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Show Us Your Favorite Park Pictures

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Don't know if there has been a topic on this already or not, I searched and couldn't find one so if there is, sorry....


Like many others on here, when I'm at a park, I sometimes need 2 days just for the fact that I take so many pictures when I'm visiting one, especially if its my first visit. Over the the years, there have been so many trip reports here on TPR with amazing pictures, so I thought it would be fun to post your top 5 favorite pictures YOU have taken at parks. They can be of anything in a park, not just rides or coasters. Of course a lot of the pics we take, others have taken that exact same shot, but that doesn't mean you can't post it.


I know there are some incredible, funny, and generally awesome pics that you guys have out there, so let's see what you have, show us your favorites.


I've never had a fancy shmancy camera, so mine are nothing too incredible, but these are my 5 favorites, nothing special, just my favorites...


Top of Screamin' Eagle second hill during a walk during the off season at SFSTL


Diamondback KI


Thunderbird sun silhouette at HW


Pano of Maverick at CP


Batman at SFSTL in the snow

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I generally hate my photographs (especially compared to some of the talent on here) but I do enjoy taking them, I love looking at peoples photographs, and I like this thread. Here are some randoms that turned out OK. I guess.


One of my favorite moments of any ride at Dorney


Twisted mess of glorious force


Great White off season


El Toro by sunset



Mariners Pier (Moreys) Waveswinger and Giant Wheel




More Great White off season. Caught this as a storm rolled up the coast and shortly after had to take cover


Taken on my least favorite trip to Great Adv ever


But the skies that day were incredible. See?


On the edge of Kennywood


I don't know why I like this photo I just do. Early morning Zumi ERT last fall.

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Well I'm no photographer but I have taken a few pictures. Here's some of my favorites from Dorney.


Pardon the size of the images, the usual "upload photos" section wasn't working so I just embedded them in my post.


The view from the top of Demon Drop


Steel Force from Demon Drop


Steel Force at sundown


Dorney with a storm rolling in


Blurry picture of Steel Force


poorly framed picture of the morning trackwalk on Thunderhawk taken before work.

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Here are some of mine, nothing special but here you go:



Morning SpinCycle



Classic Coaster at the Washington State Fair



Rainier Rush and its next victims at the Washington State Fair



Cartoon decapitation, best sign at Silverwood



Tremors and Aftershock in the afternoon



Aftershock Flyby



And for some reason I like this pic of the wave swinger at the Washington State Fair

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