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Everything posted by Florida420

  1. Hmmmmmmmmh......... No Sir..... I didn't like it. I Didn't like it at all.
  2. It was OK, does any one remember what "old school" Metallica sounds like?? 'Cause neither of the new songs sound "Old School" to me. They still sound a bit like "Anger" B-sides to me... oh, whoah...whoa...whoa....OH, yeah....whoa whoa...??? Although about 2 min. into the second new song, now that sounded like real 'Tallica to me, solo and all. But then it ended about a min. after that, Oh well. P All "Oh, whoah...whoa...whoa....oh, yeah...whoa whoa...???"
  3. There was only about 20 people when I saw it too, on a Sunday afternoon, I thought it would be a little busier. I liked it, I don't care who knows. I wasn't expecting much ( at all ) and I enjoyed it, it was not as stupid as you may think. I'll tell ya what, I've seen stupider movies before, too many to list. So there I said it, I like Snakes on a Plane and I'm ok with that. But what do I know, the Evil Dead trilogy is some of my favorite movies. P All "Get This F*#king Snake Off My Di*k!!!"
  4. Only 22 more hours 'till they unveil the Peter..... Oh,....... Griffon, not Griffin Sorry. BTW it's gonna be a standing Dive Machine with a pretzel loop and a twist of lime.
  5. ^ Predator "Well my nuts are halfway up my ass, but other than that, I'm perfect!!"
  6. OK "I'm through being their garbage boy, I did my part, now I want back...Like in the deal!" Good Luck
  7. ^ Swingers Team America ^ Here's one: "What's a Nubian?"
  8. Any word on if IOA rides will be involved at all, on peak nights, for crowd control? I personally like the event better at US, with the exception of the scare zones that they can do in JP, in the jungle. IMO the first HHN at IOA was the best (for IOA). Keep in mind I don't count the crap-fest that was the Fear Factor house, I'm just trying to pretend it never happened. P All " C'mon October.......... actually September 29th & 30th!!"
  9. My God!!! WHO CARES!!!!! I could give a rats ass which park has more sound stages, I live down here, so this park is better. Plus there are 2 reasons FL is better...... Hulk, & DD baby, end of discussion. I realize that they aren't technically in USO but they aren't in Cali, so they count. This thread isn't supposed to be a pissing contest between the 2 parks, it's supposed to be about HHN 16, am I right?? So on to that , when is everyone going? Robb, Elissa, any dates yet? Any one else know when they are going yet? and also will anyone be attending BGT oh, I mean BGA's Howl-O-Scream?? I went to HOS last year along with HHN and I was very impressed with the houses, not so much the scare zones though, they where OK, but not HHN caliber. So what's up everyone let's get this party started early!!
  10. I hope so. IMO the drums ruined St. Anger. I wasn't to fond of the guitar sound either.( although it sounded fine live ) The guitar sound on the Loads sounded fine, it's just the songs where sub-par. As for the new song, it's alright, sounds a lot like a "B" side track from "Anger" 8) P All " We need another 'Justice' !!"
  12. !!!!WHAT!!!! N-Sync broke up???!!?!?!?
  13. Robb, I just thought I'd mention, if you haven't seen it yet. They talk briefly about the Transformers movie, not the game though. Elias is a big Transformers fan & it leads to some good jokes. Between that and the donkey show ( the part of the movie that Joel Siegel walked out on ) I think you have to see it!!
  14. Seen it today. It wasn't my favorite KS movie, but it was pretty good. I loved the gratuitous use of King Diamond. Plus Randals impression of the LOTR trilogy was the best. I think I'd need to see it again in case I missed any thing. 8) P All "You never go Ass to Mouth!!"
  15. 4 Words...... "Snakes on a Coaster" P All "well, 3 words and the letter 'a' "
  16. Oh I see All of them I just read this, check it out: GMA's Siegel storms out of 'Clerks II' screening Sitting in the front row of a packed midtown Manhattan screening room Monday night, Good Morning America film critic Joel Siegel dramatically stood up only 30 minutes into the film and stormed out, to the amazement of those in attendance. And he didn't go quietly. "Time to go!" he yelled as he stood up and proceeding to walk out, passing dozens of critics and writers on his way to the door. And his tirade continued all the way out, as he yelled over the film's dialogue that this was the first time "in thirty (expletive) years" he had walked out on a film. I know that it is gonna be so F'n good now!! Well.... Have fun, I have to wait 'till Sunday, so don't spoil it for me. P All "Snoogins!!"
