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Zonga at SFMW

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If you look through the list of Thrill Rides on the official SFMW site, Zonga is no longer listed. Is this something new, or... what?


Where is Zonga?


If it is officially gone (or going to be) that would be very sad. It means my local park has one less coaster, and that means I probably won't get a chance to ride it. And it looked like a pretty awesome one.

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SFMW has more Anton coasters SBNO than even AstroWorld has! It would be nice if it reopened this year, as I'd like to have another ride on it. I've been on it at AstroWorld back when it was Texas Tornado, but only managed 1 ride because of the hot, humid weather resulting in a thunderstorm every 20 minutes. Plus it was back when it would only run 1 train on the circuit at a time, resulting in long lines.


If they are going to sell it, hopefully the buyer can fix the "problems" with the trains and return the inversion to their old self. Send Thriller back to the German Fair circuit where it will run like it was meant to, all out with multiple trains. You won't even notice your spine getting crushed by the accordian restraints when you've kicked back a few steins!


With all the known problems it has though, I doubt they'd be able to sell the coaster to any US park, so if it doesn't go back on the traveling circuit, you may have to go to Central or South America to ride this bad boy. If a Vekoma Whirlwind can find a happy home there, surely this thing can!

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When I was there this past summer, it just looked like a headbanger. Those loops just look pretty painful. I just hope SFMW gets something new, I don't care about any record breakers or anything, it would just be nice to get it's coaster count up.


Also, SFMW needs to stop with all of the Vekoma rides. A new B&M is the perfect remedy for an already great park.

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The front seat was pretty much the only way to go with Zonga in its SFMW form IMO. You could use the bars on the front of the train to pull your head out of the restraints a bit, but it was still rough by most people’s standards. I can’t count how many times I got off Zonga in its first/early second year and heard the GP talking about how the ride “really smashed their ears.”


I personally enjoyed Zonga as long as I was near the front row, and there wasn’t much of a line. It’s a very unique ride.

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maybe a company like premier can strip it of all its mechanical parts and have it fitted with new parts (even if it means they have to manufacture new steel, if they could fix up the first drop, I'm sure they could fix up the rest) and then also have them redisign the restraint system so its "safe" enough for them.

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maybe a company like premier can strip it of all its mechanical parts and have it fitted with new parts (even if it means they have to manufacture new steel, if they could fix up the first drop, I'm sure they could fix up the rest) and then also have them redisign the restraint system so its "safe" enough for them.


Sounds like it would be a lot easier just building a new ride.

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maybe a company like premier can strip it of all its mechanical parts and have it fitted with new parts (even if it means they have to manufacture new steel, if they could fix up the first drop, I'm sure they could fix up the rest) and then also have them redisign the restraint system so its "safe" enough for them.


Premier is responsible for the problems after it left SFAW .. the changing of the drop, restraint system.


Can't have lapbars due to the clearences, hell it ran the accordian restraints in Germany.

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Seems that ever since it was moved to the Six Flags parks, it has been waiting to die. I hesitate to say that it was a victim of the old management, but I suspect they make have played a part.


Zonga could really do with having 4 point harnesses like Magnum Force has. They mould to they body, and prevent a lot of the uncomfortable sideways movement.

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Man, I'd hate to see this ride die just because of some clearance issues....


And I'm not just talking about what SFMW should do with it, I'm generally thinking about what they can do with it to keep it lasting at any park. But since SFMW isn't too far away, it'd be nice if they kept it there and fixed those major problems.

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