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Jamie´s School Dinners


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Jamie´s School Dinners



Jamie´s School Dinners is a docu-soap from the UK. Jamie Oliver is a fantastic and famous cook from the UK. He has his own restaurant and own TV show! I really like to see what he is cooking, mostly it looks very delicious! He wants to change the fast food stuff into some healthy good food, at UK schools!

However, I have seen the docu a few times and I am really scared how bad the food is, at the UK schools! Is the food really that bad? I mean it looks like they only get hamburger, fries, chicken nuggets, pizza and hot dogs every day for lunch! Is here someone from the UK, who knows how good / bad the food is at the schools?


LINK: Jamies´s School Dinners



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Yes, it really is that bad. My primary school (ages 4-11) wasn't too bad, they used to push the healthy eating thing, but at high school and sixth-form, it was ALL junk. I certainly never complained, I'm not big on the green stuff, but health wise.... Not good. Jamie Oliver's doing good work.

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My school meals were attrocious.


In my primary school it was generally,

Pizza/ Fish Fingers/ Chicken Drumsticks/ Sausage.

Some sort of vegetable maybe...

Mash Potato/ Smiley Faces


And that was lunch. It was horrible. Good at the time but looking back now...


Secondary school got no better but I survived on baked potatos with butter cheese + beans.


And now at Sixth Form it's healthy eating at the local sandwich shop!


Jamie Olivers program really did shock me into how much crap there was going into all these meals. And from people I know still at my secondary school they say the meals have changed into Lasanges and Currys and stuff.

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well being much older - I have to say in my day school meals consisted of real food with vegetables and meat every day. Fries were seen maybe once every 6 months, and salad served in the summer. Fresh fruit was always available also as well as the usual desserts.


I went to a normal state school - so not sure what went wrong in the intervening years. A case of going back to the old values perhaps?

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Yeah, food is pretty rubbish, and this is coming from someone in college. All of the more healthy stuff is alot more expensive. Nearly £4 for a sandwhich.


Don't like Oliver alot though. Ever since this aired, he's gone up his own arse alot.

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I actually cut out an article related to this, for a geography project a month ago. Supposedly, Jamie's trying to convert Canadian schools to "junk-free zones".




IMO, I think our high school has great food (except the burgers, but I see it as a fair trade) at reasonable prices. I only buy it about 2 days out of the week, though. 2 pizza slices, a heap of fries, and a pop costs $5.15.

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Yes, it really is true that the food in our schools are crap. I never eat out of the canteen because the food is like a piece of *cough* Shit *cough*. They are all processed foods. A nice Chicken Tikka filled baguette from the Sandwich Emporium is delicious and alot more nutritious. Although, at the minute, we are in the process of getting a new canteen. It will be opening when I get back to school in December. The teachers say that the food will be alot nicer.


I think it would be great if Jamie Oliver came over to our school. I like eating healthly and also, there is alot better taste of hand made foods.

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US school food is really bad, for the most part. We did have a salad bar at one point in my elementary school but the quality of the produce was very poor.


Soren, you should watch Super Size Me, there is a part that shows the school food programs and the big businesses that are involved.


I know there are people who don't like this movie and feel that it is unfair toward McDonald's and whatnot, but I thought the part about school lunches was particularly important.

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I think you kids here in the U.S. are complaining simply on the basis that you don't like the food. The food here in the US is, for the most part, regulated and actually somewhat nutritious.


The problem with Uk schools is that they are basically just filling their stomachs, but not giving them any of the health benefits(IE- nutrients, vitamns, minerals, or even taste) that usual comes with a full stomach.

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The regulations that the US sets are minimum standards. Soda and pizza is not exactly the healthiest meal, but it can be argued that several food groups are represented and therefore constitutes an acceptable meal.



I beg to differ on that. So much of what I saw in my school's cafeteria was swimming in grease. Just because it has meat or cheese on it, doesn't necessarily mean it's healthy. And then there's the sodium content from all the preservatives. The US has been very lax on enforcing healtier standards for school lunches.




Hattuchili, is it true that German schools have beer in their vending machines? I've met numerous exchange students from around Europe, and I've neard something about this.

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