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Everything posted by masterofthematrix91

  1. WOOT! Mythbusters ROCK!!!! If you haven't seen this show, YOU MUST SEE IT NOW!!!
  2. Die Hard With a Vengence "yippeee Kia A mother f*****!"
  3. Ghost Rider: Good:very good graphics and good story. Bad: Too fake, and some of the WORST come-backs I've heard since Pokemon 3/5
  4. "No sir,no I didn't steal a jeep. It's sitting just out there." MASH
  5. What previews were in the movie? I'm not going to get to see it because it's rated R!!! My life somtimes sucks.
  6. These drawings are REALLY GOOD!!!! much better than mine! 10/10!
  7. "1.21 giguawats!....1.21!" (runs off) "what the hell is a giguawat?" (runs after him) Back to the Future
  8. my dream was that my sis's boyfriend had turned into the devil and I had to fend him off by shooting him with my shotgun like...7 times! I also made friends with all of the Finding Nemo fish (go figure...)
  9. masterofthematrix91's mom: say's "Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl! We enjoyed the photos and hope to see many more! masterofthematrix91: once agian congrats!!!!
  10. The Matrix series, The Lord of the Rings, basicly anything with action and a good plot
  11. i haven't seen it because it is rated R why is it rated R? anyone?
  12. Marching band and video games! I can't get enough of you baby!
  14. ^ thats ok what i do is i type the quote into google and see the movie that comes up! HINT: this movie has not been released yet! Doc Block "We got to lose the arm Joe." Joe "What do you mean lose arm..my arm?"
  15. A Time To Kill Man 1 "By my head, here comes the Capulets." Man 2 "By my heel, I care not."
  16. "I'm not going to my maker without knowing your given name. Mine ain't Waite. It's Postelwaite. Charles Travis Postelwaite. What's yours? Sure ain't Boss. I mean it, Boss. I'm asking you straight up." "It's Bluebonnet." "Bluebonnet?" Open Range
  17. "When this baby hits 88 miles per hour...your gonna see some serious s***." Back to the Future
  18. Casino Royale (really funny line from James Bond!) "You made a time machine....out of a Delorean!"
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