather leisurely. From what I gathered, the intent was to scare you silly with the drops, and then lull you into a sort of false sense of relief before the next one. Letting you catch your breath between elements. It seemed to me from the beginning that "fun" was the centerpoint of their vision. I mean, look at the water landing toward the end. It's sort of a new skool meets old skool thing. First and foremost, this is a drop coaster. As such, the drops are supposed to be the scary part. Everything else is merely there for the purposes of enjoyment -- not sheer intensity of forces. Call me crazy, but I still think this will be an awesome coaster. Maybe not what you wanted, but so what? The park already has two coasters chock full of brute force. Let's see how this novel ideal of "fun" works out for a change, hmm?
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