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My Computer Crashed!!

Erik Johnson

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Well my computer finally crashed on me, at least I did backup all my pictures I have taken on CD. Everything else....Its ok lol. Anyways I posted this to see if there is any recommendations on which machine/specs I should buy next. Yes I would like to be up to date in being able to play some of the latest video games so I guess this will cost me more $$$. Any tips would be helpful...also how do I get my old computer working again?

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I would buy a Sony computer. It helps with my profit sharing!


Oops, did I say that?


Actually, I would buy a Sony or eMachine. Yes, I said eMachine. For what you get with an eMachine, it's a good value for the $. You might want to purchase a better video card though for your gaming. I assume you don't play Solitate.

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I have had almost nothing but Dell's over the past few years (mostly due to Activision's great deal with Dell) and I have never had a problem with any of the desktops (the laptops are a whole other problem!)


So I would reccomend a Dell desktop.


As for the eMachine, all I can say is that my eMachine that I bought about 7 years ago is the most reliable machine I have EVER had! That P-500 is STILL in use today as a DVD burner and it has never crashed and I've never EVER had a problem with it. And it even was moved from California to Baltimore back to California again!


I have no idea what the current eMachine configs are, but if you were interested in one at all, I do reccomend them based on my experience with my one eMachine.



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I recommend my Compaq Presario 5220. It has never crashed on me (*knocks on wood*) even with the numerous times I've filled up the hard drive.


It came factory installed with the latest and greatest operating system of all time...WINDOWS 98 (First Edition), has a whopping 8GB hard drive, 64MB Ram, a 32x CD-Rom drive and 2..count 'em 2 USB ports!


Sure I've made a few upgrades over the 7 years I've owned this puppy (like adding a network card...) but for the time I've had it, and the number of times I've moved with it (7 going on 8 ) it's held up very well!


and when I upped the RAM to 256MB, I can run Photoshop AND Dreamweaver at the same time! it's smokin'! (no really, it's literally smoking..eek! lol j/k)


So..I've had good look with Compaq. I think they're HP now.

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I worked at a PC repair store last year and 80% of the problems were spyware. It sounds like this could be you problem.


Try downloading and running Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy and see if it fixes your problem. Then stop looking at porn.


As for a new PC, I say building one from scratch is the best way to go. I'm asuming you don't have much knowledge and don't have any clue were you would start on building one. I think the best way to get a new PC is to go to a small computer store. They can build anything you want with parts that they know arn't crap and in most cases will give you a good price.

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I think a custom rig would be the best way to go. You can salvage the good parts from your old comp and upgrade the motherboard, CPU, video, etc.

I tend to buy most of my parts from www.tigerdirect.com


Also, how did your old comp "crash". Did the hard drive make strange noises, the system simply refuse to power up, or is there smoke coming out of the power supply?

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I agree with the DELL crowd.


My last two computers have been Dell machines, and I've never had any problems with either.


They have all sorts of special deals all the time (Free shipping Etc..)


You can get a decent desktop for $500.00, you can also configure your computer anyway you want.

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We have had our eMachine for 2-1/2 years and have yet to have a problem with it. We got it at Costco.


I believe that Gateway acquired eMachines (at least Consumer Reports says that).


We have Dells at work and have had no problems with them, either.



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Depend's on what you want, if you want a games machine, build one, hand's down - no pre built for the same price will touch it (and forget about people like alienware and falcon northwest, DAMN expensive). I'd reccomend an AMD 64 (SKT 939) 3500, a gig of RAM (go for a brand like Corsair, not cheapo stuff), any hard drive you want (but SATA II is where it's at, apparently) and defo PCI Express graphic's, and if you can afford it: Crossfire or SLI, but that would put a BIG hurt on the wallet.


If you just qant a machine for everyday use, by all mean's, buy a Dell, but just get an AGP 8x graphic's card for sure, and dont settle for anything less than 512mb of memory - ever. Personally, I'd never buy a Dell - as an enthusiast I pick holes: Crap cases, cheap memory, intergrated sound and graphic's, and godforbid ....... a crap and inefficent PSU *shudder's* ..... Dell, IMO have one thing good in their computer's ... Foxconn motherboard's, they roxorz!


EDIT: Intel P4 processors in them too! *Shake's head tutting* Go AMD!

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WoW! Thanks for all the information. I ended up reinstalling Windows on my computer today and it seems to be working ok now. I guess one good thing is that I now have a clean computer. I dont think it was spyware that crashed my computer, It may be the fact that my computer is now almost 6 years old.

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