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Everything posted by dino

  1. Yeah (none outside of the u.s. though ) Do you ride kiddie coasters just for the credit?
  2. Caught "The Shinin'" episode of simpsons yesterday (my favorite btw), which I hadn't seen in while. I was laughing so loud !
  3. Screamin Mimi looks like a pretty cool slide. Can't remember the last time I went to a water park, must be like over 10 years . Good TR though, a couple more hot life guard shots and it could have been great .
  4. No (tried paste before though... ) Do you play Cranium?
  5. Great photos. Love the design of the buildings and signs, they give a very retro futuristic look. The place seems to really come alive at night with all the lights. Oh and that is such a cool train !
  6. "Natatomic Road Show: Starring Natalie", I'll be sure to set my TiVo . You ever find your way to the So Cal area be sure to look me up, I may not be able to sweep you off your feet, but I could at least fill up your obsessive stalker quota .
  7. Fun updates. The centerless ferris wheel at Wonder World Fun Park seems pretty cool and unique. I like how the coaster travels throught the center of it even if it never did operate (whats up with that?). Plus the "self-powered train ride" looked like alot of fun, haha. As for the zipline, it looks like so much fun, but I would probably be at the top of the tower for about an hour or two before I could work up the courage to actually do it. Oh and I hope they build "bombed out train tracks the ride" over here someday . *sits awaiting china updates in this or another thread*
  8. BBQ my mom's family has every year at the park. Pretty fun cause of the water fights and games, but the adult musical chairs can get pretty vicious. Lighting fireworks in the evening at my house though. My older brother is the one who gets the fireworks since he's such a big kid when it comes to that .
  9. Very cool, reminds me of "The Confessions Of Max Tivoli". http://youtube.com/watch?v=5Dc8L1c0D0E
  10. Been seeing Hairspray alot since it's been coming out on cable. Not really into musicals, but I really like it .
  11. Yes, the first time that I got on Thunder Mountain when I was like 8 or something. Have you ever lost anything while riding a coaster (Money,camera,phone,shoe,...glass eye,wig,etc...)?
  12. Fun video, really enjoyed it .
  13. Nice shots, but that last picture of Mcdonald's just had me rolling . They don't let us do walkups at the one by my house anymore .
  14. Cool report [insert generic "love the comparison shots" comment here]. Love those references and how all the captions were kept in the 80's .
  15. No (Ipod guy ) Have you ever played spin the bottle?
  16. Beautiful pictures with hilarious captions from a hot girl...do TR's get any better!?
  17. Cool pics with even cooler captions. I'm so jealous cause you got to see KA. Love the shot of the Fountains (my favorite thing in Vegas). As for the picture of you acting like a dork..."dorkshots" are always awesome. Oh and thanks for the boob pic .
  18. I'll have to go with the "tame thrills" consensus and say Ninja, California Screamin'...etc. I know when I "got into" coasters, it was still a little while till I hit the "no fear" status for coasters. Oh and BTW DCody wrote: BAD DATE? If only I could go on a date with a girl like that .
  19. Yes! Such funniness Do you like California Adventure ?
  20. No. (Hence me posting at 4am) Do you still make things with Lego's?
  21. Yes (slow dancing that is ) Have you ever spent the whole day in bed?
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