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Everything posted by coasterchitchat

  1. The way Banshee was the way I liked it. Sure 6 giant loops in a dirt field, but it was extremely forceful.
  2. Um... have you gone to Kings Island in Mason, Ohio and ridden the new steel coaster there called Banshee? If you haven't, you're in for a treat. B&M caters to what the parks what. Kings Island wanted something extreme and that was Banshee. Cedar Point wanted something to change the skyline and that was GateKeeper. Parks tells the manufacturer what they want, NOT B&M. I'm pretty sure Holiday World will NOT disappoint us.
  3. The announcement was my excuse to do a 3 day road trip to Kings Island (7/21), Kentucky Kingdom (7/22) and Holiday World (7/23).
  4. Following Cedar Fair's water park expansions, Valleyfair could get one of two options: 1) The standard drop capsules slide complex similar to World of Fun's or Dorney's 2) What Carowinds got this year
  5. Yes, I'm sure Paula has noticed! Gonna give her a huge bottle of Advil when I see her next week! (She deserves it for reading all of this!) If I see her tomorrow, I'll give her one!
  6. Just remove the vest and just have the lap bars? No problem. I have no problem with vests but no one likes OSTRs.
  7. I buy a Cedar Fair Plantium pass because I enjoy the quality of parks and the overall atmosphere (and there are 4 CF parks near me while there is only 1 SF parks near me, SFGAm.) I also go to the Cedar Fair parks a lot. I buy a one day ticket to Six Flags Great America every year just to enjoy it for one day, check out what's new. I've never been to any other Six Flags parks, but I have to say I was extremely disappointed with how the atmosphere was. Rude people, over priced food, expensive bunnies filled with goo and medicine, and horrible rides. The way Six Flags places rides are just bad. They try to take some world records, but the ride experience is just short and not memorable as a Cedar Fair ride that parks 2 rides (Banshee) is more memorable because they spent more money on place making than just upping the coaster count. YOLOCoaster is just short and not even long. A 53 second ride with at MAX 500 people per hour? I enjoyed Banshee more than Goliath. I know it's shocking, but Banshee was longer and more memorable while Six Flags just spend $10 million on a short, and not so memorable ride. Cedar Fair is going in the right direction while Six Flags is going downhill. Does anyone think bankruptcy will occur again in a couple of years?
  8. I don't they are using the trim brake this season. It's better than the TOGO death machines and the best it's been. But there is a B&M rattle after the MCRB.
  9. 2015: 2 Intamin GIgas (MF at CP and i305 at KD) 2 B&M Gigas (F325 at Carowinds and Leviathan at CW) 1 Morgan Giga (Steel Dragon 2000 in Naghsmia Spa Land in Japan)
  10. I don't think that the problems with Hershey Park have changed Cedar Fair's view of Intamin. Hershey was asking Intamin to give it all and build them the most insane white knuckle thrill ride they could think of, and the result is Skyrush. If you are asking them for that then you will probably get a few hiccups. I think the problem with Cedar Fair is that they are to much influenced by Intamin in their designs rather than their own maintenance guys. Cheetah Hunt is the perfect example that if the park knows what it want's and make Intamin step of the gas pedal a little bit they can have a ride that is excellent and very reliable. As for what may come to the parkin 2015 I would guess something like this: NO! They don't need that. They already have a good water park and they should want another 2/3 years for that. I think they should get a Zamperla Midi Discovery next year. A nice, thrilling flat.
  11. Back seat all the way. If you want views, go for the front, but the back just kicks you rear a LOT!
  12. What about the 6 tube slides (with 3 capusles) from WhiteWater West that Dorney and Worlds of Fun got? That'd be good.
  13. Just got off Banshee and all I can say is WOW! What a great B&M invert. Smooth, but powerful. Greatest Invert out there.
  14. When do you think that SkyScreamer will come? Along with a coaster drought?
  15. When do you think that spinning coaster will come to Lake Compounce? For whoever started that Lake Compounce and Cyclone discussion, NO, Cyclone will not be coming to LC. They are most likely going to RMC it.
  16. Wonder Mountain Guardian style dark ride. It's also a coaster listed on RCDB. Any CW people, is this good or bad? I'm headed to CW in a couple of weeks to see how it goes.
  17. I rode it a while ago and was disappointed in the airtime. I think this was a rush job and they went a little too fancy/overboard as well.
  18. They don't want to have do lots of maintenance. They always need to do ride profiles and it just gets annoying. Dragster always needs constant maintenance and is closed often. Cedar Fair would like less maintenance (who wouldn't.) B&Ms are known for smoothness and the GP loves smoothness. Think about how long it takes for Intamins to open.
  19. You're the KD expert. I would like for a water park expansion since this park really needs it. Cedar Fair is considering Valleyfair for the next expansion. Over the next 5 years, Cedar Fair will focus on Carowinds, CGA, and Valley fair so there maybe not that much focus on KD over the next five years. Maybe in 2020 5 year mark KD will make it.
  20. Sometime between 6/1-6/15 since schools are in session then. I would recommend staying at a onsite resort for an extra hour.
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