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Photo TR: San Diego Zoo and Sea World


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Robb's comments about people seeming to be ignorant of what "Soak Zone" means remind me of the first time my family and I went to Sea World Florida. I figure that the latest this could've been is 1996.

The first thing we did, of course, was go to the Shamu Show. However, at that time "Splash Zone", not "Soak Zone", was used. We, for some reason, thought that this meant we wouldn't get very wet (In fact, perhaps they changed to "Soak Zone" for this reason). You can guess what happened! It took all day for us to dry off entirely, and my map later got torn quite a bit (since wet paper tears more easily, and the map was in my pocket during the show)! By the way, I still have that map.

However, something kinda cool happened that day, too. At that time, they did a "trivia quiz show" on the big screen before the actual show. Well, my sister got on! She didn't know the answer to the question, but I (being very interested in whales at the time) did. So, I stuck my hand into the view of the camera with the number of the right answer!


Oh, and Robb, I'll have to start taking your "photo teaser" comments with a grain of salt!

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I think you guys are being nasty.... Some people can't help being fat.... I do remember seeing photos of people on here not that long ago being on the fat side..... Shall we start taking the piss out of you...... sorry but bad taste thread......




I'm sorry, but this one bordered on cruel


I think the occasional fat joke is pretty funny, but this was a bit over the top, just my opinion, and I'm not angry or anything, just my thoughts

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I think you guys are being nasty.... Some people can't help being fat.... I do remember seeing photos of people on here not that long ago being on the fat side..... Shall we start taking the piss out of you...... sorry but bad taste thread......

GO FOR IT!!! I can laugh at myself as much as other people!


Here, if fact, I'll do it for you....


Elissa gets her photo taken with a fat, old, Shamu in a dorky stupid patch jacket. Wow, what a disgusting nerd.

I hope that chest hair doesn't attack her!






Happy now?


--Robb "Like Elissa says, we make fun of OURSELVES more than anyone else and if you don't like it, don't read it!" Alvey

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I actually support fat people that go to parks who can enjoy themselves without riding coasters. They help the parks bottom line with admission, help it again by eating 8 times a day, and then help me by not being anywhere in front of me in line for rolley rides!

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^^^^ LOL funny






Well, like I said, I wasn't angry or anything, I just felt it went a bit overboard, but DAMN, Robb, your just to funny, you post with all the pics of you is DAMN funny

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Robb, you crack me up, and I think it's great that you guys can take the piss out of yourselves (and everyone else, of course! ), but I have to ask, what the hell would you do if it turned out that one of the people you'd made comments about started posting on the site?!


"Hi, I'm Shamu, I was pictured with Elissa in San Diego in 2005... I am offended by the implication that I consume too many churros and eat small children as between meal snacks..."




And personally I find the patch-jacket slamming much more offensive than the fat jokes, I think those things are coming back into fashion and should be given the respect they deserve...

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Im not getting into some stupid row about wrongs and right at the end of the day it's yor website and you do what you want. I respect your thread about flamming. I made a post which I stand by, you read my thoughts on the thread, that's it, nothing personal.. Agree or disagree thats up to you. Personally I think it's up to you if you want to take the piss out of yourself it doesn't give you the right to take the serious piss out of others. But hey what the hell man. I been following your stuff for years and as I've PM'd you before have upmost respect for the stuff you provide and the efforts you put in. I'm not knocking you or Elissa I think you both rock I just think the thread is crude and am not the only one. Anyways enough said back to the naughty corner to fight the crusade for Shamu's everywhere

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Wow Robb! So Bethany and Dallas are your kids! It looks like you have a Great Family!


I'm sure your kids like telling their friends about the fun site that their Father and their Step-Mama run!


I imagine when your children are a little older that they will have to option to join you and Elissa on your Global Excursions! It's a Great Experience for Young Adults to visit Countries outside the United States!


What a Great Way to do it by visiting a lot of Theme Parks! Rather than the usual trip of seeing various Churches and Museums!

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