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Blue Steel

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About Blue Steel

  • Birthday 07/01/1993

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  1. Flute. I'm mondo-good at it too.
  2. I'm not fond of the name one bit. A little too cheesy perhaps? IMO it's rather annoying when a park tries to market to a certain demographic (i.e. "youtube generation"). It just ends up being a little too over-the-top, and it takes off from the entire theme of the park.
  3. My sexy beast of a phone. I think I'm in Love.
  4. www.screamscape.com/html/silverwood.html It appears that Silverwood is the buyer of SFGA's Deja Vu. IMO I'm not excited for this. I've only been on one (MM's) and it was just awful.
  5. This thread is over. They've already told us that its just the beginning work for a "barn" to house the floats in. http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/fun/blog/index.cfm Bottom of the post.
  6. I bought a scarf at GAP for the ridiculous price of $24.50. They're the only place that has scarfs at this time...
  7. But it only worked becuase it made them scared, which is not something that should happen. The children should know not to do something wrong, but they shouldn't be scared about it.
  8. Of course not, I love my mom. The only thing I'm angry at is the archaic form of thinking that hitting children solves anything. I've babysit kids whose parents I know to use corperal punishment and they are scared to death that I'm going to spank them when they have done something bad. All becuase the children are testing their limits. No, they're not. It's not why he's being hit, it's the concept of being hit. Like I said before, he's told not to hit other children at school or daycare, but if he does something bad at home, he's hit by his parents. That completely messes up everything he's ever been told at school. While I understand some of your thinking, it's just not relevant to this time anymore. There are better (and not to mention easier) ways of disciplining children.
  9. One thing I can say is never, EVER spank or hit kids in any way. You're probably thinking right now that I'm just some snobby little kid who didn't like getting spanked, and I didn't like it all. In fact, the long term effects of corporal punishment outway the short term compliance with you, the parent. Spanking your kids will not only make them confused as to why your hitting them (i.e. they're told not to hit at school, but if they get in trouble then they get hit by you), even worse is that they will despise you, no matter how much they say they love you, every hit will make them despise you more. Hitting your kids also makes them more prone to aggression as adults, as well hitting there own kids, which just continues the pattern of aggression.
  10. No. That was horrible. It had an nice layout, but to make it even feasible it would to be at least twice as big.... It needs alot of work, and alot of track smoothing... The turnaround at the end was grossly over banked, no more than 90 degrees would be ok, but 180 degrees? The lifthill was way too fast, 12 mph? Just change it too 6 mph. and be done with it. Out of a 10, I'd give it a 4 just because the layout was interesting.
  11. Ummm.... I had watched Zoolander right before making my account, sooo I decided that "Blue Steel" would be a good name....
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