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Everything posted by griffonj2022

  1. That's exactly the same way I feel. Hope that you can take the experience from this park and make an even better one to come!
  2. Manta was my first B&M Flyer when I rode it back in September and I loved it too...All of the twists and inversions, not to mention the at the top of the pretzel loop. Thanks for the photos, can't wait to go back now
  3. These pictures are amazing again But the thing that stumps me is how to they load/unload the trains? People have to get on from both sides, but then how do you get them off in that kind of station?
  4. I wish Busch Gardens Williamsburg was putting in one of these in the old BBW site instead of the lauching coaster. It would be pure heaven But they aren't... Anyways, these shots are amazing! And as someone mentioned up above, seeing some station and loading/unloading shots would be neat, especially the front car close up. Thanks for such cool pictures
  5. _Brandon_, Where did you get those CTR wingriders from? I'm addicted to Raptor at Gardaland and have been searching all over for some but all I can find are the Intamin ones...
  6. Can you say fresh paint? I love the way this park looked when it opened...seeing all of the bright colors and how new everything seems. Now it's 10+ and still looks somewhat the same.
  7. Looks kinda like a gradual descent to me...but i hope there is at least some good airtime
  8. This makes me want to go on another cruise! I went on the Disney Magic back in 2005, and want to go on this ship or the Fantasy as a graduation present. The only problem is that they are so astronomically expensive Piggy bank money...
  9. I think Mantis is pretty intense, seeing as they block brake on the drop was off the first time I rode it. I didn't like it. Alpengeist is pretty intense too. The whole cobra roll I was plastered into my seat just bracing for the time when I could breathe again. I don't really like forceful rides, can you tell??
  10. Very well done...I love how the dive loop literally hits the ground and then swoops back up again. That's always my favorite part on any flying coaster
  11. Those new trains look beautiful!!!! Makes me want to take a trip down there to ride all the rides since I haven't been since 2004
  12. Gotta be some sort of Intamin accelerator, that's my bet. Hope it's a good one
  13. Maverick and Millennium Force at Cedar Point, Griffon and Apollo's Chariot at BGW, and Storm Runner at Hersheypark sure packed a punch.
  14. I am SO excited to see what BGW cooks up for this new coaster. While I was hoping they would do something to top Griffon height-wise, it seems like they're going to do something smaller and more intense. Personally, the name Verbolten is the only one that sticks out to me, and the whole idea of it being themed to the "Forbidden Forest" gets me so pumped! I just wish that more of the ride was outside and not inside the "themed building", seeing as most of Busch's coasters in the past are all outside. Anyways, it'll sure be fun with all of the launches and the finale diving down to the Rhine river just like BBW did. Can't wait until they reveal the details later this year
  15. Mantis at Cedar Point. It was my first stand-up roller coaster...and my last
  16. These shots are so cool...remind me of my trip there last year Wish I could go back....
  17. Looks like a ton of fun to me. But like one of the posts above said, I wish it had more airtime hills instead of all those corkscrews and zero-g rolls. Yes, I know it's supposed to be a 12 Inversion roller coaster, but I personally like over Still looks fun though
  18. Yeah this will definitely go over 122 pages...by the looks of it we all can't wait to see what happens next anyways! I'm hoping to see some sort of B&M creation again, and a dive machine mentioned before would be very cool in years to come. Right now I don't know what to speculate, but I'm hoping for an Intamin Rocket.
  19. Just wanna say congrats on 103 pages! That's gotta be a record or something...
  20. This ride is perfect for the park. While it's a little tiny, it fits into the terrain great and looks cool too! While the name is so dark, the track or cars really don't give the feeling of "Undertaker". It's more like a Goliath look. Anyways, still good. You said that you originally had put in a Mr. Freeze clone, but took it out. Why? If you have any shots of that or what it looked like before you took it out that'd be cool to see. Nice work...keep it up.
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