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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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I also have complete trust in RMC- after marathoning TC last weekend, I can say that it is easily the best coaster I've ever ridden, and I am positive every one of their other rides is the same. If they converted Roar, I would be unimaginably excited, as SFDK is only about 20 minutes from my house and I could virtually ride it whenever I want. I know that if RMC does something with Roar, it'll be amazing, as is everything else they do.

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RMC saying they have a project in California doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be Roar, as it could be CGA or KBF, but combined with numerous reports that Roar will be closing later this season, plus CGA getting a Vortex/Rougarou and Cedar Fair's CEO stating that he doesn't want to mess with GhostRider, this is about as close to a confirmed fact as a rumor can get...I dont see how it could be anything else. I guess it possibly could be topper on GhostRider, but I doubt it.


Coasters that could benefit from topper track in CA?

- SCBB: Giant Dipper

- CGA: Grizzy (although its newly refurb's parts of track have made it a better ride)

- Knotts: Ghostrider (yes please)

- SFMM: Apocalypse

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Coasters that could benefit from topper track in CA?

- SCBB: Giant Dipper

- CGA: Grizzy (although its newly refurb's parts of track have made it a better ride)

- Knotts: Ghostrider (yes please)

- SFMM: Apocalypse

Giant Dipper does not fall into that category, but the other three do. Giant Dipper could be made smoother, but as it's a historical coaster I really think making it smoother would ruin it. It's not rough to the point of being uncomfortable now anyway, unlike GhostRider and Apocalypse.

Though GhostRider would probably benefit most from topper, it's unlikely to happen for a similar reason as Giant Dipper. It would probably need to get a lot worse before CF considered it. CF will never change GhostRider's layout, topper is the only thing they'd ever maybe do to it. That ride is as sacred to them as the Timber Mtn Log Ride or Calico Mine Ride. I don't personally agree, but I know that's how CF feels about it.

I don't think SFMM cares to makeover Apocalypse, I think they'd sooner demolish it and build something bigger and faster.

Grizzly might happen later, but won't be happening this year since they're already redoing a different coaster at CGA this year (Vortex). It's Roar, no doubt about it.

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Anyone who doubts RMC should ride ANY one, and you will instantly be converted. I have ridden Texas Giant, and it is hands down better than any other wood coaster I have ridden, except maybe El Toro. But even with this comparison, I have a hard time deciding which one is better. El Toro has a few hills that beat out Texas Giant's best hills, but IMO Texas Giant is a better paced ride with a much better ending. The fact that I am even able to make this comparison at all already says quite a lot about the quality of an RMC. Even the worst RMC (Goliath) has been getting glowing reviews. I would trade in the weakest RMC for Roar almost any day, let alone for something on the level of quality of Texas Giant.

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Anyone who doubts RMC should ride ANY one, and you will instantly be converted. I have ridden Texas Giant, and it is hands down better than any other wood coaster I have ridden, except maybe El Toro. But even with this comparison, I have a hard time deciding which one is better. El Toro has a few hills that beat out Texas Giant's best hills, but IMO Texas Giant is a better paced ride with a much better ending. The fact that I am even able to make this comparison at all already says quite a lot about the quality of an RMC. Even the worst RMC (Goliath) has been getting glowing reviews. I would trade in the weakest RMC for Roar almost any day, let alone for something on the level of quality of Texas Giant.

Couldn't have said it better. If it's anything like TC, I'll be ecstatic.

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Anyone who doubts RMC should ride ANY one, and you will instantly be converted. I have ridden Texas Giant, and it is hands down better than any other wood coaster I have ridden, except maybe El Toro. But even with this comparison, I have a hard time deciding which one is better. El Toro has a few hills that beat out Texas Giant's best hills, but IMO Texas Giant is a better paced ride with a much better ending. The fact that I am even able to make this comparison at all already says quite a lot about the quality of an RMC. Even the worst RMC (Goliath) has been getting glowing reviews. I would trade in the weakest RMC for Roar almost any day, let alone for something on the level of quality of Texas Giant.


Roar and a RMC coaster are two entirely diffrent beasts in my mind. If RMC does re-model roar into their own verison of it I just hope they don't install a inversion anywhere on the ride. as any other coaster taller then like 40 feet at the park has a inversion. 3 of the flat rides have inversions as well, 4 if we want to count dare devil in that list.


Park doesn't need anymore inversions.

