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Everything posted by piggy4891

  1. I'm with Barry and Coasterexpert13, I am a non-smoker and always will be. I can't stand to be near anything or anyone that smells like smoke. I live in Carmel, IN, where we just started a smoking ban in all restaurants in Hamilton County. I like the new change.
  2. Reply to The Poll above in order to get some demographics of the Theme Park Review Boards. We'll see how far this one goes...
  3. ^Like I said her jail sentence will be cut in half. She is one sneaky bastard.
  4. ^^^I heard it from one of those all access hollywood, Extra type shows. But they were probably just looking for a story.
  5. -Make sure you have a solid lift hill with a smooth chain lift -Try to avoid sharp curves at all costs, this will make your trains stick -Don't make your second hill too high -Above all, make it look realistic
  6. try to paint the track a dark purple color instead of electric blue. That will make it look more realistic. Just a suggestion though...
  7. I am originally from Chula Vista, CA. Now I live in Carmel, IN
  8. Did you hear they might let her go with only half of the sentence if she has good behavior? Yeah right!
  9. 3.17 friday night here by my school in Indiana
  10. That is one insane looking loop, how is the car going to make it through that loop when the launch is only like 7 ft. tall
  11. My uncle lives in Oakland, CA. He said that it is going to be very hard to get around town using the side streets, because this will take a while to fix.
  12. you are welcome, just check the apple website for help and support on ipods
  13. press the menu button and the center button at the same time and hold it for about ten seconds, works every time!!
  14. happy birthday, and I hope kristen is doing well.
  15. Thanks everyone for the great feedback, i am going to perdido key, florida for my spring break this year. I am going to stay in the Indigo west condominium tower. Pretty sweet if you ask me. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.vrbo.com/vrbo/images/a8031&imgrefurl=http://www.vrbo.com/101313&h=340&w=248&sz=23&hl=en&start=18&tbnid=LxqWrAI19upOaM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=87&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dindigo%2Bcondos%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den condo.bmp this is the level where i will be
  16. i have the westinghouse 19 inch flat panel also, i got it after thanksgiving sometime so it was around 150 bucks, a great deal in my opinion. If you are looking for a great moniter at a value price westinghouse is the way to go.
  17. Post where your favorite place to go on vacation is. Also, post what you like to do there.
  18. I live in Northern Cenral Indiana The snow we have gotten in the past 2 days totals somewhere near 15 inches, I've been out of school for two days straight Yippee
  19. I said the colts and bears and look what happened. I got my AFC championship shirt today and I am ready for super bowl XLI. Booyah Colts.
  20. I got this set for christmas and built the entire thing christmas day. Lets just say the top of it reaches my chin. This sucker is huge. I love it, but the micro parts were a little hard to work with. I now have my screamin' serpent junior going through my vertical vengeance. I used the junior, because i lost half of the parts for the screamin' serpent. I have to say, it's a nice little setup. I'd post pics, but i do not have a digital camera. Anybody else got one of these vertical vengeance coasters?
  21. Dude I totally live 30 minutes from that place, I live in Carmel. There is one 5 minutes driving time from my house. I love Indiana. The Colts are going to own the Pats.
  22. The Colts are going to play the Pats in the AFC Championship, I think the colts are going to win just because they already beat the Patriots once at New England. The Colts are going to the Super Bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Go Colts being from INDY I have to root for them. Now that we owned both the Chiefs and Ravens, I think we are going to win the Super Bowl. I hope the Pats win agiant the chargers so we can own the Pats right here at home.
  24. I recieved: PSP Hot Shots Golf Open Tee for PSP 2 GB memory stick iPod radio remote The Sims 2: University PC RCT3 Wild PC Microsoft Flight Sim X Logitech Joystick Golf Simulator for my PS2 Rolex (Fake) from dad (he told me he got it when he was in China for 5 bucks) best buy gift card K'nex vertical vengeance roller coaster moolah
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