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Everything posted by Florida420

  1. OK where to begin? This TR is from a month ago (almost to the day) I obviously wanted to post it right after the trip. But it was my first PTR so I wasn't sure about everything and had to resize the pics, clean some of them up, get all my ducks in a row. (< what??) Between my job and my daughter and my drug addiction, J/K I don't have a job. No really, about the drugs , I have a job. Anyway fast-forward a month and I still didn't have it done. So I thought it would be kinda funny to post on my one month anniversary of the trip, but we all know what was up with the boards yesterday. Soooo, I am gonna do it tonight even if it takes me all night, and by the way I'm typing, it just might. BTW I was thinking of just not posting it, since it was so late. But I got so many exclusive never before seen shots of the Hulk, I just had to share them. Also if I'm not that tired, I might just include the guess that toilet game!!! Mostly thought up just for Erik and his vast knowledge of everything universal, but fun for everyone to play!! So it was Sat. March 25th. I remember it like it was a month ago......... I went with my friend and her son KC, he's almost 15, so that will explain some of his actions, but not mine. It was a bit chilly in the morning, warmed up a bit during the day, the weather was great, I wish I could sat the same for my trip. I've been to IOA and US, many a times, so I guess I a bit spoiled, with the crowds, lines, wait times. I don't roll like some people so I don't get the fast pass, usually I visit on week days, off season, so I'm not used to the masses except at HHN, then I'm ready for them. The point being, it was freakin' crowded, I pulled around the corner to the parking lot and there was cars backed up to I-Drive (not really, but almost) I'll let the pictures do the talking. Lets just say, normally I can do everything in both parks in one day pretty easy, but this day I rode a total of 5, that's right 5 although I did ride one of them twice. Oh and also the picture quality is OK not the best, but I think there pretty good considering my camera, which you will see in the first pic. Ok on with the show.....yeayyyyyyyy!!!!! Next, on to Jurassic Park....more pics to come, please hold all applause until the end of the performance. I think DDRF was closed, only to open a few days later, bastards, 3 times now and still closed. ...this guys dad. I'm not at liberty to say what he's doing, but I will tell you that it involves........ KC did some drillin'......I want to warn you about the next shot, its not for the faint of heart, I did edit just a little, but its still disturbing. Took a pic of this girl, taking a pic of her man?? Then we went to act a fool in toon lagoon for a bit. One more, for now. Without KC trying to eat it. vertical loop, served with a side of cobra roll. mmmmmmmm.......tasty. .....here he is.... Next ones for Derek. Speaking of the Hulk...... Then he tried to eat the Hulk and everyone on it. "There everywhere!!" He loves 'um! After the assault on Captain America, KC decided he wanted to play with more balls, big ones!! And Punch him straight in the nuts. I'm not sure what CA ever did to deserve that? KC said "he had it coming".......?????? We finally made it in and the first thing KC does is run to see Captain America?? Still waiting to get in....almost there... Did I mention it was busy? you can almost make out the ticket scanner thingy, ahead. Welcome indeed, NOW GET OUT!! all of you! I can't even see the entrance to IOA. This is the first sight I was greeted with, I think my McGriddles is gonna come back up! Here's my high quality camera, um..and phone.
  2. " Hi, my partner and I wanna have a baby. We'd like a vial of sperm and an applicator that looks like Jodi Foster's knuckle."
  3. "Wake up, Leona! This decrepit Hooverville is infested with something besides idiots!!"
  4. And How!! my vote Jaws 4 - The Revenge no really, the first one, duuhdahduuuhh!! Plus it has one of my favorite lines in it. And I can say I'm one of the only people I know that saw Jaws 3 in 3-D, and the shark still didn't move when it broke the glass. Zombie sharks....terrifying!! P All " Your gonna need a bigger boat "
  5. ^ Give him a little credit, 2 of his movies where rated R.....although, they both sucked!! and The Resident Evil movies (not from Uwe) both R and don't suck IMO, but I'm a sucker for a half naked Milla!!! Back on topic, Silent Hill looks like it will be good, even if it doesn't have Milla in it . But I'll have to wait until next week to see it, because I've got to waste some $$ on Scary Movie 4 tomorrow. I mean how can you not want to see a movie that has Anna Faris saying she's taken balls to the face before?? Top drawer, it doesn't get any classier than that.....am I right?? P All "Bury the Grudge, Burn the Village, See the Saw!!"
  6. " Remember that time Muhammad brought me a salmon helmet, while is was wearing a toga?" Oh yeah, that wasn't really Family Guy was it P All "Cowabunga mother f*#ker"
  7. "I don't know what a "Hollaback" girl is.... All I know is, I want her dead."
  8. Happy late Birthday Erik!! I'll have your lat B-day present soon, in the form of a USSS trivia game. It will be in my PTR whenever I can get it done, it's only a little over a week late P All " USSS = Universal Studios Sunshine State (new name ala BGA) "
  9. ^ Uhh...Yeah, I was listening to Tool when you where like 2 or 3 years old. As for SOAD there great live, I saw them live before I knew who the where. The first CD was good, Toxicity is OK too. But then, meh. It's either hit or miss, I like some of the new stuff (the last 2 CDs) but not all of it. I mean who told Daron (the guitarist) he could sing?? his voice grates on my brain. I saw the Summer Sanitarium tour in ATL back in 2000, SOAD was there, and James couldn't play, Metallica played, but without James. So some of the other bands pitched in, Jason ('Tallica) sung some songs Jonathan (Korn) sung some, as did, Kid Rock (Kid Rock) and Daron (SOAD) < he sounded OK then, but keep in mind those where my weed smokin' days and I was a bit under the influence, so that could have been it. Now his voice just irritates me and it ruins the whole SOAD experience. Anyway, for the most part I still like them. P All " My God that's a long answer for a simple question....sorry"
  10. "Oh yeah.....I'd wreck that chick, I don't care what she looks like."
