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Everything posted by dino

  1. Why is it when I ask anyone if they've ever seen "Dead Like Me ", no one knows what I'm talking about? Was I like the only one who ever watched that show!? (It rocked BTW )
  2. Nice simile, that's pretty much how I feel about the difference between HHN & Haunt. Haunt though, also has a very "home-made" feel to it (which I love). From the monster interaction (in character of course) to the "regular" actors, Knott's just has an overall different vibe.
  3. Great pictures. Paintballing always looked like fun, but I doubt I'll ever do it. "I hear those paint ball thingies hurt."
  4. Umm...interesting TR (but in a good way). Glad to see other fans of PP. That's always the one ride at KBF that I have trouble finding a "ride buddy" for.
  5. Rocketman - William Shatner Wow...just...wow
  6. Cool TR. Love the facial expressions/poses . Even though ride operation may have been lacking, it looks like you still managed to make it a great day.
  7. Despite ride operations it still seems like you had a great time. Maybe you should have alerted Six Flags that the BMRS would be in attendance. I'm sure it would have caused them to step up their game .
  8. Cool pics, interesting rides, overall...great TR. Love the reaction shots for Black Mamba. Hollywood seems like a cool ride, I like how everyone seems so laid back and relaxed on it.
  9. Good TR Erik, however... Good TR + Dole whip float = Great TR Black pepper popcorn in DCA? I've got to get some when I go on Monday. I think I'll skip the black pepper tacos though. As for Robb, how do you even get wet riding the Matterhorn (other than riding in the rain)?
  10. My name is Gabriel Hernandez (SN dino)and I'm in picture #69. My brother Ray is in picture #70, he's an enthusiast but not a TPR member. I didn't win anything, but it was still cool meeting you if only for a short time. Have fun in Vegas, you rock! (as does your little fan)
  11. I was thinking the same thing hehe . Anyway, cool pics...with cooler captions.
  12. ^Actually, I think 26 hours on a plane might totally be worth it. Oh and loved the Mr. Six video!
  13. Nice TR, love the shots of empty queues. Empty Queues = Sexy
  14. So is that what Batman drives around on his day off? Great TR
  15. WCB was pretty amazing. It actually topped last year's event (which was no easy task). Scavenger hunt was definitely a high point of the day (thanks to William for that), even if there were cheaters . The real highlight though was the nighttime ERT. To give you an idea of how good it was, my brother an I had a Scream train completely to ourselves. It's an interesting experience walking around an empty park only seeing other people every once in a while as they go from one coaster to another. Even getting stuck on the ill-fated Superman train that over shot the station at the end of the night was pretty cool. The staff even kept us company as we waited to be towed back (I never even knew the ride had a backstory). Thanks to everyone involved for making the event possible!
  16. 1) No, not really. 2) A few days. 3) About every hour. Sounds pretty cool.
  17. Cool update. Caught up on the last few posts & that chateau just looks amazing. BTW is that Banania like a cereal?
  18. Nice report. Love the shot of Steel Eel through the trees. You almost can't tell which are trees and which are supports.
  19. I'm curious, how so? Is he a member that I'm not aware of? No he's not a member (at least not that I know of). Me & my brother saw him on something talking about how he had went there for SB Sunday cause attendance is low that day. So my brother said that we should do that too (as neither of us are into football). In looking for various info on SFMM all roads inevitably led to TPR.
  20. Saw Seth Green a couple of times at SFMM. Both times were a super bowl Sunday. (pretty cool considering the fact he's kinda the reason I got into TPR)
  21. When I turn everything in my room off, there are 7 stand-by lights on.
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