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Everything posted by woah_killa

  1. Where I live there's no public transportation, and if I wanted to walk to school I'd have to wake up around 3:30 in the morning.
  2. ^No, I posted it because it's TPR related!
  3. So, I go outside this morning (looking rough, I must say) and what do I see? A DONKEY! Me, my friend Alex, and my sister in tha tub!
  4. I used to go to Lake Junaluska a lot, and I had no idea it was that close to Ghost Town.
  5. I haven't done any, but mugglenet.com said they had excerpts from the new Harry Potter book. I thought it was sort of funny.
  6. OH OH OH! PM me too! I'll be there in a month or two anyway! (but don't if you don't want to)
  7. Hey, me (the dude) and a couple friends went downtown last night and took some neat pics: lookin' down Me by myself with some yellow light. stairs hm? my friend mandy tells us to do the most random stuff
  8. Man, you guys are awesome and must have lots of patience! This is the best I can do: untitled.bmp Pretty pitiful, huh?
  9. Be really cool towards whoever you like...that's how people like me! OK, I have a really weird question that I touched on in the rant thread. So, one of my best friends has started going out with my sister so now I can barely hang out with either one of them without the other being there making it all awkward for me. I'm starting to freak out about it because sure they're having a good time, but it's ruining my relationship with them. What should I do?
  10. OK, I have a rant. One of my best friends has started going out with my sister...does anybody else find that really awkward?
  11. I don't think I've posted here in a while. black and whiteness! My sort of new glasses!
  12. I couldn't really see it clearly, but how does that new lift work on Tower of Terror?
  13. I took a trip to the moon. It was okay. I took 10000 pictures.
  14. OH MY GOSH!!!!111 I can't believe this! I was at SFOG yesterday, and I was standing right behind you to get on Goliath and I saw your camera and I was thinking "I bet he's a roller coaster enthusiast...maybe I should ask him if he's on TPR", then I didn't so...basically, I was standing right behind you when you took the picture of Goliath's station.
  15. Hey, I'll do it! But, if I drop out suddenly or don't finish, don't be surprised...I'm really busy right now. Also, that lateral g part is a little...strict don't you think?
  16. Actually, I did build this ride in a few hours (about 8 ) and I think it turned out pretty good for being built in such a short time!
  17. Hey everybody, I've sort of given up on No Limits for a few months, but just recently I decided to build a new one. Tell me what you think about it! atomic.nltrack
  18. HMMM...a pic of me crouching down? and another one... ow, i'm in pain! (not) me and one of my BF's
  19. ^^ I have that one, and two of my buttons have cracked, but it still works.
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