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Anyone who doubts RMC should ride ANY one, and you will instantly be converted. I have ridden Texas Giant, and it is hands down better than any other wood coaster I have ridden, except maybe El Toro. But even with this comparison, I have a hard time deciding which one is better. El Toro has a few hills that beat out Texas Giant's best hills, but IMO Texas Giant is a better paced ride with a much better ending. The fact that I am even able to make this comparison at all already says quite a lot about the quality of an RMC. Even the worst RMC (Goliath) has been getting glowing reviews. I would trade in the weakest RMC for Roar almost any day, let alone for something on the level of quality of Texas Giant.


Roar and a RMC coaster are two entirely diffrent beasts in my mind. If RMC does re-model roar into their own verison of it I just hope they don't install a inversion anywhere on the ride. as any other coaster taller then like 40 feet at the park has a inversion. 3 of the flat rides have inversions as well, 4 if we want to count dare devil in that list.


Park doesn't need anymore inversions.

I've only been on Goliath so far but the inversions were some of the best inversions I've ever been on. I think RMC Riar will have at least one inversion and it'll be great and not disappoint anyone. Plus, GP love inversions.


Seriously, we might be getting an RMC in the Bay Area and people are criticizing it and saying what they hope it won't be like? If this seriously ends up happening, this could easily be the best coaster in the Bay Area, maybe even all of CA if it ends up beating out TC somehow.

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Coasters that could benefit from topper track in CA?

- SCBB: Giant Dipper

- CGA: Grizzy (although its newly refurb's parts of track have made it a better ride)

- Knotts: Ghostrider (yes please)

- SFMM: Apocalypse

Giant Dipper does not fall into that category, but the other three do. Giant Dipper could be made smoother, but as it's a historical coaster I really think making it smoother would ruin it. It's not rough to the point of being uncomfortable now anyway, unlike GhostRider and Apocalypse.

Though GhostRider would probably benefit most from topper, it's unlikely to happen for a similar reason as Giant Dipper. It would probably need to get a lot worse before CF considered it. CF will never change GhostRider's layout, topper is the only thing they'd ever maybe do to it. That ride is as sacred to them as the Timber Mtn Log Ride or Calico Mine Ride. I don't personally agree, but I know that's how CF feels about it.

I don't think SFMM cares to makeover Apocalypse, I think they'd sooner demolish it and build something bigger and faster.

Grizzly might happen later, but won't be happening this year since they're already redoing a different coaster at CGA this year (Vortex). It's Roar, no doubt about it.


Honestly, I don't see how it DOESN'T fall into that category when my statement was pretty plain. Being a coastline ride its exposed to a lot more elements than others, and sure, the argument to not topper track it could be nostalgic based but honestly it would benefit from the upgrade. Some rides on it (depending on the car) just plain beat the piss out of you. Is it likely to happen"? Nope. Would it benefit from the upgrade? Yup.


GhostRider is probably the one, out of all the woodies I listed, in need of it most! Consideration if it gets worse? IMHO if it gets worse its going to seriously hurt someone. Even in a middle car I was hurting bad... almost to the point of tapping out on rides and the park for the rest of the day. Now I avoid it like the plague. Just give me a full day of marathoning Xcelerator and I will be happy until that happens.


Demolishing Apocalypse is not best for business when it comes to the bottom line. You're going to pay double right off the bat for a new ride! Starting with the demo cost (which isn't cheap - we are talking equipment rentals, labor costs up the wazzooo - not to mention all the permits for said demolition, the cost of disposing of its materials, etc). After thats done you're taking on the price of designing and implementing a new ride (more parts, labor, permits, etc), when all they need to do is topper an un-altered layout. Topper it off, forego the redesign of an Iron Horse treatment and keep it the way it is. Just make it smoother and capitalize off TC's promotion. "Brought to you by the same company that brought you Twisted Colossus!" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Cash in.


I'm Laqueefa, and I approve this message.


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If Ghostrider made you want to not ride any more rides the rest of the day, I don't think you're cut out for theme parks. My wife, who's not nearly the enthusiast I am, handled it with no issues yesterday and my 11 year old son wanted to ride it over and over. Its definitely rough, but it's not painful


Now back to Roar.... I just rode TC for first 3 times today. Holy crap.... Easily my #1 coaster now. I really hope these Roar rumors are true.

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Coasters that could benefit from topper track in CA?

