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Everything posted by MagnumFreak25

  1. I really want to see a Poler coaster attached to the Eiffel Tower.
  2. I'm sorry that I don't think this coaster is amazing. I just think Intamin would done way better if they done this project. Even though I highly doubt Cedar Fair will ever build a Intamin again, I still think they could have done way better. Now I think if Cedar Fair wanted to be original they would have made the first B&M "Giga Twister". Something Raging Bull, but 10x better. That just my opinion though. I never said "You must say this ride is amazing". All I said was that calling a 325 foot tall coaster boring is ridiculous. But I don't want to get into a battle over this, so moving on... I absolutely love the color scheme. That shade of blue is amazing and the green and white compliment it so well. I do like the color choices Cedar Fair are choosing for their new rides. When I saw the track at the plant I thought it was gonna look extremely ugly, but the animation definitely changed my mind. That track looks beautiful.
  3. I think that a seat belt would hold you just as well as a lap bar unless you leave it loose.
  4. Could we see surprise amazing announcement coming from Cedar Point?
  5. I think that the turn around will be the best part of the ride. From the animation it looks like it will have some cool sideways airtime before that drop, which sounds amazingly fun to me.
  6. What I want to know is what are they calling a double helix? Because I don't see what they are referring to by saying that.
  7. has anyone noticed that weird support near the brake run? It looks really out of place to me.
  8. Always wondered about why parks build something so similar in the same park (Leviathan & Behemoth, Intimidator & Fury325). It would just seem logical to switch it up. Then again, I am not in charge of theme park. It's worked amazingly so far. You get to world class rides in the same park. Sure its the same model, But they have different style's. One's low to the ground high speed and the others Large airtime. If you don't like it you can just go ride something else like a wild mouse.
  9. They're the same manufacturer, which is the biggest similarity that Fury and Intimidator have so ya, don't even seem similar so stop complaining!
  10. I don't care if the ride isn't even called that, I want that shirt. Probably just for show though. I doubt that they would make fake shirts.
  11. Leviathan has like two or three airtime moments while this has at least 5 or 6. I agree that this isn't similar at all to Intimidator. It's no more similar than MF is to Maverick or Gemini is to Magnum or Behemoth is to leviathan. It's an amazing looking ride. It may not have as much airtime as other coasters but that'sOK. It doesn't have to be. Look at Maverick. It has 2 moments of Airtime and many consider it the best in the world.
  12. People are way to critical. Your actually complaining about a new Giga coaster. When leviathan was built people complained about it not having enough airtime. What do they do with the one, they add more airtime. And people still complain!
  13. I'm extremely excited!(Opens up NL2 and selects B&M Hyper-4 across)
  14. Umm... The Gold Ticket Awards say high. Plus it has at least 5 moments of airtime.
  15. Is it just me or does the ride stay at like the exact same speed for the whole ride.
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