  11. My favorite is OoT I'm not sure if any one heard, but they are pushing back the release of Twilight Princess. It's not supposed to be out until some time in the Fall But they still say it will be for the GC ( we'll see) Hell after the Revolution comes out, you wont need a GC any more, with the backwards compatibility and the virtual console for other Nintendo games, we can all get rid of are old Nintendo systems.
  12. She's not the only one. Erik you never let me down. I knew you could get that shot of the crazy deer. I hope you don't mind that I sampled your picture for my avatar. Also, I think you should get that Yeti hat, from the shop, so you can use it for this years MNSSHP. P All
  13. I got to ride EE yesterday, and I have to say, I liked it. I don't know what everyone is complaining about. I only saw the wire behind the Yetti once out of the 4 times I got to ride. I saw the track flip both times almost every time I rode it, I thought it looked cool and was looking for it. I did see the supports, track and some light in the reverse part of the tunnel ( only from the front row ) but so what! I mean I also saw Spaceship Earth, ToT, and most of the other parks from the lift hill ( you mean I wasn't realy on Mt. Everest?? ) its a ride, and it was fun. Don't get me wrong, it was no edge of your seat thriller, but it does give me a reason to go to a park that I really had no intentions of going back to ( damn you Disney ) As for a story? I don't realy care, lets just ride, I've ridden the Hulk a buttload of times and still have no idea what the video before the ride is about, or why the coolant level dropping is so dangerous?? and you know what I don't care, I like to ride it. And I do agree that videos don't do the Yetti justice, he's HUGE!! the biggest yeti I've ever seen! also I agree that you should see him just a little more. For something that big to move around like that ( he brought his "A" game ) I personally am glad that there is a wire to help keep him from falling on me. In short, ( too late ) none of the behind the scenes stuff I saw took anything away from my ride experience, it was still very fun and enjoyable. EE may not re-invent the coaster, but IMO it does breath some life into Zoo Disney, I mean Animal kingdom. Oh yeah, if anyone has any pics of the masks in the "museum" in the queue, what's with that crazy deer mask?? Erik or Jose, I know you'll be back there soon and I know you know what I'm talking about, can you take a picture of that, everyone should see that crazy thing. I think that's what attacked that camp site, not the Yetti. I found a pic of it but it's taken from a bigger photo, we need a head on shot to realy appreciate it. As you may have noticed I am spelling Yetti with two T's, not because I don't know any better, but because he is just too big for one. I did find it funny that the hieght requirements for Primeval Whirl was 4 inches more than EE ?? Just thought that was funny, don't know why. Also, off topic, in Space Mountain on the warning signs in the ride, I noticed it said it was a roller coaster type ride. roller coaster type ride??? All these years I thought it was a coaster, not a coaster type, anyone know the reason for this? Alright I have to go to bed, because I guess I should go back to work tomorrow, since I blew it off for the past 3 days for some hot Kissimmee action. Thanks for listening Love P All Not so good shot of the crazy deer
  14. Hey Jose ( or anyone who knows ), I was wondering if you have heard if EE was going to be running on Sun the 19th. I'm gonna be doing the park hopper thing and really want to check it out, but if it's not running, I might just skip AK altogether. Or I'll probably just go and risk it anyway. I just would feel better if I had a heads up. Any idea?? Thanks P All
  15. Hey Jarvis, you know I got to get down on this. I'd like to re-live the horror again, I think you where there the week before me. So if it's not too much trouble, could you send me a copy, when you send out your next batch? I'll PM my address right after this. Thanks in advance P All " Long Live the Body Collectors!! "
  16. Lets do the math... Fall at Disney + Helicopter ride to the hospital = lawsuit & $$$$ ( sniff, sniff ) HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM................. Dose anyone else smell the begining for Final Destination 4????
  17. Now I dislike Stitch's attraction and liked Alien Encounter just as much as the rest of you. But I see that not one of you mentioned the OG attraction that was there before AE..... Mission to Mars ( The original Mission Space,...LOL....kinda) Oh the spectacular effects of your seat sinking under your butt during liftoff, and the sudden release after you left earths atmosphere, to simulate...well I guess weightlessness?? Who knows, during the late 70's as a young lad it was pretty cool, but laughable by todays standards. Oh technology what a wonder. Also I agree that AE was not a kid attraction. Every time I went on it, I would here at least 10 or more kids screaming bloody murder through pretty much the whole thing ( little bastards ) But I still enjoyed it. Ok That's it, long live AE and MtM.. P All " Succeed With X/S !! "
  18. ^ LOL, I do the same thing on JP at IOA after the big lift, if there are newbies on it, they don't know the drop is a little later and they freak out. As for screaming, bring it on, unless it's in my ear. I've been known to do a little screaming myself, from time to time if it gets too quiet. P All
  19. "Awful lot of honkys in here" ^ Peters racist remark to get out of jury duty P All "is it honkys, honkeys, or honkies???"
  20. "Lois, Brian wont take me to the park, and then he talked about his ding dong!"
  21. Stewie " Hey dog, when you take a break from re-applying your lipstick, how 'bout taking me to the park."
  22. "Huh,..... thanks to effective treatments, Magic Johnson down to one Aid."
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