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Everything posted by willthegolfer

  1. The layout does indeed look like an improvement on leviathan, except it doesn't have that speed hill sort of thing that Leviathan has after the first turn. The last two camel backs look alright, but the first one doesn't look like it'll do much, hopefully I'm wrong. The first half looks great, but then it goes into that really drawn out turn after the underground dive, I'm not to sure about that, and then it goes into that really big helix that looks like it won't provide much force. Overall, it looks like an amazing first half, an alright middle, and a pretty good ending. I'm definitely excited to see what it rides like, because that first half looks insane.
  2. I just got a message saying "this content is not available on your device." Using my phone.
  3. Mine keeps buffering after about 2 seconds on chrome, surprisingly, it's working much better on my phone.
  4. Sfft twitter. "What's that hanging from the balloon." The person who took the picture says it's a banner saying "world's first."
  5. ^I know, that really bugs me as well, i guess because it has the tallest drop they can therefore call it the tallest wooden coaster.
  6. SoB was a 3 minute car accident. Bad choice Paramount! I'm just wondering why of all manufacturers Paramount went with RCCA for the ride. Were they the only ones that took up the risk to do SOB? RCCA wanted to do it themselves. I don't know why, though. I remember CCI had a project with Kings Island, but they went bankrupt and that never happened. I remember from the latest IAAPA video that a GCI exec said they were asked to build SoB.
  7. I don't know what the issue is, but it has to do with the orange train. I do know, however, that the exact same thing happened yesterday. It opened at 330, ran both for a bit then took the orange off, and put it back on about 30 mins later and ran fine the rest of the day.
  8. And Goliath is open! Just rode it for the first time, and boy was it great, blows out every other coaster here.
  9. Im at the park now. Very busy, 40 mins for viper and 1 hour for AE, which is only running blue, Goliath closed. At least viper and ae ran pretty well.
  10. ^^ Last time i rode the vests locked making what would have been a decent ride, (back row left) painful.
  11. Testing has not started yet, my guess (and only a guess) is that it will begin at the end of this week on Friday or Saturday.
  12. According to the Goliath unofficial Facebook page, the midnight event has been cancelled, not rescheduled. Apparently you can mail your ticket to the park or trade it in at media day for 2 exit passes per ticket.
  13. My favorite line from this article : metro.co.uk/2014/05/20/dont-look-down-ride-that-drops-you-335-feet-headfirst-opens-to-public-4734290/ "A new amusement park that sends riders plummeting 335ft headfirst towards the ground at 60mph has opened in Florida." I didn't know a park could send riders 335 feet into the ground! Sounds like an awesome park!
  14. Rob SfGam over at sfgamworld once again provides some great photos from inside the park.
  15. ^ Yeah that definitely makes more sense, that's just what I found when i searched 66 days at sea.
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