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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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  XYZ said:

Plain GP stupidity.


Am I the only one who finds this incredibly funny? His very entertaining panic attack aside, I like how the two people behind him start screaming in order to freak him out even more. Either that, or the guy was doing it on purpose, just to put on a show.

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  XYZ said:
I do get annoyed whenever I go up a lift and people starting screaming, I mean it's not very intense going up a lift.


Perhaps they have a fear of heights?


I had a guest ask me if it was true that we have a real live great white shark swimming around our pond in front of our carousel..


I wish we did..then i'd name it Melvin.


then there was this conversation I had with some drunk guests who hopped over a small fence to sit on a rock while drinking..


Me: Hey folks, can I please have you come back over the fence, it's fenced off to make sure nobody goes over there..

them: Why?

Me: Safety

them: why?

me: Because there are Velociraptors that use the bushes as cover.

them: *hop over the fence quickly and take off running"

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  Nibbler said:
  XYZ said:
I do get annoyed whenever I go up a lift and people starting screaming, I mean it's not very intense going up a lift.


Perhaps they have a fear of heights?


I had a guest ask me if it was true that we have a real live great white shark swimming around our pond in front of our carousel..


I wish we did..then i'd name it Melvin.


then there was this conversation I had with some drunk guests who hopped over a small fence to sit on a rock while drinking..


Me: Hey folks, can I please have you come back over the fence, it's fenced off to make sure nobody goes over there..

them: Why?

Me: Safety

them: why?

me: Because there are Velociraptors that use the bushes as cover.

them: *hop over the fence quickly and take off running"


If they would be screaming on the lifts, then they would be screaming on observation towers.

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Today on my way home from school, I saw a kid on my bus wearing a Cedar Point jacket. We start talking about the coasters and then he says this. "Did you know that they made the magnets on Top Thrill Dragster make the ride go 150mph?!?!?" After he said that I just turned around and thought of why he would even think that...

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  MayTheGForceBeWithYou said:
On Robb's YouTube video of the Wild Eagle announcement:
Its not possible for a winged coaster to have a loop because the wing would hit the track beside it.




That's not a loop.

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A good friend of mine that I worked with at Cedar Point in 2008 just posted this to facebook. It's a list of stupid things people said to us while we were working at Ripcord/Skyscraper that year, and he wrote them down throughout the year. These are all 100% real.


-"So do the clouds all have to be white before you open back up?"


-"Tight is good! At least that's what my husband says." While strapping in at Skyscraper


-"That's the same ocean we saw in Tampa Bay last year!"


-"Buy one get one free... Does that mean one person buys one and the next person gets one free?"


-"How do you get to golf challenge?"


-"He said there is duct tape on the cables!"


-"Oh, this is our steering wheel." Referring to the foot bar


-"That forward flip was cool, especially with that ocean over there!"


-"Do we keep our arms locked so we don't hit the sides?"


-"Excuse me, do you know where the swim-up breakfast bar is?"


-"What's a wrist?"


-"Skyscraper was shorter last year." Skyscraper didn't exist last year...


-"There was more gravity on the last spin."


-"I was wondering if you give discounts after 8:00?"


-Pointing at Gemini "Wait, is that coaster a continuation of that one over there?" points at Mean Streak


-"Is Skyscraper cheaper in the morning?"


-"Do you guys still have Ripcord?"


-"If I have a one day ticket for Cedar Point, how long do I get to stay in the park?"


-"I thought we all just laid in one little blanket?" Referring to the individual flight suits


-"Do babies fly for free?"


-"Oh, that's for that spinner deal."


-"Is there any chance we'll hit Magnum?"


-"Why didn't you tell us it was going to rain?"

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This techincally isn't a weird thing the GP have said but it made me laugh.


I don't know if you guys know but at the moment in Thorpe Park there is a guy walking around in a sandwich board proclaiming that war is coming and to prepare for LC12. It's basically one big publicity stunt and the guy holds up signs about aliens and conspiracies and wanders about looking lost and crazy.


Anyway the other day they thought it would be fun for two fake police officers to chase him down outside Stealth as a little show for the guests. Unfortunately one GP thought he was a real crazy person being chased by the real police and clotheslined and tackled the guy as he made a run for it!

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Random Facebook user: "are you gunna make a new ride? for 2012"

Me: "Great America doesn't 'make' rides, as much as I used to think this when I was younger."

Random Facebook user (I take it that he doesn't like my response): "kaaaycoool i dont meember askiingg billy i remeber asking great america "

So apparently from responding on a fan page, I'm apparently a "Snobe" (I don't know...you try to figure that one out!) for responding that the park does not make rides, though I used to think that when I was a kid. Yup, gotta love the GP!



News flash: if you're going to post something on a fan page where other users can respond, don't get hissy when someone else responds...you should expect it!

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It's from an "enthusiast" from another website though I thought this is the best place to post it:


I haven't been on [Mean Streak] yet this year put I will go on it.[Mean Streak is] one of my favorite coasters,so I hope they never get rid of it.It will take alot of public outcry to have them move a coaster out of Cedar Point



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