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Travel Channel's Xteme Waterparks showcasing Verruckt

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Well, at least with this one there's an appropriate amount of airtime. Where was the airtime slide that TPR rode a while ago?


Also, take a minute to proofread the title if you please. I'm just slightly bothered by the spelling of a particular word.

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I will say, I don't understand how the prototype had an 80ft initial drop and a 50ft 2nd hill, but they thought a 168ft initial drop with a 50ft hill would work for the real thing... (and how much do they have to be slowing it down so that it can barely make it back up said 50ft hill??)



They probably could reduce some of their trimming to make it go a bit faster (looks like there is a black padding at the bottom of the first drop, plus the 'trims' near the top). But the fact that they say it produces 5G's at the bottom makes me think this is unlikely. (How many G's would it have pulled at the original 65mph??)


The other thing (which obviously won't change now) is that they could have kept the 2nd hill the same height (but still changed the slope up it) and then also flattened out the top of it going down towards the 2nd drop so it wasn't so steep there. That way you'd still get some air, but the raft wouldn't have as far to fall back to the slide (inches vs feet).

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