- SCBB: Giant Dipper

- CGA: Grizzy (although its newly refurb's parts of track have made it a better ride)

- Knotts: Ghostrider (yes please)

- SFMM: Apocalypse

Giant Dipper does not fall into that category, but the other three do. Giant Dipper could be made smoother, but as it's a historical coaster I really think making it smoother would ruin it. It's not rough to the point of being uncomfortable now anyway, unlike GhostRider and Apocalypse.

Though GhostRider would probably benefit most from topper, it's unlikely to happen for a similar reason as Giant Dipper. It would probably need to get a lot worse before CF considered it. CF will never change GhostRider's layout, topper is the only thing they'd ever maybe do to it. That ride is as sacred to them as the Timber Mtn Log Ride or Calico Mine Ride. I don't personally agree, but I know that's how CF feels about it.

I don't think SFMM cares to makeover Apocalypse, I think they'd sooner demolish it and build something bigger and faster.

Grizzly might happen later, but won't be happening this year since they're already redoing a different coaster at CGA this year (Vortex). It's Roar, no doubt about it.


Honestly, I don't see how it DOESN'T fall into that category when my statement was pretty plain. Being a coastline ride its exposed to a lot more elements than others, and sure, the argument to not topper track it could be nostalgic based but honestly it would benefit from the upgrade. Some rides on it (depending on the car) just plain beat the piss out of you. Is it likely to happen"? Nope. Would it benefit from the upgrade? Yup.


GhostRider is probably the one, out of all the woodies I listed, in need of it most! Consideration if it gets worse? IMHO if it gets worse its going to seriously hurt someone. Even in a middle car I was hurting bad... almost to the point of tapping out on rides and the park for the rest of the day. Now I avoid it like the plague. Just give me a full day of marathoning Xcelerator and I will be happy until that happens.


Demolishing Apocalypse is not best for business when it comes to the bottom line. You're going to pay double right off the bat for a new ride! Starting with the demo cost (which isn't cheap - we are talking equipment rentals, labor costs up the wazzooo - not to mention all the permits for said demolition, the cost of disposing of its materials, etc). After thats done you're taking on the price of designing and implementing a new ride (more parts, labor, permits, etc), when all they need to do is topper an un-altered layout. Topper it off, forego the redesign of an Iron Horse treatment and keep it the way it is. Just make it smoother and capitalize off TC's promotion. "Brought to you by the same company that brought you Twisted Colossus!" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Cash in.


I'm Laqueefa, and I approve this message.


As weird as it sounds, I think Apocalypse SHOULD get the iron horse treatment. MM doesn't have the best record when it comes to maintaining wooden coasters. Iron horse would eliminate the need for extensive maintenance.


Don't get me wrong Apocalypse has an amazing layout, but it's near unrideable in its current state. Even Ghostruder wasn't as bad in 2004 when it was six years old. Six Flags must do something with Apocalypse, and soon! It gets noticeably worse each season.

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I don't think you're cut out for theme parks.


Dude, that's like trying to argue that chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla. People are going to react and have different experiences with a common factor. Don't make me laugh, come on.

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Honestly, I don't see how it DOESN'T fall into that category when my statement was pretty plain. Being a coastline ride its exposed to a lot more elements than others, and sure, the argument to not topper track it could be nostalgic based but honestly it would benefit from the upgrade. Some rides on it (depending on the car) just plain beat the piss out of you. Is it likely to happen"? Nope. Would it benefit from the upgrade? Yup.


GhostRider is probably the one, out of all the woodies I listed, in need of it most! Consideration if it gets worse? IMHO if it gets worse its going to seriously hurt someone. Even in a middle car I was hurting bad... almost to the point of tapping out on rides and the park for the rest of the day. Now I avoid it like the plague. Just give me a full day of marathoning Xcelerator and I will be happy until that happens.

Well granted, you were purely talking about would it benefit, and almost any coaster would benefit. But the reason modification of either of those coasters is completely off the table is almost the same. Giant Dipper is actually on the National Register of Historic Places, so not only would SCBB be unlikely to want to modify it since it's 90 years old and still the most popular attraction in their park (And still running great btw - it never beats me up), I don't even know if they would be allowed to. GhostRider does need it most and would benefit from it the most, but unfortunately that's still moot, because Matt Ouimet has been clear in stating that because it was the last ride planned by Walter Knott, he and CF are unwilling to mess with it at all.


This is all fine with me cause as well as it's been running lately, I would absolutely love to see Roar made over. Any new major attraction at SFDK is exciting as hell to me. An RMC coaster in my backyard is beyond my wildest dreams.

