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my space yes or no


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Depends on how you look at it..


If you put personal information on it (Like your full name, phone number, address, etc) then yes, you're and idiot and could be in danger.


I have a myspace but I don't ever fill out those stupid surveys that ask your your name, address, or phone number or any of those things.


I just use mine for a blog site and to put things up that I find amusing around the net.

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Well...if you're between the ages of 14 and 18, are actually honest about your age, and have enough common sense to not befriend someone you do not know, it can be quite safe.


I do not have a myspace, but I know how it works, and I believe one just has to watch what they type. A guy here got fired from his job as a result of suspicious and inappropriate conduct on his myspace account.

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I think Myspace is stupid in a way. It's not Myspace that is stupid, it is the majority of the people who use it. ThEy TiPe LyKe ThIs and it is really annoying. The bulliten isn't used how it is supposed to be used. It is used to send people annoying spam things like "If you don't stand up for god then you won't post this." Or "u will have bad luc 4 the next 34972309473248732098432094832094823049832 years if u dont post this right now!!!11!!1" Also, people that have like 500 friends really haven't even talked to 7/8 of them. Honestly, do you know anyone at your school that has over 100 REAL friends? It is all one big popularity contest where people actually fall for it.

I have a MySpace but I don't use it annoyingly, I mainly use it for talking to friends using the messaging system.

I think in 5 years the people who used Myspace will laugh at it and think it was the supidest thing at the time. You just wait and see. I mean, remember what it was like after the Pokemon craze? If you were caught wearing a Pokemon shirt a year after it wasn't as popular you were considered a nerd no matter how old you were.

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I hate myspace with a passion. My friends have a myspace and I just laugh at them for how stupid it is...I mean would you really want complete strangers knowing random stuff about you and even worse...perverts out there trying to meet up with you.

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My friends and I have recently started doing myspace. I am careful not to post personal information on there and you can easily hide your profile. My 10 year high school reunion is this year and it has been a great way to catch up with some people!


Myspace, like anything else, is just something you need to use with caution.

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I have a myspace but it's not because of the whole being cool if you have an account. Mainly, I have my friends on there (and fellow TPR/other coaster site users) and leave it at that...occasionally, I'll rip on my friends by posting funny videos of them. I don't participate in the bulliten spam (Read this and pass it on or bad luck for next x years...). I mainly use the bulliten to show off maybe an NL coaster, drawings, etc. I'm not an active myspace user.

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