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Everything posted by Cyrbuzz

  1. Cobra's Curse? I like the sound of that. I think this is going to be something special. With this and a hyper coming to Sea World, 2016 is going to be a good year in Florida.
  2. They have some concept art of Cheetah Hunt's early development that showed it was almost a spinning style coaster.
  3. Glad to see the special events are drawing a good crowd. I love Sea World and the announcement of another thrill machine just gets me pumped up even more. Those knuckleheads with the protest signs may as well hang it up. Blackfishes 15 minutes of fame are up and now it's time to move forward and not look back. Back to your cave protesters, this one is over for you, mission not accomplished. Sea World is not going anywhere and are planning more for their future. With a great new CEO at the helm, I see nothing but great things ahead and this park will bounce back you watch.
  4. Looks very nice with a good balance of themeing. I can't wait to see this park grow and see what coaster layouts you have planned.
  5. They need Anthony Michael Hall to reprise Rusty Griswold. The cast change for the kids got tiresome after a while. This movie just doesn't look to be all that appealing to me. I think I'll pass on this one.
  6. Damn so much drama over a coaster, this is just nuts. I would love to ride this thing because it looks fun and that's what it's all about isn't it? A lot of people dog on it's cousin Leviathan, but I'm here to tell you that ride is a lot of freaking fun. It was my first giga coaster and it did not diasappoint. I didn't over analize it, study it or measure it or calculate it. I got on, hung on and had one hell of a fun ride on it. I think others would enjoy these rides too if they would just get on with the plan to just have FUN!
  7. Busch Gardens Tampa is first and foremost an animal park, then a ride park. They will always maintain their animal collection, if anything they've added more animals in recent years. Cheetahs, Kangaroos and other Australian animals plus a recent addition to the elephant population just to name a few. They just built that large medical care facility too, so I think the animals will continue to be their main focus of the park if not the top two reasons for being.
  8. I see these pictures and am amazed that this is in an arab country. You see how extremely conservative most middle eastern nations are and then you see this. This place looks so much like what you would find in western nations as far as modern cities and entertainment. It's refreshing to see a country in this region not be so uptight. They truly love to bring in the tourists don't they?
  9. It really is nice to see a park resurrected from the dead. So many parks have been lost over the years for whatever reasons. Hopefully this park will thrive for many more generations to enjoy. I really miss a few of the parks I used to attend, Boardwalk and Baseball being on the top of my miss list. Anyway great pictures there, looks like you had a blast.
  10. Makes me wonder if Blackstone was the right company to buy out these parks? Then going public seems to have not helped the matter either. I really want to see them bounce back and get stronger, they just need strong guidance and a real direction by it's management. Maybe better owners are part of the solution too. Everyone thought Concast taking over Universal was going to hurt them badly but look how they have really gone gangbusters with it and aren't slowing down. Hey Comcast think you could turn Sea World around too? Would be an interesting scenerio.
  11. Went to Busch Gardens on Saturday and had a blast as usual, but at the same time just realized wow a lot of attraction closures in recent months. Rhino Rally, the bird show, King Tut's Tomb and now Gwazi. Can't say this pattern is very encouraging given the news of cutbacks and CEO firings. I hope this trend doesn't continue and we see a little light at the end of the tunnel soon. I love this park and Sea World Orlando and want nothing but a healthy continuation of both these and their other parks in the chain.
  12. I can't believe this clown got away with having that on the ride. What idiots to take that risk with other people on the ride. Remember Dueling Dragons at IOA doesn't duel anymore because a foreign object struck a rider in the eye? And yet these assclowns were bringing these stupid sticks on rides. I agree big time get these things out of the parks. They're hazardous on rides and rude during live shows for other spectators.
  13. Gwazi's long line is attributed to the very long loading/unloading process. I've never seen such a drawn out loading procedure on any ride I've been on. Seems it took 5 minutes at least to get a train dispatched.
  14. I think Cheetah Hunt is a great ride and makes great use of the canyon area with the twists. My son can only ride the rides under 54 inches right now and he loves it. Besides, look how long the line for this ride is after being open a few years already. Seems to me it's quite popular despite the complainers out there. As for Gwazi what a shame to see such an impressive looking coaster end in just a short 15 year lifespan. Sure would have been great to see a Rocky Mountain treatment done to it. Look at what that has done for those few rides that were also getting rough.
  15. Just read news via Screamscape that Sea World and Busch Gardens are moving ahead with the coming years festivities despite the fallout from the Blackfish crap that caused bands to drop out of the music events. Glad to see they are moving forward and continuing the music festivities and will not announce the bands performing too early. I think this a step in the right direction for the parks as opposed to ending the music festivals because of Blackfish.Kudos to Sea World Parks.
  16. Merry Christmas to Robb and Elissa and Kidtums from the Cyr family. And a Merry Christmas to everyone at the TPR community. May 2015 be a roller coastin great year, keep riding!!
  17. Drove by the Orlando Eye on the way to Sea World today and wow is this thing huge. It looks like all the spokes were now in place and all that's left is attaching the cars to it. I wonder how it compares in size to the ferris wheel that used to be up the road at what was Circus World/Boardwalk and Baseball? I remember that wheel being huge and visible for many miles.
  18. Went to Sea World today with my boy and had a great time. He loves the Polar Express ride during the Christmas Holiday it never disappoints. The sea of trees was awesome as usual with a nice light display which gives a nice reflection off the water. There was a pretty decent size crowd at the park today with cars filling up the overflow lots. They may have had a bad year with publicity and slightly low attendance, not that I saw much of a low crowd, but this park has not been a let down in all the 25 plus years I have attended it. I support this park 100% and believe this storm will pass and they will bounce back.
  19. Look how long Son of Beast stood SBNO at Kings Island. So enjoy the big wooden lawn ornament at BGT for a while. In the wake of the big company management shakeup it may be a while before anything new is greenlit for construction.
  20. Those Discovery Channel shows were the best. The one on Funhouses was one of my favorites since you don't see too much on that type of park attraction. I wish Discovery would get back to the great programs they used to do instead of these brainless reality shows. Reality shows have really killed good television.
  21. I really hope 2015 begins a better year for Sea World than 2014 has been. I really want to see them bounce back big time. They have provided my family and I with many years of smiles and want nothing but the best outlook for them.
  22. I looked over the Ezpay description on their site and it does clearly state that the plan will renew automatically unless the customer stops payments. So I think this will not get far since it is stated on the website. I can't believe this guy was going to sue for $5 million. That alone smells of a greedy knucklehead to me.
  23. Has anyone heard about this idiot who is tryting to sue Sea World over pass renewal? He said he knew nothing about passes automatically renewing unless you tell them not to and he was charged $35 a month when it renewed. I knew when I got my pass that it renews unless you halt it. He wants to sue for 5 million dollars. Tell me this isn't some nut trying to get rich off the parks. I think he was an idiot for not reading the fine print when buying a pass.
  24. Sea World never dissapoints at Christmas time. We love the sea of trees show and my son can't get enough of The Polar Express. This park has been a long time favorite of mine since the 1980's and I never grow tired of it. I pray for a properous year ahead for Sea World and her sister parks. May the Blackfish folks and supporters disappear like a fart in the wind.
  25. Leviathan at Canada's Wonderland got some good cheers coming into the station. This was my first time on a giga and it was a blast.
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