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About mikeykaise

  • Birthday 07/16/1973

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    Louisville, KY
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  1. I agree and now restuarants are toying with that idea.
  2. That was part of the issue but the main issue is Six Flags and the Fairboard had a blowout over the leasing and Six Flags basically said screw you we're out of here and vacated the premises. The Kochs dropped their interest as well for the same reasons when they were thinking about taking it over after it was abandoned.
  3. My thinking was trying to decide if it was the video that just was making it seem a slower pace or if it was the difference in the launch vs chain lift, but if it is a slower pace than that's not necessarily a bad thing because it will make it more family friendly with younger children, the one time I rode it in launch mode it was very very fun but very very fast and the whole thing was a blur from start to finish. I personally think for me if it is a slower pace that just gives me more time to enjoy the twists and turns, just my opinion.
  4. I agree, but won't get on a soapbox about it.... Looney Toons has gotten the woke treatment but yet look at the FPS games out there and the violence in action movies and they label Looney Tunes as too violent, makes sense to me but I"ll hush.
  5. I wish my 2 sons were still young but both are in their 20's now. I miss that young kid energy.
  6. Was just wondering, would Saturday night be a croweded mess for Winter Nights?
  7. having been born in Cincy and living there until I was 10 I still call Cincy my hometown and I hate seeing this but understand it.
  8. You're talking a Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom situtation here and we all know what happened there. It's a really bad idea given that Six Flags just up and closed a park and moved rides to other parks when a lease deal went south. Just my thought.
  9. I'm hoping it won't but will be sad to see Cedar Fair parks maybe get the Six Flags treatment.
  10. No surprise honestly, they were bound to do something to improve, great ride and love it, and I'm sure it will still be great.
  11. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my father in 2001 so I know how tough the griefing is and how it affects you. I'm so glad you and your family are ready and hope you will have a great time!
  12. HW was just extending it to try and fill in the space left by Pilgrims Plunge, pretty nice way of filling it in and utilizing the space.
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