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Everything posted by willthegolfer

  1. Just downloaded Sunset Valley and Sunset Vista. My thoughts on sunset valley - I like the park overall, but it didn't blow me away to be honest. I think the size and scale of the park definitely hurt it. It was just hard to keep track of everything in my opinion and seemed a bit cluttered. Architecture was overall good, however, and I like how you used the Hogwarts pieces on Vampires station. Now for Sunset Vista. This is clearly a superior park, not just compared to sunset valley, but compared to a lot of parks. I honestly think this is near the level of Starpointe, Six Flags Santa Fe, and Six Flags Carolina in terms of realistic parks. It is much more tidy than Valley, and is a nice size too. One of my favorite things about Vista is how it's themed, lots of different areas with clear themes like X-Base, for example. I have to say one of my favorite rides was that flume in mountain pass, that was excellent. Gunslinger is a spectacular design as well, with good theming to boot. Another thing that made me like this park so much was the fact that you got those cars to move, that was an awesome touch! Overall, I'd put this in the top 10 of RCT2 parks that I've seen. Really, really good. The attention to detail is amazing, as shown in the buildings across the highway. The amphitheater is great as well. I know this was a lot to read, but I really wanted to let you know how good I think this is.
  2. The $12 million figure may have come from a multi ride deal with Imtamin including Kingda Ka. That or it's just not true. The widespread belief is El Toro alone would cost $25 million, which is why parks aren't buying prefabs. Although personally if you're paying $30 million for Gatekeeper, El Toro is worth Cedar Fair's entire revenue stream. That's a good point on that multi-ride deal. But, I think 25 million is a bit high as Balder cost 12.6 million.
  3. Thank you both for your comments. I will try to see if I can remove TT and WW objects, I don't think I used any in the park but I will try to make sure. The other thing I have to figure out is how to do custom rides and scenery in the download. In the meantime, I will continue to post updates on park operation, maybe with some "trip reports" by actual guests. This is all, of course, while I continue to plan my next park.
  4. Just took a look over at NE. Currently holding a nearly 80 % rating! Well earned, everything looks pretty sharp, especially the buildings. I will download it soon to take a closer look at things.
  5. El Toro only cost 12 million, I think plug-n-play Intamin's aren't that popular due to reliability. My thinking is that for that cheap, wouldn't it be worth it to take the risk on possible maintenance issues to get a world class coaster that will draw big numbers?
  6. SIX FLAGS NORTH WOODS GRAND OPENING Hello All, Six Flags North Woods is back with an new update of the Grand Opening of the Park! The 105 Years of construction have all led up to now! There isn't really any new content, but comments and questions are always appreciated! Thank You and enjoy. SCR165.BMP Before I opened the park, I polished things up, but the main thing left to be done was build a station for Demon SCR166.BMP And here is the first lucky guest to enter the Park! SCR167.BMP At first, the entrance area got pretty crowded. This was due to people trying to reach Kaiju, as its Helix is located near the entrance SCR169.BMP Here is an early description of what people are doing in the park. Looks like Kaiju is going to be popular! SCR170.BMP Indeed, many guests flowed into Kaiju's queue line at the beginning of the operating season SCR171.BMP Roar was also quite popular at the start of the season! SCR173.BMP The same cannot be said for Batman, however SCR174.BMP X-Flight also didn't have many riders, as most were going to Kaiju and Roar first. In fact, not many guests were even reaching this area of the park at first SCR175.BMP Here is a shot of Kaiju taking a nealy full train of riders up the first hill SCR178.BMP Halfway through the season, guest numbers have continued a steady rise SCR180.BMP Here is a report on guest activity halfway through the year SCR182.BMP Again, County fair was pretty barren for most of this season SCR183.BMP Maybe airtime like this is why Kaiju is so popular! SCR184.BMP Wicked Cyclone, as you can see, was not very popular for most of the year SCR185.BMP Roar, however, was pumping out full trains consistently! SCR186.BMP Tatsu struggled to find riders at all SCR189.BMP Wicked Cyclone actually saw a large increase in popularity at the end of the year SCR192.BMP Nitro was consistently popular the entire year SCR194.BMP More Wicked Cyclone goodness! SCR195.BMP Report on guest activity at the end of the year SCR203.BMP El Toro was not very popular at all this season SCR204.BMP Neither was X-Flight SCR205.BMP At the end of the year, guest numbers still increase at a solid rate SCR206.BMP Another popular ride is the Suzuka Circuit! SCR207.BMP The park won 2 awards in its first season! Although one isn't really an award What a year it has been! To finish off this update, I thought I would do a ridership report of some of the rides in year 1! Kaiju - 1,411 riders Roar - 686 Nitro - 486 Joker's House of Fun - 438 Suzuka Circuit - 290 Trailblazer - 274 Yankee Clipper - 240 Temple of Doom - 230 Sky Trek Tower - 200 Wicked Cyclone - 144 Gotham Theater - 127 Columbia Carousel - 124 Logger's Run - 108 El Toro - 104 Ricochet - 96 River Rocker - 92 Tatsu - 86 X-Flight - 60 Batman - 56 Demon - 48
  7. Your problem could be school group trips though, which I encountered last year in early June. They generally leave about 5 so it thins out after that.
