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Everything posted by cinciDAWGS12

  1. Nice TR! Funny you should mention the bands that were there...My school's band went there! Lol the whole "band" part of it was lame but hey its one way to get to the park!
  2. Lake Winnie looks like a fun little park. I might have to head that way in the future. Nice TR!
  3. This is a great park. Just one question: Does the rapids ride actually have rapids?
  4. Nothing will delight me more! Although ginzo reminded me that Drop Tower is Intamin, as well as the Eiffel Tower...to be technical... That's true I didn't think about that. But hey we all know your talking about coasters!
  5. ^Also very true. I didn't think about all that stuff before...You know pretty soon your going to have to change your signature!
  6. Great photos Will! I hope you continue with the Kings Island pics! Looking forward to see some more awesome pics!
  7. ^That's a good idea! I think that would be sweet. I love the waterpark! Everything just fits!
  8. ^That's true I forgot they were covered. And i guess i really wouldn't mind seeing a huge B&M while riding the Beast!
  9. Yeah I figured it would be awhile I was just curious...B&M can take their sweet time for all I care, as long as they produce a good ride. As for the interaction with the Beast's helix though, I think this could sort of be a bad thing. Because isn't the whole point of the Beast is for it to be hidden in the woods where the "Beast" lives? I think this helix could mess up the Beast's theme some...IMO I would stray away from this if I was KI but that's just me.
  10. It looks great keep it up! The kiddie section could use some more trees though IMO.
  11. ^Like the pre drop on Apollo's Chariot? I think thats a good idea as long as they don't brake it (I think Apollo's pre drop is braked if I remember right). I don't know how hilly the terrain is back there but a unique ride is definitely what we should hope for. Then again I would love anything new in KI!
  12. ^Yes I agree. Any B&M will work for me. Does anyone know when construction on the track itself it supposed to start? I hope there isn't a delay like with Son Of Beast
  13. People over exagerate on the crotch pain way to much. Especially younger riders. *coughtwelvetosixteenyearolds* I used to, too...it wasn't that funny. It hurts your head or shoulders since that's where the weight is being pulled; atleast that's my experiance. No holding this year. But there is one part wher......I won't give it away. Oh come on! Your actually going to make me ride to find out? lol...But I really shouldn't be the one to complain since I've only been on it like 3 times. Oh well now I have to ride it...And I was pretty young when I rode it.
  14. Great photo TR! My baseball team was going to go to that Cal Ripken Myrtle Beach tournament but it was too expensive. Glad you had a good time. Mystery Mine looks great! I really have to get back down to ride that baby
  15. This is going to be sweet! I might have to hit up the park this day...So there is no lines on the rides while everyone is watching him do his jump!
  16. Wow Dominator is looking great! Too bad for Geauga Lake but at least this ride can live on. Hopefully it will be a little less rough than it was in its last few years at Geauga.
  17. Wow! This is a very nice park! Great TR...What new coaster is the park getting?
  18. I haven't been on Tomb Rai...eh I mean The Crypt since it first opened. I just never really liked it much. Not to mention it was like getting punched in the balls when it holds you upside down. Wait, does it still do that with the new program? I might have to ride it sometime this year...
  19. My home park is Kings Island-Definitely the Beast!! Although Vortex is close behind...
  20. ^Same here! My first inversion was on Loch Ness Monster...What a great for a first inversion!
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