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Everything posted by masterofthematrix91

  1. $5 says that she had a heart attack. i'm watching it now and it is knda getting old...
  2. Gorilla At Large "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refeuse."
  3. Welcome to the Favorite movie quotes topic! Just list your favorite quotes and the movie. Obi-Wan: "I have failed you Anakin, I hve failed you." Anakin: "I should have known that the Jedi were evil." Obi-Wan: "Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil." Anakin: "From my point of view the Jedi are evil." Obi-Wan: "Whell then you really are lost!" Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith
  4. compound fracture to left arm 2 steel plates w/ 12 screws in my arm
  5. The Notebook (why am i writing this?) yes, i'm a guy. Yes, this is a chick-flick. Yes, i kinda liked it. The ending was sad, but i didn't cry. 8/10
  6. going up a lift hill, cresting the hill "you know every awkward moment, a retarded baby is borm.........OH NO! not another one!"
  7. OH S***!!!! I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO WAR!!!! i'll go to prison also
  8. Halo Last Level (YAY!!) ok serously i HATE the Flood
  9. Little Shop Of Horrors "I've killed a hell of a lot people to get to this point, but I only have one more."
  10. i'm sorry but PRINCE SUCKED! but i did like the guitar solo and the marching band!
  11. Halftime!!! what is going to happen now? Prince is going to preform. what is your fav commercial so far?
  12. ^yeah it has been released for a while but it still makes me excited every time I hear it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
  13. Dang... I respect her for just living that long! part of me, thinks that that would suck. watching everyone else around you die.
  14. Do the Hippogrif from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire soundtrack when I heard it i really screamed (i'm not kidding...)
  15. ^^ hey! it says 56 but on one day it said 150 but now it says 56! WTF? can someone tell me WTF is going on?
  16. 1 Go to the smithsonian 2 Holocaust Measeum (spend all day there) 3 all of the monuments 4 Arlington cemetery(tomb of the unkown) 5 STAY AT THE WILLARD!! (you might have seen the loby in the movie Casino Royale) 6 Take a tour of XM Radio if possible 7 ALL of the monuments anything else?
  17. Deleverance one of the most creepiest movies i've ever seen in my life. 8/10 "Squeel like a PIG!!" "wEEEE!!!"
  18. Hey can you change mine to: Follow The White Rabbit...
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