  8. I second this, it was also very slow to get into the park, which I know is due to safety concerns but still it felt like it could be more efficient. Superman operations were also pretty bad. They used an assigned row system which was supposed to increase capacity but actually ended up slowing things down.
  9. Nice TR! Always good to see a report of my home park! Even with its inconsistent operations I always have a good time there. I think those boarding passes were a good idea but I only had them on Goliath this year. Also, when I was last there I think single riders were walking up the exit of Superman. Can anyone confirm this? Lastly, am I the only one who thinks a S&S 4-D free spin would fit perfectly in RC's old spot?
  10. Isn't swinging the whole point of Ninja? It's to make sure that the trains don't swing too much and damage the train or injure the rider. You must be new here Day made.
  11. SFDK just posted a picture of Roar on facebook and someone asked if it was Twisted Colossus.....
  12. I would say it depends on whther or not you want it to stick out or not, if you want it to stick out, I think a yellow track with yellow rails and blue supports would look nice. If you want to be a little more mellow, you could stick with what you have now, but I would change the rails to either grey or the same color as the track. Black track with grey supports is usually a good choice for an SLC as well.
  13. I like the position of the s&s towers and inverter along with little dipper. I'm not too sure about the colors of the SLC, particularly the rails, but that's a minor issue. Hmmm, 1997 B&M? Could be an L-shaped hyper but 97 is a little early for that, if trying to be super realistic that is.
  14. Thank you all for the clarification and explanation. I didn't say that the ride was bad, but that pov just made it look slow. After hearing what you guys have to say, it clears things up a bit. I hope I can get to ride it soon to see what it really feels like.
  15. I have not ridden it, but watching Robb's last POV of it, it did look over-trimmed and the first half just seemed to be a lot of straightaways and drawn out turns, which would be great at high speed, but not so much at a slow pace. Again, I have not ridden it so I cannot comment on whether it is a bad ride or not, I just think based on the POV it doesn't look like the coaster it once was.
  16. Hi everyone! Six Flags North Woods is already back with a new update! This update will see the completion of Golden Kingdom, but with an exciting surprise thrown in! This is the last new content update of the park! My plan is to make a few tweaks and polish things up a bit and then open the park. Once it is open for a while, I will post updates about the tweaks I've made and the how the park looks in full operation! At this point I would like to thank everyone who has viewed and commented on this park (this includes guests if there are any). It is really appreciated, especially since this is my first park that I've ever shared publicly. Which brings me to my next point, due to the success of this park, I am pleased to announce that I have already started work on an all-new story-line park! Stay tuned for more info on it! Thank you for reading and enjoy the final reveals of Six Flags North Woods! SCR139.BMP Picking up where we left off in Golden Kingdom, I decided to add the Suzuka circuit go-carts! (No, this is not the surprise) SCR141.BMP This IS the suprise! I decided to change the remainder of Golden Kingdom into an all-new section, Yankee Harbor! SCR143.BMP Pictured here are various restaurants, I tried to have a lot of bright colors in this section to contrast Golden Kingdom SCR144.BMP Pictured here are the boardwalk shops, I also tried to maintain emphasis on nature in this section SCR145.BMP Here is Fiddler's Fling, an intense spinning ride, and where Yankee Harbor connects to the park entrance area SCR148.BMP Here is the station for Yankee Clipper, a water ride with an underground dive and a second drop with a splash landing SCR157.BMP This shot shows the second drop SCR158.BMP Here is the station for the other major ride in Yankee Harbor, Logger's Run! SCR159.BMP This shot shows Logger's run's indoor section, through which two of the ride's main three drops exit SCR160.BMP This shot shows the third main drop SCR161.BMP An overview of Yankee Harbor! SCR162.BMP An overview of the full park! SCR171.BMP Just to recap, this was all that was left to be completed after the last update!
  17. That Wing rider is a Flug Der Daemonen clone it appears, looks very well done!
  18. Unless you took those photos, please state where you got them from. These are from RMC facebook.
  19. Welcome to TPR! One thing I have to tell you, though, is that when you start a new thread for a park, you have to have at least 3 pieces of media, whether it be photos or videos. It's definitely understandable since you are new here, but I just wanted to let you know. Have a great time on the forums!
  20. It's definitely quiet now, but for a while it was quite squeaky in some parts.
  21. Won't be like that after RMC is finished, those nylon wheels on that steel track is almost as loud as steel wheels running on the steel strips of a wooden coaster. I remember Goliath was very squeaky when it first opened. Maybe I box will be different but I would not be surprised if this thing were pretty loud until a while after it opens.
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