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Everything posted by snuggles

  1. Since my CRT is beginning to go out, does anyone know where I can get a low priced (100-175$) 17-19" LCD monitor? (preferably online) Thanks in advance....
  2. I drove by today and saw the coaster. It looks like there is quite a bit of new wood on it too. Maybe tomorrow I can go by there and get some pictures. If they are going to be testing the coaster in preperation for saturday, i'll make sure and get video too.
  3. Hey.... hahaha... I bet if it was moved to knoebels, it would turn into top 10 material But instead, it would be moved to cedar point and labeled "crappiest woodie"
  4. Hopefully they at least open Saturday. All I want is to ride the coaster again, even if it is just 1 more time.
  5. Story here There is the full story. Basically what this means is, get out here and get your credit and rides before its too late! Sadly, there arent many parks of the kind left in the states. Maybe there is hope for the coaster, who knows. The Wild west world guy could buy it and relocate it to wild west world, but other than that, I think the park may become a libertyland. Thanks for reading.
  6. Son of beasts loop was sinking, thats why they removed it. Cedar fair also accidentally put their quicksand at BPPB, and thats why the big one had to be reprofiled.
  7. On patriot, the mag brakes HURT LIKE HELL! The brake run is probably about as long as the train, and you come into it at like 30 MPH, and it slows you down to about 5-10 in about a second. It really hurts
  8. My list 1. The joyland "rollercoaster" or "nightmare" It was my first rolleyride, and the airtime on the first drop is insane! It only has a fixed position lapbar, and they allowed slacked seatbelts too! 2. Any classic woodie, I love riding old wood
  9. Age: 16 Middle Name: A Pet Peeve: bad drivers Color of your bathroom: white/green/ wallpaper'd Best Movie of ALL time:fast times at ridgemont high Best Song of ALL time: ?? Best TV Shows: Twilight zone Favorite Band/Artist: ...... Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: That figment thing.. Yummiest Ice Cream: chocolate If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: who would eat lunch with me? Morning Person or Night Person: afternoon Pets: he died Favorite Color: the sky... Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): driving in the middle of nowhere Coke or Pepsi: coke. Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: I LOVE THAT CRAP Best Vacation Spot: the desert. Cook or Go Out: go out... Beach, Desert, or Mountains: desert mountains Girlfriend: had 2 or 3.
  10. You forgot legoland harlem, and legoland atlantic city.
  11. Voyage, Hades, el toro, and goliath (SFMM) for the helixes of death.
  12. clicky here This one. The smell of grease, something burning, freshly cut wood, except I like it more at night. It is really cool leaving the station at night, going into darkness for 10 seconds or so, then up the lift hill, and plunging into the darkness up until the light on the turnaround, and darkness again until the station and brakes.
  13. So, does this mean there can only be one boomerang credit?
  14. TPR should buy cyclone, and rename it "psyclone 2" So, if every active member pitched in 10$ or more..
  15. Cyclone had to be the ghetto-est wooden coaster EVER! It looked like a fun little coaster, and i would hate to see it go. Sure, the lift hill may be a giant S, and there probably used to be another hill or 2, but its a classic coaster, and it was probably right up there with that "abandoned mine" coaster in the ghetto factor
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