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Shuttle Loops Or Boomerangs

Shuttle Loops Or Boomrangs  

73 members have voted

  1. 1. Shuttle Loops Or Boomrangs

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    • Boomerangs

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If you mean Shwartzkof shuttle loops then YES!!! Those are what I call "20 seconds of pure insanity!" in a good way.


As for boomerangs...well...I've only been on 2 boomerang coasters, both were inverted (Deja Vu SFOG, and Face/Off at PKI), there okay. Not super great, but not really bad either.

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Boomerang for me. There isn't a wide variety of different types of shuttle loops. If you rode one, you've rode almost all of them. If you ride a normal boomerang, you still have yet to ride an Invertigo and a giant inverted boomerang like Deja Vu.

I dunno....to me these are all quite different:




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^ I never really thought a launched, complete circuit roller coaster with a single loop is a shuttle loop. But I guess it is a shuttle loop, just with more BBQ sauce, or what ever the phrase was.


Arrow shuttle loops have a similar concept as the Shwarzkopf, just a bit crappier. Its like a Vekoma SLC and a B&M B:TR. Different specs, different layouts(sort of), similar concept.


I completely forgot about Premier rides. Not that many people would think Premier made shuttle loops because there isn't a lot of them. Come to think about it, theres only one.

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^ I never really thought a launched, complete circuit roller coaster with a single loop is a shuttle loop. But I guess it is a shuttle loop, just with more BBQ sauce, or what ever the phrase was.
Um none of those are complete circuit...


Personally I am torn I love the old Shwartzkof ones but I think the old Arrow style with the drops is a heck of a lot of fun. I mean that air off the end is pretty damn cool.


Of course one could say the main disqualifier of Boomers being any good is as far as I know only Vekoma makes boomers... I know I have seen some similar styles but none with the same layout as the traditional boomer that I am sure the poll is about.


Oh and seriously am I doing something wrong on the Elitches Boomer? It kills me everytime I go on it but Twister seems to have no problem

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^ I never really thought a launched, complete circuit roller coaster with a single loop is a shuttle loop.

You would be right. It wouldn't be a shuttle loop then.


I completely forgot about Premier rides. Not that many people would think Premier made shuttle loops because there isn't a lot of them. Come to think about it, theres only one.
IMO, they only made one - Speed the ride. None of the others actually included a "loop".


If you tried to count Chiller or the Freezes, they are almost more like launched Boomerangs and less like a traditional 'shuttle loop'


To be honest, when I saw the poll in my mind I considerd it being "Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loops versus a standard Vekoma Boomerang."



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Well, I don't think there is too much of a difference. It's not really a matter of coaster type. It's more like company preferations. Vekoma makes all of the boomerangs I know of, and Schwartzkoph makes all the shuttle loops I've ridden. I prefer boomerangs over loops. Boomerangs have 3 (6) inversions, no matter how rough, and loops have 1 (2) inversions. Now, if B&M started designing boomerangs, I think everyone would have a different opinion.


Oops, I forgot about Premier and Arrow. But Vekoma and Schwartzkoph are the major producers.

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Even though I chose Shuttle Loops over Boomerangs, I just dont get why boomerangs get such a bad rap. I've been on a bunch and some were no where NEAR rough like Sidewinder at Hershey and the going backward up the spike is actually pretty cool since you never know when its gonna let go, it gives it a little suspense.

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I love a Schwarzkopf shuttle, but the old Arrows were fun too. They had the extra thrill factor of climbing the long sets of steps to the platform and the whole tower shaking with every launch. Especially if it was your first looping coaster, the experience was absolutely terrifying. Add to that the way the track just ends. Arrow shuttles were pretty good in their day.


My first loop:



Looking down from the platform:


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