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Everything posted by deathbydinn

  1. I'm never even thought of that - but I totally agree with you. I think because Cedar Point has so many rides and because so much of the crowds will be waiting in lines, it makes the midways themselves a much more relaxing day. Even on the days when I went and ride lines were spilling out the entrances, the midways were never crowded and it was easy to just sit down and chill out. Great America does a few good chill out areas though, the patio in Yukon is nice since most people don't seem to know it exists, and the building in Orleans next to Cyber Cafe is really good for hot days. Of course the best area was the Hometown garden, which hopefully will make it's way back soon.
  2. ^ The S&S versions look like scaled down Screamin' Swings, this one looks like the Zamperla model. http://www.zamperla.com/en/zamperla-details-rides-happy_swing
  3. If anything, putting a Batman themed ride next to a Superman themed ride in an Orleans themed area would make the park more of an amusement park and less of a theme park. As much as I do like Dark Knight, the old theater continued the theme of the area much more than DK.
  4. ^ No thanks. We don't need another low capacity ride, and we definitely do not need any area themed to dumb super heroes.
  5. The new Simpsons Fast Food Boulevard restaurants are open to the public. Full report from Attractions Magazine
  6. ^ Mine dropped to two, no premium restaurants though and my consumerism dropped to one and a half.
  7. Either way, it's Mount Olympus. They could add a second train and still not improve capacity at all.
  8. Here's a bit of an IgNite preview the park posted. There's a pass holder preview on June 14 during CAD, and then it opens to the public the next day.
  9. Work on X Flights train resumed yesterday. Assuming any problem it was having is fixed now it should be taking riders within the next few days.
  10. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the lighted slide, Point Panic I believe, turns out. I've seen some videos of similar slides in Europe and they look really cool.
  11. Thanks for the report! It's interesting to me that you say it's still pretty rough, yet it's still just as good or possibly better than Outlaw Run. I guess the reviews are making me very intrigued to ride, since it's not often that you hear people say a ride is rough yet really good at the same time.
  12. But it won't. Even if the ride is still rough it's still the biggest coaster in the state and the only one that inverts. The GP will eat it up even more now. And while I am slightly disheartened to hear that is still rough, whats important is that even though it isn't butter smooth people are still wanting to get back on a ride again, which is not something that many enthusiasts thought of the previous Hades in it's later years. And remember too, we have only heard from two people so far. And while I'm not doubting their reviews, everyone does react to rides differently so I am interested to hear the reviews after more people have ridden it and a general consensus has been formed.
  13. ^ They've been committed to a full train for a few years now. No idea why, and it's only on Hades, but they won't run it even if one seat is empty. As you said, it's both good and bad. Anything else change with the conversion like a bigger queue, new sign, etc? Any re-tracking on the other woodies?
  14. ^ RCDB lists the new kiddie coaster as being moved from the recently closed Camelot park.
  15. ^ I've never found the part before the lift rough, even with the PTCs. It's actually a surprisingly fun part of the ride with a few pops of air. Comparing this pov to TPR's old one which I believe is from 2005, from the top of the hill to the brake run did seem to take a few seconds longer than before. But that was always a particularly rough and uneventful area of the ride so I don't really think it'll lose anything by going a bit slower through it. I kinda wish they could've thrown in the new over bank over there instead, but this revamp still looks great and should be great for the park.
  16. In this interview with park owner Nick Laskaris he said they had to have Hades open for memorial day even if they had to work around the clock, so maybe there was a lot of overnight testing? Still kind of odd that there hasn't been anything from anyone about it testing, but I'm sure Gravity Group wouldn't hand over the keys if it wasn't ready. He also said that the other three wooden coasters also received lots of re-tracking to help smooth them out.
  17. ^ Because its Six Flags. Viper backwards will run until August 28. Didn't see a date for eagle, but its probably for Fright Fest.
  18. The park uploaded this great video about the creation of Iron Rattler.
  19. ^ I agree that opening day was bad and that they should have been much further along then they were. But it does seem like there may be something going on with X Flights second train, as it's weird that they would finish all the rows but the first and then leave it for days to finish other rides. While I'm thinking there may be something up with X Flight, like it's waiting on a part or something, the park should have at least said something or put a sign out in front of it apologizing for the reduced capacity and longer lines. So I guess I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for X Flight, but there's really no excuse for everything else especially when you're still going to hand out $20, knowing that the park is not ready to handle those kinds of crowds.
  20. Superman and Eagle Blue were both testing their second trains today so those should both be running soon.
  21. It wasn't posted on their Facebook. I expect this to be true. It's been a rumor for some time that after Batman backwards is over we'll see both AE Blue and Viper run backwards, but not at the same time. One will probably be for Fright Fest.
  22. Same thing happened to me. They don't even wait to see if the rain will amount to anything, one drop and it's all closed. Do the other Cedar Fair parks have such strict rain policies, or is it only Cedar Point?
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