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Everything posted by snuggles

  1. A park I've been working on the past 6 hours or so. It has some "fake" areas and games in it, and I plan on adding a waterpark. It has quad S&S shot/drop towers, a woodie, a shuttle loop, and an arrow corkscrew. overview of the park "Demon" the arrow corkscrew a "fake" area. "Hornet" the shuttle loop "sidewinder", now with smooth 4 train operation Overview of the layout Quad shot/drop towers Upper end of the park Entrance Enjoy..
  2. I am so going to bell's 2.0 and riding phantasmagoria 2.0 2.0
  3. If someone next to me screams while going up the lifthill, i get a deathgrip on them, and scream as loud as I can. Fun stuff
  4. To add on to my explanation, theres nothing like tearing ass through the woods at night on a wooden coaster. You can hear every track joint, the airtime, all of that. For example, a nightride on beast with the trims off in 02, that was INSANE. We must have gone 3/4th up the second lift. Anyways, all wooden coasters can have that "holy sh*t" feeling to them if they are maintained properly.
  5. I think they should take out any and all lateral supports on the ride, snip some cables, and let it fly. Like in RCT.
  6. I say give it a shot. It looked like a really cool place too though.
  7. Wood. Forever. Especially well maintained wood.
  8. They could be making some sort of monster out of the premier and G trains. Just think of the pain then!
  9. Hopefully this can actually happen, and not turn into a "rebuild idora park" thing where everyone got scammed
  10. They look padded. Why would you need a padded lapbar anyways? SOB has no airtime
  11. ^ skimmer. I was explaining to carnage or whoever that the vekoma wood trains are ok
  12. The vekoma trains seem to be really nice. They are 6 seaters, and robb & elissa seemed to like them.
  13. Millennium flyers would look totally weird on SOB. I think some vekoma trains would be awesome on it though.
  14. I bet its all BS. Screamscape's source may be laughing their @$$ off right now.
  15. If they retrack it to accommodate the G trains, it may have a chance. If they don't, your all going to die.
  16. Whats to say they are going on SOB? They could go on racer.
  17. The last picture is so cute, she looks like a little Robb passed out for about the 5th time, congratulations R&E
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