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I am planning on going to the park this weekend. I am trying to decide on the day, with my preference being Sunday. I found out today that this weekend the Toyota/Save Mart 350 NASCAR race will be taking place, with the heaviest congestion being Sunday on Highway 37. My question then is, which day would be better to go to Discovery Kingdom, Saturday or Sunday? (I know the park itself would be less crowded on Sunday, but it's the traffic getting there I'm worried about.) Thanks.

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I am planning on going to the park this weekend. I am trying to decide on the day, with my preference being Sunday. I found out today that this weekend the Toyota/Save Mart 350 NASCAR race will be taking place this weekend, with the heaviest congestion being Sunday on Highway 37. My question then is, which day would be better to go to Discovery Kingdom, Saturday or Sunday? (I know the park itself would be less crowded on Sunday, but it's the traffic getting there I'm worried about.) Thanks.
I'll be there on Sunday too, we're probably just going to leave about a half hour early incase the traffic jam spills onto I-80 (We're coming from Sacramento).

If you're coming from north of San Quentin just take he 580 across the Richmond San Rafael Bridge instead of 37. Takes about 20 mins longer but you shouldnt have any traffic issues since all the race fans are going the other way.

Coming from SF simply take the bay bridge. If the exit for 37 is jammed up just go one more exit up and take Fairgrounds Dr back to the park.


EDIT: noticed your profile says Millbrae. You can either go up through SF and take the Bay Bridge, or you can take the San Mateo bridge to the 880 N to I-80 E. Bay Bridge is probably your quickest route. Trying to go all the way up 101 to 37 would be an absolute nightmare this Sunday.

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Thanks for getting back to me and for your traffic recommendations. I do live in Millbrae. Originally, I was planning to leave Sunday between 8:40 and 8:45, but now I'm thinking that would be too late. So, as for the actual day, which do you think would be better overall, looking at things from a traffic and park standpoint? Thanks.

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Thanks for getting back to me and for your traffic recommendations. I do live in Millbrae. Originally, I was planning to leave Sunday between 8:40 and 8:45, but now I'm thinking that would be too late. So, as for the actual day, which do you think would be better overall, looking at things from a traffic and park standpoint? Thanks.

If I were you I'd take the Bay Bridge. Take 101 N to I-80/Bay Br East, take exit for 37 W and then immediately get off at Fairgrounds Drive. (You'll need $5 for the Carquinez Br toll unless you have FasTrak - that bridge collects tolls on east bound lanes)


If you check traffic before you leave and find 101 south of the Bay Bridge to be a mess, you can alternatively head south on 101, then take 92 east across the San Mateo Bridge, then take 880 N until you get to I-80 E and follow from there. That way takes about 20 min longer than just taking the Bay Br.


The park opens at 10:30, we're aiming to be there by 9:30. I like to be there at rope drop and get my Superman rides in before there's a line.

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So are you saying I should be ok with Sunday (regarding the two days), as long as I give myself plenty of time to get there? (I've never gone on a race weekend before, which is what has me really worried.) For the time, should leaving a little before 8:30 in Millbrae be sufficient or would that not be enough? (I noticed a little while ago, the time to get to the park from my house was an hour and 6 minutes.) Thanks again.

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So are you saying I should be ok with Sunday (regarding the two days), as long as I give myself plenty of time to get there? (I've never gone on a race weekend before, which is what has me really worried.) For the time, should leaving a little before 8:30 in Millbrae be sufficient or would that not be enough? (I noticed a little while ago, the time to get to the park from my house was an hour and 6 minutes.) Thanks again.

Yeah, that should be fine. I've gone on race day before and didn't encounter any traffic. The only place I wonder if you'll see it is on the 101 N through San Francisco because people in SF and the south bay headed to the race would go that direction - but unlike the 2-lane Highway 37, there's more capacity on 101, so it may or may not be a problem. Load up google maps before you leave, look at live traffic and see if 101 is red. If it is, take the San Mateo Bridge instead.


It looks like the race starts at noon, so we may beat the traffic anyway. It's sure not gonna stop me. Hell this is a small park anyway, there's plenty of time to get everything done that you want to do no matter how late you get there.

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I went to the park for a few hours yesterday, and when I went to Medusa at one or two in the afternoon, it was an absolute walk on! Half of the rows were empty, and a one or two train wait for the front. It is astounding the difference in Medusa's line in the morning and the afternoon!

