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Everything posted by snuggles

  1. Can I adopt another rock you have there ryan?
  2. Goodbye psyclone Many tears of joy have fallen today due to the fact that you will burn soon
  3. Just imagine a racing coaster made by GG With a double down that wont be replaced with brakes... *coughmmcough*
  4. It is going to be a nice park and all, but the problem is that the guy running it is a criminal.
  5. So... I went to WWW after I ate at cracker barrel... They open in like 2 months, so pretty much everything is there. I would have gotten better pics, but there was this creepy van circling the parking lot, and it is COLD. Digital sign... They sure had a nice road and parking lot.... I wonder who paid for the road? spinning carousel coaster Johnny western theater (wtf?) Spinning carousel coaster again.. from myrtle beach. I think the building with no sides will be their bumper car building HUGE flag! Giant sign... totally cheesy.. Parking lot booths... Overview of the park coaster.. THROUGH THE TREES A western themed hotel... Once again, their sign is HUGE. Nice little entrance sign... yeah.
  6. All I can say is LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL But lighting him on fire would have been too much.. still...
  7. Wanting to be pregnant is like wanting to be Robb for 9 months
  8. Sweet and sour rat Intestine roll Rodent drop soup Fried mice Beef in rodent sauce That there is a good menu..
  9. Maybe Joyland can buy some of the phantasmagoria things to refresh the whacky shack After all, it basicly is a clone of the WS.
  10. Kentucky fried rodent Rodent and cheese quesadilla Macaroni and feces
  11. I'm glad zingo is being saved and also the park, but what about phantasmagoria?
  12. A source says the coaster opened on saturday... I'm going next saturday, so we'll see....
  13. Yesterday just past 5 I drove by, (too cold today&yesterday for me) and rides were going, and people were there. The park opened, but i'm not sure about the coaster though. I did see the lights on the lift hill on though.
  14. Too bad about bells.... I wonder what will happen to zingo?
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