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I'll post a short overview of the day, and then the photos.


Viper-What was going to be my first ride of the day breaks down less than 5 seconds after I enter the line. I would get to ride Viper later in the day, and the ride is still great. The ride is still very smooth and the same great -Gs are on every hill. 8.5/10


Raging Bull-Since Viper broke down, I decide to ride Raging Bull. I was in line for at least 30 minutes when, again the ride breaks down. After 10 minutes of the ops doing nothing, I leave line just as a new train is being placed on the tracks. I never returned to ride later in the day. 0/10


Other rides included:


Whizzer-2 rides-I still think this is a great ride, and it never gets old. It is always fun no matter how many thime I ride it. 6.5/10


B:TR-This ride is still great, but it is very short. The final corkscrew is also getting rougher, but it is still a good ride. 7.5/10


Splashwater Falls-A good water ride, and you better bring extra clothes since you will need them after this ride. 6/10 Best water ride in the park


V2-The launch is great, but this ride is not intense. The only part I had a "What am I doing on this ride?!" was on the back spike, but I haven't ridden this ride in several months. The ride is still a lot of fun, but it doesn't offer much. 8/10


Sky Treck Tower-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Great place for photos, but none of mine turned out beacuse some --- scratched "I lov u" with his key on the window in front of me.


Now for the photos:


^Welcome to SFGAM


^Raging Bull


^The ride will break down in about 5 minutes


^Riders put thier lives in the hands of Intamin




^From here, S:UF looks almost like an invert


^Insert Whizzer joke here


^What's this I see...


^Viper lives!


^HH entrance


^The new Tornado


^Random slides


^Viper from HH


^Looks like Elissa won't be going to the UK


^Skull Island


^Vertical loop photo since every PTR needs one


^Another vertical loop photo


^This is what coaster nerds call a zero-G roll


^You will not get wet Dan, and that is a promise.


^Okay, I lied


^Yankee Clipper was down all day again


^The park's spinning wild mouse


^S:UF had a long wait as usual


^hmmm, I don't remember New Orleans like this


^Have you seen my brother Robb?


^That's all from SFGAM

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Nice photos, I need to get back there, as I haven't been since Raging Bull's inaugural season. The bad news is I hear it's very braked now and the airtime isn't as good, is that true? Anyway, I enjoyed the photos, but you might want to put "Photo TR" in your topic, as I skipped over this like 20 times thinking there were no photos, lol.

-James Dillaman

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Nice pictures, quick question, was that the park Beverly Hills Cops 3 was filmed in? Its just that Carousel in the building infront of thsat little lake looks very familiar.


The Spinning Mouse picture, were all them people in it queuing for the Spinning Mouse? If so



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It's only a matter of time until SFStL's B:TR will be painted yellow!

Are they painting them all that now? I kinda like it!

Anywayz, nice PTR, its too bad that they couldnt keep the rides open....

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Nice pictures, quick question, was that the park Beverly Hills Cops 3 was filmed in? Its just that Carousel in the building infront of thsat little lake looks very familiar.




No. Beverly Hills Cop 3 was filmed at Paramount's Great America. The carousel looks familiar because both parks were originally identical (well, very close to identical).

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