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Park Meet Up Alert! GADV-Carowinds

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Can anyone make it out here to GADV on April 15th?


Or, Carowinds on say the 30th? (more details soon)


I'm going to GADV for proberably my last time or so till I move south.. Just for a laugh one person that will be attending is the guy responcible in 2005 for Rolling Thunder's speil "Yehaw! ride the thunder!" and other such related speils.


Anyway if you want to attend please write a meet up spot. We'll be around. I should think it would be prefered to meet up around Nitro at 2:30'ish.



Catch'ya at the parks!



Sean "See's a massive trip report showing up! "Chappell

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I'm going to come out in August and hang out with Robb and Elissa. Will you be there too?!?!?


How Immature can you get..jesus H *stops there*


Joey can you not act like a 2 year old and leave what was done alone! Jesus your such an idiocincratic/idiotic person when it comes to these things. You should learn to let things go.



Besides you were a fan boy once to ! haha!


You know for someone in thier early 20's you'd figure you'd be able to be more mature. Mummy fan boy's jeez.



"Milestone reached 300th post!"

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I tried messaging you in the chat, but you never responded. I'm going to come out in August and hang out with Robb and Elissa. Will you be there too?!?!? Maybe Dan can come too!

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Agreed Mike. Being a smart ass just for the sake of being a smart ass when you're not contributing anything to the conversation is a waste of bandwidth. The OP asked a legit question and got jumped all over by smart ass response after smart ass response. It's not a matter of not getting a joke, it's a matter of some posters repeatedly not being respectful of others.



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Agreed Mike. Being a smart ass just for the sake of being a smart ass when you're not contributing anything to the conversation is a waste of bandwidth. The OP asked a legit question and got jumped all over by smart ass response after smart ass response. It's not a matter of not getting a joke, it's a matter of some posters repeatedly not being respectful of others.





Julie I couldn't have said it better myself . Thank you ! *applauds*

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Geez. I really wanted to meet up in August too. I guess I just can't take a hint. I should have known that when my question goes unanswered for so long, the other person probably doesn't want to hang out with me. I should have also known that everything is serious on TPR. No one ever jokes around here. Sorry.


Bottom line: you guys are no fun and extremely disrespectful.

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Joey please stop! Is that all you are good for is annoying persistance? I seriously dont want to this to turn into a flame thread but to me it looks like you are trying to egg it on. Now will you please grow up and just stop already!


EDIT: This thread as deviated from its original topic due to act of a self indulgant annoying individual.

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This thread would have been buried at the bottom of page two by now if my questions didn't keep it alive. I rule. And I'm obviously being totally serious too. I promise. Really.

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^Dude, if you aren't going to meet up with DarkStitch to begin with, why does it bother you so much? I looked at the thread, saw the dates, knew I couldn't make it, and moved on. Joey's right, if he hadn't posted, I wouldn't have even bothered looking back at this.


Stitch, I is um be not going to Great Adventure again until ET opens.


Joey, I don't know exactly what your plans are yet for August, but I should be around on the weekends, and would totally LOVE to meet up with you and show you around the parks!

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^Dude, if you aren't going to meet up with DarkStitch to begin with, why does it bother you so much? I looked at the thread, saw the dates, knew I couldn't make it, and moved on. Joey's right, if he hadn't posted, I wouldn't have even bothered looking back at this.


Stitch, I is um be not going to Great Adventure again until ET opens.


Joey, I don't know exactly what your plans are yet for August, but I should be around on the weekends, and would totally LOVE to meet up with you and show you around the parks!


Because it was pissing Darkstitch(Sean) off. Well he is my friend and seeing my friend getting pissed off I just retaliated like any good friend would do. This so called "thing" or others call it "joke" going on between Joey and Sean goes far behond this thread and I know everything thats going on. So I just got fed up with it. Well anyways I am glad that you saw this thread to reply to Sean. Weather it be through Joey or whoever. At least this thread is doing what it's supposed to be doing.

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Can anyone make it out here to GADV on April 15th?


Or, Carowinds on say the 30th? (more details soon)



Not possible for me, but I will definitely let you know if I head to Carowinds in the future. It probably wouldn't be until 07, but I definitely want to head there sometime. Are you going to be near any other parks? I also plan on heading to Dollywood next year, I know that's like 100 something miles away from PC but I don't know exactly where you're moving to.



Or you could just make a kamakaze PCW trip

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Can anyone make it out here to GADV on April 15th?


Or, Carowinds on say the 30th? (more details soon)



Not possible for me, but I will definitely let you know if I head to Carowinds in the future. It probably wouldn't be until 07, but I definitely want to head there sometime. Are you going to be near any other parks? I also plan on heading to Dollywood next year, I know that's like 100 something miles away from PC but I don't know exactly where you're moving to.



Or you could just make a kamakaze PCW trip



Nicole, Dollywood is 3 hours from my new house that can easily be arranged hehe.


As for Carowinds. 8 minutes.! lol


Parks I will be near ..hmmm GADV for now. not gonna be able to go to Dorney ,maybe once this year.


I'm headed up to MarineLand one day next year and making a trip for SFNE and such so hehe. thats 1/100th of my trips for 07.

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