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AmyUD06 last won the day on November 1 2023

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About AmyUD06

  • Birthday 02/16/1983


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    Oooh, I can finally make a custom title!

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    Northern DE Resident, Central NJ Native
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  1. Typically, no. Forgive me if I take some offense when an entitled brat needs to demonstrate things in such a way.
  2. You are getting the best benefits that are offered. We don't deserve some extra special perk. You're already saving money over buying daily FL every time you go, right? Spoken as an all-season, all-park FL+ owner (almost) every year since its been offered.
  3. All-Season-All-Park-FL just gets you the highest level offered at a park; it will only get you one ride (per day) on the Zamperla mistake. You all are seriously overthinking this.
  4. Nothing new. Kings Dominion limited FL+ to one ride on Volcano for most of the years that it existed. They just marked your wristband when you rode; if you tried to show it again once it already had the mark, you weren't allowed. It's really not that complicated, people.
  5. My apologies, it was Screamscape rumors. But still believable, especially given the now-year-long-delay added to the project with no motion whatsoever on the site.
  6. They've already said that the initial renovation plans with Kumbak are no more*, no? (EDIT: This was not officially stated by the park, just a Screamscape rumor). I think we just need to accept that it's gone and will not be coming back in any recognizable form. *Is anyone shocked? A company whose claim to fame was the horrible trains on T3 at Kentucky Kingdom doesn't exactly have the best track record.
  7. The Williamsburg park charges members $7 to get their membership card printed on something thicker than paper. This does not surprise me in the slightest.
  8. Yes, one day with FL+ will be enough to get all of the credits at KI, and plenty of re-rides too. FL+ is awesome at this park and puts you in the station on pretty much ride its offered on.
  9. Was that their last remaining show venue, or is it like Great Adventure where they have a bunch that haven't been used in a decade? I know they don't use them now, but they're going to need proper show venues in the post-merger era.
  10. In December of 2021 I hit SFMM and KBF in one trip; here are some of my observations/suggestions: -I flew in and out of Burbank International Airport (BUR) for substantially less money than flying into or out of LAX, via Southwest. Yes, flight times are limited by comparison, but what they had available worked for me. Rental car prices were also substantially cheaper at that airport. -With Flash Pass Platinum, I would imagine you will only need one day at SFMM. I agree with two days at KBF though, especially if you plan on taking in all of the non-ride things to do there. -Don't forget to check out the Santa Monica Pier and Pacific Park while you're in the area. Only one credit, a so-bad-it's-good Morgan micro-hyper (full scale track and trains but a tiny kiddie coaster layout), but the park has historic value and also plenty of nice dining options in the area. -If you're a credit whore, there's also a few credits to be had at nearby Castle Park, John's Incredible Pizza, Live Oak Canyon Farm, and Apline Slide at Magic Mountain, the latter of which has an honest-to-satan real Apline Slide along with their mountain coaster. -Since you're only doing the LA-area parks (and ignoring the true SoCal parks down near San Diego), I'd honestly get one hotel that is centrally located for the entire time - this will give you a little more flexibility without having to work your schedule around check-in/out times. When I did the trip, I stayed at a mom-n-pop hotel that was in walking distance to the beach and dining/nightlife options. -Double whatever your expected fuel budget is.
  11. Android 13 on a Motorola moto G stylus 5G 2023. In Chrome: Visible thumbnails and the videos play In Firefox: Visible thumbnails and the videos play
  12. I can imagine. I'd just love to find one that runs the standard cars as fast as the one at Morey's used to back in the 90s.
  13. Huss will sell you a brand new Condor today if you really want one. I'm sure they still support it with parts.
  14. I'll trade freezing coaster rides for the everything else that CF does better than Six Flags any day of the week. There's more to parks than coasters.
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