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Everything posted by kraxleRIDAH

  1. I don't see myself walking off the loading platform after riding Montu, Superman Krypton Coaster, or Magic Mountain's Viper with just a lapbar. I don't think anybody else can either.
  2. ^ Wow. I would have a retort going, but I feel like I've repeated myself 20 times this week already.
  3. Mark Shapiro confirmed that Metro WILL NOT be reconfigured into a Thomas & Friends attraction for reasons pertaining to the wishes of the brand name holder. You can listen to it in one of the live conference calls. Good luck trying to search for it though. I doubt a wooden roller coaster will Magic Mountain's next, no matter how inticing that sounds. An El Toro in Southern California sounds marvelous, but I don't think it's realistic. The regulations for wooden roller coasters being built in California (especially Southern California) are incredibly strict and above national average because of safety risks involved with potential earthquakes. I know for a fact that GhostRider used up as much wood as a roller coaster that would usually be more than twice its size just for structural stability. The cost for a woodie elsewhere would cost considerably more if built at Magic Mountain. Doesn't matter anyway. There will be a lot of other things introduced (family rides / kids themed areas) before any talk of new roller coasters for Magic Mountain should resume.
  4. ^ It would rock...after they could find a way to fit it in there. I've seen Dominator in person and believe me, it is in no way a small or compact ride. It covers a lot of land and has a very strange footprint. Even if Great America were to take out Grizzly, Dominator STILL wouldn't fit.
  5. That would only happen in your 14-year-old RCT-mindset lala land.
  6. 2 words for ya: Perilous. Plunge. About 95% of the roller coasters in operation today have yet to come close to the water chute on that thing. Those that have ridden it know what I'm speaking of.
  7. Ya, that business talk-show guy that did a phone-in with Shapiro said 8-roller coasters would be introduced at Six Flags parks in 2008. I'm still a bit skeptical though. I only counted 7. (1) Tony Hawk's Big Spin - SFDK (2) Tony Hawk's Big Spin - SFOT (3) Goliath - SFFT (4) Evel Knievel - SFSTL (5) The Dark Knight - SFGAM (6) The Dark Knight - SFNJ (7) The Dark Knight - SFNE I don't think I'm missing any...
  8. So the company just announced two spinning coasters, two indoor mouse coasters, an inverted coaster, a Wiggles World, a Thomas Town, a new nightly show, and a wooden roller coaster. All of the park home pages (including those that aren't receiving any new 2008 capital attractions like Six Flags America and Kentucky Kingdom) have been updated with a 2008 season pass purchase page. Except for Magic Mountain. No mention of a 2008 Play Pass or 2008 Season Pass. The only park homepage in the chain that lacks it. Then I thought about it for a bit, and in past seasons, the park only released information about Passes for the following season at the same time with a formal announcement of what will be introduced next year (whether it be rides, a new show, a new Hurricane Harbor addition, or new dining programs). Any thoughts? Anybody think Magic Mountain's announcement is for a later date? Or could it just be that they happened to forget to update the homepage for JUST Magic Mountain?
  9. Superman Krypton Coaster is more worthy of the name Goliath than this inverted coaster. It could've been called Nitro and that would have been a better fit.
  10. Anything missing? For starters, you might want to spell the ride names correctly. Evel Knievel. Wiggles World --- it's not possessive. Tony Hawk's Big Spin --- this one is possessive. It doesn't really matter, I'm just giving you a hard time.
  11. It's not like Magic Mountain hasn't gone two years without any kind of attraction before in the recent past. 2004 and 2005 were "quiet" years for the park. And I'm not counting additions to Hurricane Harbor. Plus, the kind of buzz and momentum Tatsu has created in the L.A. market still has enough draw power to hold the park over for another season. I am honestly glad that Magic Mountain isn't building a new coaster this year.
  12. The little VertiGo tombstone marker made me chuckle.
  13. ^ 14 or not, his points aren't valid. He's saying Mark Shapiro should read all of your complaints about ride clones and continue building more expensive custom rides. Isn't that the jist of it? Those aren't valid points. It's that kind of mindset that put Kieran Burke on the backburner with investors.
  14. ^ Discovery Kingdom may be a getting a small spinning coaster next year, but it doesn't have a relatively good free-with-admission water park like Great America's Boomerang Bay. I'd say it's about even.
  15. ^^ Though V2 doesn't really have a true theme like you said, Medusa is. In that case, less fitting than Tony Hawk. A mythological Greek female monster gone loose in an animal park? At least Tony Hawk has some appeal as an American pop-culture icon.
  16. I'd also like to touch on the clone issue... Shapiro said when he first did a visit to New England after Red Zone LLC acquired Six Flags, that Pandemonium was the most popular attraction among groups of families. He said his kids enjoyed it as much as he did and it was a kind of ride he would want at most of his parks in the future. Clones are cloned for a reason. The originals were very popular at the park it opened at and redistributing them at other parks usually gaurantees a similar reception from those markets -- also at a cheaper cost than a newly redesigned ride. Proven success goes a long way than spending tons of money on something new and different and having it blow up in your face. So please, can we give the clone thing a rest? I feel like the ones that actually understand the economic advantage of these rides have to keep explaining it to those that are absolutely clueless about it every single year.
  17. Uh. Same can be said for: Medusa...Whales? Medusa...Birds? Medusa...Elephants? Vertical Velocity...Whales? Vertical Velocity...Birds? Vertical Velocity...Elephants?
  18. Ha. You're funny. Not. You know what I was trying to get across. There's not going to be a B&M hyper going into St. Louis.
  19. Goliath from SFOG, yes. Though the B&M hyper at La Ronde would be something i could see being installed. I'm sorry. I thought I made it clear. "You won't be seeing anymore Goliaths." What's the name of La Ronde's 2006 coaster? There you go.
  20. EVERY Dinn/Summers woodie was good or at least decent their inaugural year -- even the infamous Psyclone at Magic Mountain or the ridiculously tame Mean Streak. But that's the unfortunate part. That's the only time they're ever good rides.
  21. Yet I don't read you b*tching about Disney's multiple Space Mountains, Splash Mountains, Big Thunder Mountain Railroads, Star Tours, It's a Small World, Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, Soarin' Over California, Jungle Cruises, Honey I Shrunk the Audience, Buzz Lightyear's Astroblasters, Toy Story Mania!, It's Tough to be a Bug and Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Seems like only Six Flags gets the flack for building clones. And a clone is a clone. Don't be trying to push it to say "oh, well, but it's Disney."
  22. ^ I quote Six Flags CEO Mark Shapiro -- "You won't be seeing anymore Goliaths." (in reference to roller coasters the size of Over Georgia's new 2006 ride)
  23. Swoosh you seem incredibly confident. I'll be sure to quote you on that above on Thursday in the event of a "change in plans."
  24. I was reading most of what has been posted in this thread and I like how everyone immediate jumps on the "it's going to be a roller coaster" bandwagon. While that would be nice for this park, did anybody ever stop to consider that it could possibly be a Wiggles World or Thomas Town? Or both? I know they just redid their Bugs Bunny National Park area, but Great Adventure and Marine World have both added new kids areas right after introducing a new kids area a year or two before. So it's not out of the question.
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