  17. ^ I agree I don't think it's boring, that's not the word. It's a pain in the ass, don't get me wrong, it's a great looking game, with its 700 plus cars and real world courses and all. But it's a simulator, not a racing game, I mean you have to get your freaking licence first, come on, I already have a licence and have for many years. I wanna play a race game to do stuff I can't on the road, like smash into stuff and drift around corners, not break before and accelerate through the turn? That's just crap, maybe cool for some, but it's not my cup of tea. But it is pretty. I don't think that will happen, after all this is the "Wii discussion", not the "which is better PS 3 or Wii discussion". Other then trying to steal the Wii's thunder with their rumble-less controller, I don't really have a problem with Sony. I think $600.00 is a pretty good price, considering it is a blue ray player right out of the box. Unlike the 360 with its HD DVD add on for about $150.00 this Christmas. $400.(X box) + $150. (HD DVD add-on) + $100.(wireless adapter) = $ 650.00 8) Sony has all that and more right away, for less, so it's not really a bad deal. Currently B-R players are going for $999.99, I look at it as a cheap Blue Ray player, with a bonus game system. But I don't have an HD TV or an extra $600.00, so I will not be getting one for I while, although I might sell a few on E-bay in Nov. P All "I do, however have my Wii $$ already, now just saving for some games":
  18. ^^^^Is Madden not a "real" enough sports title for you?? Wii sports is a fun launch title for the whole family, to get people that don't play games to play. Kinda like "Touch generations" games for the DS, the big 'N, has sold over 600,000 DS lites, with this strategy. I think they know what they are doing. All Wii games are not going to be cartoonish and childish, they will have some big-boy titles too. Plus with the Wii being under $250.00, I think it will do just fine. Besides, third party developers are drooling waiting to get their hands on the Wii. Just ask Robb how "Transformers Wii" is coming along. Anyway, on to my real post. Actually, it was Nintendo that was the first to use a "pressure sensitive" analog control stick, on the N 64, not Sony. It might have only been one stick, but it was Nintendo's first. Sony did use the dual first, but only after stealing an idea from Nintendo (sounds familiar, huh??) Time line: PS 1: 1995 N 64 1996 Then surprise, surprise!! PS 1 again 1997 I guess that's how innovation work for Sony Don't even get me started on the rumble feature 'cough' Star Fox 64 'Cough', which is now a staple in all of gaming now, oh that's right, not for the PS 3 and like I said before, I had a controller for my PC about 8 years ago that did what the PS 3's does, real original Sony. "F" Sony!!!! P All " although I am looking forward to God of War 2" While I realize that Nintendo did not invent the technology used, They where the first out of the main console companies to mainstream it. So please, no geek bashing for my lack of knowledge on systems from the 70's & 80's. Thank You.
  19. $20.00!! Wherever you're going to see movies, they are ripping you off. 8) Oh it will be good. I have faith in good 'ol K. Smith. Besides, how could a movie that has a main character talk about ass to mouth and his mother in the same gag, not be good?? Not to mention the donkey show. The TPR peeps should rush out to see it, just for that! P All " Only one more day , well 3 days for me... "
  20. "Anyone else wanna feel my Weebok in their grapes? Then you'll all do as I say!"
  21. " Well Mr. Greenberg, I'd like to see you try to seize my assets, after battling the Rancor !!" "Huh, I didn't realize, Greenberg was a Jedi name."
  22. ^ You got a long wait for that to happen. No Kevin Smith movies in the dump bin yet. Hell, even Jersey Girl is still going for $7.50! I'll let you know how it was. P All "Buuunnnnggggg!"
  23. Less than a week away!! It's gonna be bigger than Superman! well maybe not, but I did hear that Randall fights a giant spider? Anyway here's a link to the super-secret online trailer, if you haven't seen it yet. http://viewaskew.com/main.html BTW there is a few naughty words in the trailer, so please watch responsibly. Look Wes!! I used a search to resurrect a 7 month old thread instead of creating a new one for you to lock , aren't you proud of me?
  24. "Lynn, cancel my afternoon meetings. I, I just gotta hit more balls at this fat kid."
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