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NEWS: Geauga Lake & Cedar Point Attendance Down

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Geauga Lake still stuck in slump


Geauga Lake, in its second season under Cedar Fair stewardship, saw no improvement this year over last year's dismal attendance figures.


Even with its new, $15 million Wildwater Kingdom water park, only about 700,000 visitors came to Geauga Lake in Aurora in the 2005 season.


Cedar Fair spokeswoman Stacy Frole said that although Geauga Lake's attendance was disappointing, the company is counting on a better 2006, after the $9 million second phase of Wildwater Kingdom will be complete.


Cedar Fair also said Tuesday that attendance at its flagship park, Cedar Point, was down 3 percent, to 3.1 million, from last year. It was the second year of attendance decline for the Sandusky amusement park.


Cedar Point said Monday it will permanently lower its prices for adult admission by $5 and establish a senior rate of $9.95 for children, those 62 or older, and adults under 4 feet tall.

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This doesn't really surprise me at all. While GL may "look" nice, Cedar Fair just doesn't seem to know how to make two parks within close proximity of each other succeed. If you take a drive through Cleveland, I guarantee you will see more CP billboards and advertisements than you do at GL. Turn on the tv and I guarentee you will see more CP commercials than GL. You can't just buy a park and expect people to come to it if there isn't major advertisement of changes. All they've really done to the waterpark at this point is just moved it. Next year will be better, but taking out the animal side was a really dumb idea. If they want to get people back to the park, a waterpark upgrade isn't going to do it, nor is an unadvertised price drop. They need to pull some sort of Six Flags 2000 action and advertise it if they want people. Aside from the four coasters put in 2000 (doesn't necesarrily need to be that drastic), I remember seeing advertisements for the park in my hometown which is 7 hours away in another state. Pretty much in Cedar Fair's case, poor marketing= poor attendance.

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How much lower can GL's admission go? It's $25 for the park. I think it's a good deal, considering you get an amusement park with about a ahlf a dozen coasters and some flats, plus a waterpark. The CP Getaway Guide has a coupon for $23 GL admission.

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How much lower can GL's admission go? It's $25 for the park. I think it's a good deal, considering you get an amusement park with about a ahlf a dozen coasters and some flats, plus a waterpark. The CP Getaway Guide has a coupon for $23 GL admission.


I think it's an excellent deal, but they just didn't advertise it very well.

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