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Everything posted by bflag

  1. I predict any minute there will be another pointless complaint. Wait for it, wait for it.
  2. Voted everyday since this thread started.....I think you got this.
  3. IMO, They are both terrible rides but I have to say Beast because like some of you already mentioned SOB is very ROUGH.....the loop on SOB was awesome while it lasted and if it was still there I would say SOB.
  4. IMO, Wicked Twister at Cedar Point. The launch is the only quality part of the ride and even that gets old.
  5. Don't you think Terminator would be a good theme for a steel coaster? I Don't really think it fits with a wood coaster though.....it will be interesting to see how they pull this off. How about a Wicker Man theme?
  6. Space Mountain: Disneyland CA Indiana Jones: Disneyland CA Thunder Mountain: Disneyland Paris Expedition Everest: Disney Animal Kingdom Matterhorn: Disneyland CA
  7. Psyclone: SFMM Flashback: SFMM Matterhorn: Disneyland
  8. My favorites: Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland CA.
  9. Well said. I was thinking the same thing when they first announced plans for a 2009 coaster. I couldn't see them putting a Tony Hawk or a Dark Knight coaster at the park.....SFMM is too good for one of these lame rides. There was rumors of a El Loco like Steel Hawg at Indiana Beach coming to the west coast but I don't really see that kinda ride doing good out here unless it was 200ft like mentioned at WCB. The construction photos of Steel Hawg look pretty cool, it reminds me of Flashback which was a fun ride the first couple of times and then it just becomes boring...IMO.
  10. What about the 1982 movie "Zapped" starring Scott Baio and Willie Aames. This movie has a scene 10 minutes long where they are at SFMM.
  11. Two years ago me and my friend went on Batman The Ride at SFMM 10 times in a row without getting off the train then another 7-10 times later that night. We also went on Scream and Goliath like 5 times back to back without getting off then another 10 times scattered through the evening.
  12. The name was actually changed from The Del Mar Fair to San Diego County Fair back in 2003.
  13. Disneyland (twice) Six Flags Magic Mountain (twice) Sea World San Diego (once) Knotts Soak City San Diego (once) Belmont Park (10-15 times)
  14. (From Screamscape) 6/9/08: According to a Screamscape source, the decision to cancel the nightly fireworks at The Mountain was only partly due to “wildfire concerns”. The biggest deciding factor involved was apparently one that was completely beyond the park’s control. From what I’ve been told it was the county that decided not to renew the park’s fireworks permit due to fact that Newhall Land and Farm Co. is ready to start construction work to extend Magic Mountain Parkway past the park and down the southern border of the park, right next to the park’s traditional fireworks “launch site”. Of course after seeing that property sit empty for decades, I’m curious just what kind of projects they are planning to build so close to the theme park and what kind of affect this could have on the park in the future.
  15. ^ I totally agree. I've always thought the Batman Rides deserved more credit. Its definitely a SMOOTH ride with some very nice inversions. I remember going up to SFMM when it opened, the line was about 4 hours long and Viper was about 2 1/2 hours. I'm glads those days are gone....two of the hottest queue's ever!!!
  16. Wicked Twister is so HORRIBLE!!!! I didn't even think about riding it the last 2 times I went to CP. Besides it being a stupid ride its also one of the ugliest coasters ever!!
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