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I went to the park for a few hours yesterday, and when I went to Medusa at one or two in the afternoon, it was an absolute walk on! Half of the rows were empty, and a one or two train wait for the front. It is astounding the difference in Medusa's line in the morning and the afternoon!

It's funny that I've never really noticed that since I'm usually done and heading for the parking lot by that time

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I will be heading to te park next week, probably on Saturday the 4th. Not the ideal day to go, but I have to go to NorCal for work and I'm going to head up early so I can hit the park. I'm a SFMM Gold pass holder, so I assume that I get free parking and early entry at SFDK as well. My plan is to head straight to Superman and get as many rides as possible before the line gets too crazy. I would appreciate any other tips you might have for a first timer at the park. I'm staying the entire day, so my goal is to get multiple rides on the main coasters and and still have time to ride some of the more thrilling flats. I've wanted to check out Superman ever since it opened, so I'm stoked to finally get a chance to ride it.

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I've been there on the 4th a couple of years. Honestly, it's no worse than a typical Saturday at SFMM. DK tends to draw a younger crowd who stay away from the coasters other than Roar. It will be crowded, don't get me wrong, but there should be no more than a 45 minute wait for anything. Superman is a great, albeit short ride. V2 is pretty fun too, and unique. Medusa is the best ride in the park, better than Scream at MM. Kong and Boomerang are what they are.

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I will be heading to te park next week, probably on Saturday the 4th. Not the ideal day to go, but I have to go to NorCal for work and I'm going to head up early so I can hit the park. I'm a SFMM Gold pass holder, so I assume that I get free parking and early entry at SFDK as well. My plan is to head straight to Superman and get as many rides as possible before the line gets too crazy. I would appreciate any other tips you might have for a first timer at the park. I'm staying the entire day, so my goal is to get multiple rides on the main coasters and and still have time to ride some of the more thrilling flats. I've wanted to check out Superman ever since it opened, so I'm stoked to finally get a chance to ride it.
Yes you do get free parking. There's no park early entry, but if you do Medusa first instead of Superman, they let you into Oasis Plaza 10 or 15 minutes before the rest of the guests. In my experience though, they usually don't start loading trains until the park opens, so the only advantage you get is being in the front of the line for the first train. After that you're back in the regular queue. Kong won't even let you line up before the park opens, not that most people would want to.


V2 is pretty fun if you havent done those Intamin shuttles before. I find the last row to be the best, I love the hangtime/weightlessness at the peak of the rear tower. If you don't usually mind SLCs too much, Kong is fun as SLCs go in my opinion. Turn your head into each turn and you wont get the headbanging. (Side note if you're bored or tired, standing near Kong's exit and listening to people come out of the exit cursing at the beating they just took is always fun)


SFDK's Boomerang is a bit of a head scrambler, I can't stand riding it more than once per day. Ride the back row of Roar for some satisfying unexpected pops of airtime. Same goes for Superman, some really good air in row 6 of SUF. When you do that slow roll on Superman right when you get upside down I like to look around and see who's got their hands up and who's grabbing the bar for dear life.

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Absolutely beautiful day at the park. Didn't hit any race day traffic and we were the first car in the lot. Great weather sunny but not to hot, park was running two trains on everything but Kong with light crowds so station waits all around. Walked around and saw the animals for a change and even actually went to Drench, first time I attended a show since I was a kid. Got what will probably be my farewell ride in on Roar and my first ride on the carnie loop, which was interesting but not terribly exciting.


Great photo my friend took of one of the penguins.


Roar was not terribly popular in the morning.


First ones at the park!


Pano shot I took of DareDevil after it went down and we were standing by the exit waiting for it to be back up.


Saw the butterflies for the first time in at least 15 years. Beautiful pond.


One of many butterflies, I just like how this photo came out.

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Here’s a trip report for yesterday. I thought for sure there would be traffic problems getting to the park because of the NASCAR race taking place in Sonoma, but thankfully there weren’t any. I did the new ride, Dare Devil Chaos Coaster, for the first time and liked it. While short in duration with not much to it, I thought it had good hang time. I did the Rock Wall Climbing Challenge and got to the top for the first time, though it was the easiest level. I paid $5 to use the dryer outside Tsunami Soaker and it felt good. I was disappointed that Voodoo was closed. The lines weren’t long, which was nice, all less than 30 minutes.

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