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Everything posted by OzCatter

  1. I hate the way CF has treated WOF in the past couple of years, but they are starting to really give some money not only to rides, but the little stuff like repainting buildings, more benches, just overall improvements including new bathrooms
  2. Got a late start, I went to a party the night before so I was pretty tired. Took a shower, threw in some microwave food for the road, and was off. Got there a bit prior to 9:30, with a slight line for the entrance. Both me and Kenny had our passes already, and the usual 3rd person, Meghan, had to work there now. Our gate attendant was messed up and couldnt figure out how to swipe basically. Took a while but we were off. The pre opening ceremony started right after we got there, a brief speech from Phil Bender, then Kinzel said a few words. Then the 1st train auction people got on and rode. We got on 5th public ride ever, 6th row. Here we go: Patriot: 8 1/2/10, It was awesome, but I mean it was a bit weak in some places. Overall a pretty good ride with an awesome drop. We rode 3 more times in less than a hour, seriously, this is opening day for a brand new big ride and we are getting in a ride that is barely in the main quoue. After that we went on Mamba, got some of the 25 cent cotton candy, did some other stuff. Overall we got 8 rides on Patriot easily before leaving around 4. So today, I hit my 60th credit with Patriot. Pretty good I say? Next week, we leave on Friday for SDC to FINALLY get Powder Keg for 61. I feel like Marris and Mantle going after Ruth's record!
  3. An update has happened on the Official Katamari Website. The update says in Japanese that the website is closing and the Katamari team is being disbanded. The PSP version will be the last Katamari game. http://www.psxextreme.com/scripts/news2/new.asp?newID=3663 Katamari No More Before all the hub-bub of the Business Brief, we brought you a story about the official Katamari website, Katamari on the Web, being shut down in three days. Well, that time has transpired and what are we left with? Not a mention of a new Katamari, but instead a goodbye note of sorts heralding the shutting of the website and the dissolution of the team behind everybody's favorite series. It would appear that, at least in the foreseeable, there will be no more games in the franchise (the last of which is the impending Me and My Katamari for PSP releasing later this month), which is a shame because the possibilities for a next-gen adventure would've been insane! Perhaps all is not so bad, though, as we were never meant to get a sequel or a PSP game in the first place. Those came from the demand of gamers and Namco brass. While the Prince may be shelving his magnetic ball of stuff for good, the message also gives us a silver lining: "The Katamari Doctor" (series creator), as they call him, is working on a new game of a different type. It cautions, however, that there will be no rolling around or making large things, so it may not be any fun and would be a waste of your time to anticipate it. NO!
  4. Dude, you got it easy. My house's power blew out and everything was horrible
  5. Well, I recently got the portable unit for the Roady2, so I've been enjoying the WBC in school. I'll probably end up getting the Dell DJ 20 GB with XM built in whenever it comes out.
  6. Gotta take XM, cant stand Howie. What doesnt make sense is how if he doesnt care about O&A, why does he always bring them up. Well XM also has MLB, WBC, better music, and overall just better. What's your guys
  7. I'm really sad I didnt get to go there over last summer, but I mean I would have given up Houston for it, and I would have never got AW, and SFNO is reopening. Plus NO is always open for moving, they need hospital admins in Orleans
  8. Just got back to this, yeah, I knew it couldnt be real. We're still trying to figure out what he used for the first part of Venom though, I wonder what he could have used, hmm......... But yeah, fake, plus added splices from both movies. Keep this open though for when the trailer comes out
  9. EDIT: Fake, but well thought for a jackass to do this to us.
  10. Jason over at CoasterCommunity.com was given the opportunity to tour the Patriot site by Nick Guevel, PR Manager at WOF. Here is the link to the pics: http://coastercommunity.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=741&g2_navId=xc2ab4b70 Enjoy
  11. Man, STL is so much better than KC, it isnt funny! I need to get back, it's almost been a full year, and this might be my last chance
  12. http://www.rcdb.com/id1152.htm It was at both PKD and AT
  13. Those PKD fans are going to be happy to see a good oldie
  14. Too bad this is the worst book of them all. I havent even seen GoF yet, see how weak the movies are IMO
  15. Way to bright to be Viper, definatly for GL parts
  16. I did however like the not having Stewies money part, but most of the show now is just filler, and most regular people who just became FG fans are eating it up. I think bringing Futurama back will probably make competition, and hopefully MacFarlene will listen
  17. Well, the last few have been trademarked to the parks, ala Patriot and SB, so I'm guessing this is 2007 CP
  18. I wonder about SFNO now, they've sold 2 SF parks, as they said they would.
  19. Highway 61 and whats sad is Wes has a point. I'm really surprised in today's youth. I was raised with classic music, and I sometimes like it a lot better than todays music. So much better quality. ~Cal
  20. This is the greatest thing. And this movie was promised to Jason Mewes for staying off drugs. Kevin Smith said he'd do one more if he stayed off drugs. Great news!
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