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Everything posted by snuggles

  1. How about "cedar point is sinking" photoshopping contest?
  2. I just saw like 15 containers outside the chance building, maybe it is the coaster?
  3. Elissa should invest in a nice golden and silver grill
  4. Hehe. Tj, you could set it as his desktop so he will click at it and keep saying "WTF?!?! it wont go away!!!"
  5. The song drove me insane already Great video, Robb. Whats with that kiddie coaster going like, 30 MPH?
  6. The track spine looks a little "thicker" than other B&M hypers. Anyone else see what i'm getting at?
  7. So... If it was a B&M flyer being relocated, and being painted these same colors, you would say "that looks nice", right?
  8. Rest in pieces (for now!). Any idea when bells 2.0 will come along? Summer of 08 maybe?
  9. Joyland's wacky shack is the original of all these, so I'm going with any of the joyland wacky shack clones. Phantasmagoria @bells, R.I.P.
  10. If only you could have stopped by joyland in wichita..
  11. I hear the milk sold in florida comes from dehydrated fibers of jesus too.
  12. i no its bull dued...... srsly ho thnks myspce mkes u stupid r nething?
  13. Be totally quiet the whole ride, with your hands down, and make sure you sit by someone you don't know. Then coming out of the break run, put your hands up and yell "WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!" Repeat until ride op deems you psychotic.
  14. WTF? Ok, CF would not put OTSR's on a woodie. Nobody in the right mind would. How do hypers still have lapbars, and TTD with lapbars?
  15. I've added que buildings for some of them now, I will post pictures later.
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